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Description: test比如你要采用spring和hibernate(带事务支持的话),你除了spring.jar外还需要hibernat.jar、aopalliance.jar、cglig.jar、jakarta-commons下的几个jar包。 http://www.springframework.org/download.html下载spring开发包,提供两种zip包 spring-framework-1.1.3-with-dependencies.zip和spring-framework-1.1.3.zip,我建议你下载spring-framework-1.1.3-with-dependencies.zip。这个zip解压缩后比后者多一个lib目录,其中有hibernate、j2ee、dom4j、aopalliance、jakarta-commons等常用包。-test for you to use and exploit spring (with the support of affairs), in addition you also need outside spring.jar hibernat.jar. aopalliance.jar, cglig.jar. JAKARTA - commons jar of several packages. Http : / / www.springframework.org / download.html under development kits containing spring. zip package offers two spring - framework-1.1.3 - with-depe ndencies.zip and spring - framework-1.1.3.zip. I suggest you download spring - framework-1.1.3 - with-depend encies.zip. The zip decompress after the latter more than a lib directory, which is Apache, creates, dom4j, aopalliance, JAKARTA - commons popular packages.
Platform: | Size: 355403 | Author: 我靠 | Hits:

[Other resourceHibernate_OR_mapping

Description: Object/Relational Mapping with Hibernate.ppt-Object / Relational Mapping with Hibernat e.ppt
Platform: | Size: 722184 | Author: 真实姓名 | Hits:

[Other resourcehibernatepx

Description: hibernate培训,包括hibernate培训教程.doc 和 hibernat培训.ppt-hibernate training, including hibernate Training Guide. doc and hibernat training. ppt
Platform: | Size: 340415 | Author: lqbzlqbz | Hits:

[Other resourcehibernat-ppt

Description: java开发中关于Hibernate方面的学习-java development on the learning Hibernate
Platform: | Size: 169183 | Author: ydh | Hits:


Description: 乐言新闻评论系统 1.0 是一个基于J2EE(Spring+Hibernate)环境下开发的新闻评论坛系统。请自行下载Hibernate 3.0,Spring 2.0,Jakarta Common等开源支持库。-music press reviews were 1.0 is a system based on J2EE (Spring + Hibernat e) Development Environment Forum news commentary system. Please use Download Hibernate 3.0, Spring 2.0, Jakarta Common support for such revenue.
Platform: | Size: 358617 | Author: 黄国峰 | Hits:


Description: 是我自己弄的java程序,hibernat的学习初级代码,给hibernate初学者看的-I get is the java procedures, the study hibernat junior code Beginners can hibernate for the
Platform: | Size: 5955 | Author: z | Hits:

[Other resourcehelloapp3

Description: 这是精通HIBERNAT数据对象持久化一书的源代码,需要的就下吧,部署到服务器就可运行-HIBERNAT data object of a sustained the source code, and we need it on the next. Servers can be deployed to Operation
Platform: | Size: 1673557 | Author: 经文 | Hits:


Description: hibernat参考手册,官方手册,用于给hibernate初学人员使用
Platform: | Size: 1014394 | Author: lmq | Hits:

[Other resourceSpringHibernateJSFTest

Description: Spring + hibernat + JSF
Platform: | Size: 2850208 | Author: liying | Hits:

[Other resourcehibernat

Description: 这是一个JAVA 课件,里面是讲解hibernat结构的。很好用的东西。
Platform: | Size: 105216 | Author: rose | Hits:


Description: 用struts/spring/hibernat做的进销存系统,有完整的设计文档
Platform: | Size: 22190328 | Author: zhousir | Hits:


