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本文提出了一种新的跨国家的障碍 检测技术为基础的立体视觉系统。 原始图像的预处理的高斯 过滤器和对比度限制的自适应直方图 均衡( CLAHE )方法来削弱作用 噪音,光线和对比度。哈里斯的角落位于与子像素精确。 -Cross-country intelligent vehicles always work in complicated environments with varying illuminations. The paper presents a new cross-country obstacle detection technology based on stereo vision system. The original images are preprocessed by Gaussian filter and contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) method to weaken the effect of noise, light and contrast. Harris corners are located with sub-pixel accurate. To guarantee the overall system real-time performance, feature-based matching techniques are studied and fundamental matrix is calculated based on random sample consensus (RANSAC). Also restrains are studied to eliminate pseudo matching pairs. Then data interpolation is introduced to build elevation maps. Edge extraction and morphological processing are concerned to accomplish obstacle detection. Experiment results for different conditions are presented in support of the obstacle detection technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 949kb Publisher : 晓翠

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对比度受限局部自适应直方图均衡化算法,图像增强-histogram equalization with contrast limited
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : gao

vc编的图像增强程序,对比度受限,直方图均衡-vc series of image enhancement procedures, contrast limited histogram equalization
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.21mb Publisher : gao

采用对比度受限自适应直方图均衡对乳腺图像进行增强,有效地增强了乳腺图像中的细节,如钙化点、乳导管等组织;并通过对算法中相关参数研究, 得到应用于乳腺图像增强的参数优选值,以求获得较好的增强效果,为医师分析影像提供方便。通过与灰度直方图均衡的结果进行比较得出:对比度受限自适应直方图均衡为乳腺数字图像增强的有效方法, 在计算机辅助乳腺诊断方面有较高应用价值。-By contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization image of breast enhancement, effectively enhancing the breast image details, such as calcification, milk ducts and other organizations and through the relevant parameters of the algorithm, are applied to image enhancement breast parameter optimization value, in order to obtain better enhancement for physicians to facilitate image analysis. Balanced with the histogram obtained results were compared: the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization for the breast and effective methods of digital image enhancement, in computer-aided diagnosis of breast have a higher value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 190kb Publisher : 王一

对比度受限的自适应直方图均衡化算法(可直接运行)(Adaptive histogram equalization algorithm with limited contrast)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : lareinazz
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