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[OS programHidePro

Description: VB中隐藏进程和任务栏。运行后程序在任务管理器中不可见。可供VB爱好者参考,可不要写病毒哟:)-VB hidden process and the task bar. After operating procedures for the mission management were not visible. VB reference for lovers, but the write-yo :)
Platform: | Size: 10490 | Author: 黄和 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopHidePro

Description: 进程隐藏驱动,如要更详细内容dengxin8888@163.com
Platform: | Size: 73738 | Author: dengxin | Hits:

[OS programHidePro

Description: VB中隐藏进程和任务栏。运行后程序在任务管理器中不可见。可供VB爱好者参考,可不要写病毒哟:)-VB hidden process and the task bar. After operating procedures for the mission management were not visible. VB reference for lovers, but the write-yo :)
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 黄和 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopHidePro

Description: 进程隐藏驱动,如要更详细内容dengxin8888@163.com-The process of hidden drivers, such as more details dengxin8888@163.com
Platform: | Size: 73728 | Author: dengxin | Hits:


Description: 能隐藏进程的源代码。在windows下进行隐藏进程,使任务管理器无法打开进行显示此进程-This is a process to hide the source code. No other malicious code, just to hide the process.
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: kxz | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHidepro

Description: 很强大的隐藏任何进程代码,可以试一试,个人感觉不错-Hide any process is very powerful code that can try individuals feel good
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: mxl | Hits:

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