Description: 现阶段内置模板可以生成的包括: 可以生成java的hibernat model+annotation,hibernate model+xml,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类 生成jsp的增删改查. (生成的代码与rapid-framework绑定才比较有意义) 通常代码生成器存在的问题. * 二次开发困难 * 过于智能,自动插入我们的项目中,程序员还需考虑旧的代码会不会被覆盖的问题 * 没有将存放模板的目录名称及文件名称利用起来,导致还需配置每个模板文件生成的文件名,目录结构 具体请查看我写的文章:为何代码生成器都要这么智能呢? 本代码生成器的特性 * 基于FreeMarker模板语言 * 基于数据库,并支持多种数据库(mysql,sql server,oracle测试通过) * 半手工方式,生成的代码放在某个目录,再手工拷贝回来工作区 * 易于做二次开发,整个生成器本身就是java源代码,源代码核心十分精简,并且鼓励你做修改代码,也可以作为任何语言的代码生成器 * 配置简单,只有一个配置文件generator.properties * 以application方式运行生成器,生成不同的table直接修改相关java代码即可 * 将文件系统的目录名称及文件名称作为生成器的一部分,模板文件的的名称与目录名称可以直接引用相关变量,如 ${basepackage}/${className}.java (${className}=Blog,则会生成Blog.java) * 以@testExpression结尾的模板文件为有条件忽略,如果testExpression的值在数据模型为true则生成该文件,生成的文件不会包含@testExpression,反之则不生成该文件(应用场景:用于在是否要生成hibernate联合主建的文件中) * 支持文件插入操作,如模板输出生成的地方已经有该同名的文件存在,并且文件中有包含"webapp-generator-insert- location"标记,则模板生成的内容会插入在该标记之后.该特性对如生成的spring配置内容插入spring配置文件十分有用
Platform: | Size: 3083258 | Author: jeekchen | Hits:

[Button controlwokao

Description: test比如你要采用spring和hibernate(带事务支持的话),你除了spring.jar外还需要hibernat.jar、aopalliance.jar、cglig.jar、jakarta-commons下的几个jar包。 http://www.springframework.org/download.html下载spring开发包,提供两种zip包 spring-framework-1.1.3-with-dependencies.zip和spring-framework-1.1.3.zip,我建议你下载spring-framework-1.1.3-with-dependencies.zip。这个zip解压缩后比后者多一个lib目录,其中有hibernate、j2ee、dom4j、aopalliance、jakarta-commons等常用包。-test for you to use and exploit spring (with the support of affairs), in addition you also need outside spring.jar hibernat.jar. aopalliance.jar, cglig.jar. JAKARTA- commons jar of several packages. Http :// www.springframework.org/download.html under development kits containing spring. zip package offers two spring- framework-1.1.3- with-depe ndencies.zip and spring- framework-1.1.3.zip. I suggest you download spring- framework-1.1.3- with-depend encies.zip. The zip decompress after the latter more than a lib directory, which is Apache, creates, dom4j, aopalliance, JAKARTA- commons popular packages.
Platform: | Size: 355328 | Author: 我靠 | Hits:


Description: Object/Relational Mapping with Hibernate.ppt-Object/Relational Mapping with Hibernat e.ppt
Platform: | Size: 721920 | Author: 真实姓名 | Hits:


Description: hibernate3.0 映射文件生成器,用于生成*.hbm.xml文件-hibernate3.0 mapping file generator, used to produce paper*. hbm.xml
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: pdb | Hits:


Description: hibernate培训,包括hibernate培训教程.doc 和 hibernat培训.ppt-hibernate training, including hibernate Training Guide. doc and hibernat training. ppt
Platform: | Size: 339968 | Author: lqbzlqbz | Hits:


Description: java开发中关于Hibernate方面的学习-java development on the learning Hibernate
Platform: | Size: 168960 | Author: ydh | Hits:


Description: 乐言新闻评论系统 1.0 是一个基于J2EE(Spring+Hibernate)环境下开发的新闻评论坛系统。请自行下载Hibernate 3.0,Spring 2.0,Jakarta Common等开源支持库。-music press reviews were 1.0 is a system based on J2EE (Spring+ Hibernat e) Development Environment Forum news commentary system. Please use Download Hibernate 3.0, Spring 2.0, Jakarta Common support for such revenue.
Platform: | Size: 358400 | Author: 黄国峰 | Hits:


Description: hibernat参考手册,官方手册,用于给hibernate初学人员使用-hibernat reference manual, the official handbook for the beginner to use hibernate
Platform: | Size: 1013760 | Author: lmq | Hits:


Description: 这是一个JAVA 课件,里面是讲解hibernat结构的。很好用的东西。
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: rose | Hits:
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