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Description: VB远程网络监视、文件传输、消息发送实例程序,另外还可以锁定被控端、注销、关机、隐藏客户端等。程序分为服务端和客户端,在VB6下编译通过,本程序里面的一些子程序很值得借鉴学习。核心程序由老外写的。-VB remote network monitoring, file transfer, messaging examples of procedures can also lock被控端, write-off, shutdown, hide, such as the client. Procedures are divided into server and client, under the compiler in VB6 through this process a number of subroutines which are worth learning from. Core program written by a foreigner.
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: NewJersey | Hits:

[Driver DevelopwsHideDLL

Description: Dll进程注入 一种简单的方法隐藏进程 在dll中运行代码-The simplest ways to hide a process is to have no process Basically what you need to do is place your meaningful code in a DLL, inject that DLL in an inconspicuous process (like Explorer.exe) and run your code. This can be fairly easily achieved by CreateRemoteThread() API function. I have created a sample application DLL that demonstrate this approach
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: miller | Hits:

[Windows DevelopVB-QQ-hide

Description: VB实现象QQ自动隐藏功能 VB实现象QQ自动隐藏功能-vb qq hide
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: leejlan | Hits:

[Driver DevelopcSYS

Description: C 语言程序源码,可以隐藏进程和防止查杀-C language source program, you can hide processes and prevent the killing
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 小茹 | Hits:

[Windows Developrootkit_hide_process

Description: Rootkit that hide process selected.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: NightFox | Hits:


Description: This a generic detector that removes some kind of "hide folder" viruses-This is a generic detector that removes some kind of "hide folder" viruses
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: eddy2506 | Hits:

[Windows Develophidedll

Description: these are two functions that can be used to hide your just loaded dll, from the process peb. use one or another-these are two functions that can be used to hide your just loaded dll, from the process peb. use one or another
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: tornado | Hits:

[Windows Develophide_your_porgram

Description: hide your program from task manager
Platform: | Size: 162816 | Author: krzyk_91 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopxpHIDEpROCESS

Description: 用驱动隐藏指定进程,用任务管理器和360看不到-Specify the process used to hide drives, using Task Manager and 360 can not see
Platform: | Size: 404480 | Author: yufeng | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHideDragon

Description: 隱身專家3.32版,可隱藏或變更系統程序及名稱-To hide or change the name of the system procedures and
Platform: | Size: 1021952 | Author: yutang | Hits:

[Windows Developzion_server

Description: zion 隐藏进程的源代码 可以实现进程隐藏,端口文件的恩-zion can hide process and file and port and driver
Platform: | Size: 161792 | Author: zhanghui | Hits:

[Windows Develop2009628192056

Description: 数据流是NTFS文件系统下隐藏文件的极好方法,是NTFS文件系统特有的功能。 这个类通过调用函数BackupRead枚举指定路径中的数据流,同时可以执行数据流的附加(添加),删除等操作。 -Data stream is NTFS file system under a great way to hide files, file system is NTFS-specific features. This class BackupRead enumeration by calling the function specified in the path of data flow, data flow can be implemented at the same time additional (add), delete and other operations.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 淡月清风 | Hits:


Description: 枚举系统隐藏进程-enumerate hide process..
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: cnlamb | Hits:

[Driver DevelopHideP

Description: 进程隐藏代理,可以隐藏指定的进程,通过驱动程序-The process of hidden agents, to hide the process designated by the driver
Platform: | Size: 156672 | Author: 北京海思科 | Hits:

[OS programShowHideBarDesktop

Description: 显示隐藏桌面图标,以及显示隐藏任务栏图标,自己的一个课题作业,献上给需要的朋友。-Show hide desktop icons, and hide the taskbar icon show, a topic of their operations, bring a friend to the needy.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: jony | Hits:

[OS programCONTROL_check

Description: 用于显示和影藏系统菜单,以便用户选择操作。主要是对注册表的控制-Used to display and hide the system menu
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 超类 | Hits:

[File FormatVChideprocess

Description: 隐藏进程的一段代码,主要是为了隐藏运行软件的进程项,在任务管理器中没有显示-A section of the code to hide the process, mainly to hide the process of running software in the Task Manager does not show
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: JH | Hits:

[Windows Develophideprocess

Description: windows 系统下 隐藏 进程的代码 此代码使用了rootkit技术-windows system code to hide the process of the code used rootkit technology
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 雪妖 | Hits:

[Driver Develophidefile

Description: 驱动实现隐藏文件 驱动实现隐藏文件 - hide file by driverhide file by driverhide file by driverhide file by driverhide file by driver
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: jim | Hits:

[File OperateOO7

Description: 用WINDOWS中一些鮮為人知的隱藏API來實現文件&文件夾監視的功能-WINDOWS with a number of little-known API to hide files & folders to monitor the function of
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: ak | Hits:
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