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[Windows DevelopHideProcess

Description: HideProcess.h 直接调用HideProcess() 就ok
Platform: | Size: 2575 | Author: 高亮 | Hits:

[OS programhideProcess

Description: 隐藏任意进程源代码,VC++。用法: HideProcess [ PName | PID ], drop一个dll注入想要隐藏的进程,修改系统进程链。
Platform: | Size: 62340 | Author: DNA | Hits:

[Hook apihideprocess

Description: 2000下进程隐藏的一种方案的例子-2000 under the process of hiding a program example
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: kyao | Hits:

[Remote ControlHideProcess

Description: 这是我从网络上收集的一篇关于隐藏木马方法的文章,原作者已经无从考证(不好意思),该文章同时还说了如何在WINDOWS中隐藏一个进程的方法.-This is my collection from the network on a hidden Trojan horse of the article, the original author Lebensborn (sorry), the article also said the windows in a hidden way process.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 王震 | Hits:

[Windows Developmeet-xp

Description: 1. Wizard = 向导程序 2. CntrlOtherPrcss = 启动并控制其它Exe程序 3. SimpleTextTransfer = 利用剪贴板实现Exe程序间的数据交换 4. HideProcess = 隐藏程序不被关闭程序发现 5. SysButton = 禁止窗体右上角各按钮-1. Wizard = Wizard procedures 2. CntrlOtherPrcss = initiate and control other Exe procedures 3. SimpleTextTransfer = use of the clipboard to achieve Exe procedures for data exchange between the four. HideProcess = hidden closure procedures were not found five procedures. SysButton = prohibited forms the upper right button
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: 黄坤 | Hits:


Description: 在2000和xp下,隐藏进程,VC6.0测试通过 在需要隐藏进程的时候#incoude"HideProcess.h",调用HideProcess()即可。-in 2000 and xp, hidden process, VC6.0 tested in the process need to hide when# incoude "HideProcess.h" Call HideProcess () can be.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programhideprocess

Description: 驱动级的隐藏进程代码,在驱动层通过替换ssdt地址表中的函数来隐藏进程-Driver-class to hide the process of code, in the driver layer SSDT address table by replacing the function to hide the process of
Platform: | Size: 135168 | Author: 俞健 | Hits:

[OS DevelopHideProcess

Description: root kit 开发初步 非常适合初学者-root kit is ideal for beginners to develop preliminary
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHideProcess

Description: 隐藏进程的又一方法,利用系统驱动。C和 C++结合-Another way to hide the process, the use of the system drive. C and C++ Combination
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: xuxu | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHideProcess

Description: HideProcess.h 直接调用HideProcess() 就ok -HideProcess.h direct call HideProcess () on ok
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 高亮 | Hits:


Description: visual c++ 6.0 隐藏进程,好东东,大家 下载下载-visual c++ 6.0 hidden process, good Dongdong, U.S. download Download
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: 林再雄 | Hits:

[OS programhideprocess

Description: 隐藏自己的进程 连任务管理器都看不到 强大吧?-Hide its own process even Task Manager could not see a strong, right?
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: 王京 | Hits:

[OS programHideProcess

Description: 深入windows编程之进程隐藏,注入技术的使用-Windows-depth programming of the process of concealment, the use of injection technique
Platform: | Size: 1044480 | Author: 李宽 | Hits:

[OS programhideProcess

Description: 隐藏任意进程源代码,VC++。用法: HideProcess [ PName | PID ], drop一个dll注入想要隐藏的进程,修改系统进程链。-Arbitrary process to hide the source code, VC++. Usage: HideProcess [PName | PID], drop a dll into the process you want to hide, modify system process chain.
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: DNA | Hits:

[Windows Develophideprocess

Description: KiWaitOutListhead,KiDispatcherReadyListHead,分别是两条阻塞链,一条就绪链表,当线程获得CPU执行的时候,系统分配一个时间片给线程,当发生一次时钟中断就从分配的时间片上减去一个时钟中断的值,如果这个值小于零了也就是时间片用完了,那么这个线程根据其优先级载入到相应的就绪队列末尾。KiDispatcherReadyListHead是一个数组链的头部,在windows 2000中它包含有32个队列,分别对应线程的32个优先级。如果线程因为同步,或者是对外设请求,那么阻塞线程,让出CPU的所有权,加如到阻塞队列里面去。CPU从就绪队列里面,按照优先权的前后,重新调度新的线程的执行。当阻塞队列里面的线程获得所需求的资源,或者是同步完成就又重新加到就绪队列里面等待执行。 -err
Platform: | Size: 921600 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programHideProcess

Description: HideProcess 是一款vc开发的,展示如何隐藏进程的小程序,希望对你有用-Vc is a HideProcess developed to demonstrate the process of how to hide a small procedure, you want to be useful
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: liuguoqing | Hits:

[OS programHideProcess

Description: HideProcess XP下隐藏进程单元-Process under HideProcess XP hidden unit
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 卧龙 | Hits:


Description: 直接在窗体添加代码和一个按钮,按按钮后进程隐藏-hideprocess
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴兵 | Hits:

[OS programHideProcess

Description: vc 隐藏程序不被关闭程序发现HideProcess的程序源码,值得一看!-vc hidden programs are not shut down the program found HideProcess program source code, worth a visit!
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programHideProcess

Description: 隐藏程序不被关闭程序发现\HideProcess,很不错的vc源码,希望能对大家有所帮助-Hidden programs are not shut down the program found \ HideProcess, very good vc source, I hope you can help
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 付恩香 | Hits:
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