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Description: 本软件在win2000professionSP4 + vc6MFC环境下开发和测试通过,使用前要注册ODBC数据源;数据源名称:wbQQuser;类型:ACCESS;文件名:wbQQuser.mdb,不明了之处请参看源程序,注释很清楚。 多线程通信使用的全局变量导致函数耦合度较大。 有些函数太长,导致功能不单一,内聚度降低。 客户端点击传送文件后,应使该按钮无效,直到文件传送完毕或文件传送线程关闭再使之有效,如不使用全局变量有什么好办法实现。   我认为学好一种技术爱好是最好的老师,交流是最好的方法,请高手赐教。-the software win2000professionSP4 vc6MFC under development and the environment through testing, to be registered before use ODBC data source; Data Source Name : wbQQuser; Type : ACCESS; File Name : wbQQuser.mdb unidentified between the source See, Notes very well. Multithreading communications to use the global variable coupling causes the function to a greater degree. Some function too long, leading to the functions of a single, cohesive degrees lower. Click on the client transmission of documents, should enable the button invalid, until the completion of file transfer or file transfer threads closed again to make it effective, such as the use of global variables is not a good way to achieve what. I believe that learning a technical hobby is the best teacher. Exchange is the best method,
Platform: | Size: 222215 | Author: liangchao_39 | Hits:

[Crack Hack密码解霸第三代源码

Description: 密码解霸第三代源码,业余爱好收藏 希望有兴趣的 人们来玩玩他. 比较老的代码了-password bottom of the third generation source, hobby collections hope interested people to play with him. Veteran code
Platform: | Size: 1128729 | Author: 李成秀 | Hits:

[Crack Hack密码解霸第三代源码

Description: 密码解霸第三代源码,业余爱好收藏 希望有兴趣的 人们来玩玩他. 比较老的代码了-password bottom of the third generation source, hobby collections hope interested people to play with him. Veteran code
Platform: | Size: 1128448 | Author: 李成秀 | Hits:

[ADO-ODBC基于MS Index Server 的全文索引实现

Description: 本人有个爱好就是看到网上好的文章就收藏起来。目前机器上有250M的文章了,并都已按时间,目录分类存放好。但是在查找时发现很不方便。所以想自己建一个全文索引的知识库-I have a hobby is to see a good article on the Internet away. At present, the machine has 250M of the article, and have time, directories, classified storage good. But in the search found inconvenient. So want to build a full-text index of the Knowledge Base
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 涂飞 | Hits:


Description: 本软件在win2000professionSP4 + vc6MFC环境下开发和测试通过,使用前要注册ODBC数据源;数据源名称:wbQQuser;类型:ACCESS;文件名:wbQQuser.mdb,不明了之处请参看源程序,注释很清楚。 多线程通信使用的全局变量导致函数耦合度较大。 有些函数太长,导致功能不单一,内聚度降低。 客户端点击传送文件后,应使该按钮无效,直到文件传送完毕或文件传送线程关闭再使之有效,如不使用全局变量有什么好办法实现。   我认为学好一种技术爱好是最好的老师,交流是最好的方法,请高手赐教。-the software win2000professionSP4 vc6MFC under development and the environment through testing, to be registered before use ODBC data source; Data Source Name : wbQQuser; Type : ACCESS; File Name : wbQQuser.mdb unidentified between the source See, Notes very well. Multithreading communications to use the global variable coupling causes the function to a greater degree. Some function too long, leading to the functions of a single, cohesive degrees lower. Click on the client transmission of documents, should enable the button invalid, until the completion of file transfer or file transfer threads closed again to make it effective, such as the use of global variables is not a good way to achieve what. I believe that learning a technical hobby is the best teacher. Exchange is the best method,
Platform: | Size: 222208 | Author: liangchao_39 | Hits:


Description: 这是一个很好的图书管理借阅登记系统,有这爱好的可以下载下来看看,很完整的-This is a very good lending library management system that has this hobby can be downloaded to see if it is complete
Platform: | Size: 740352 | Author: 刘伟 | Hits:

[Ftp Clientftp

Description: 个人开发的ftp软件,支持多线程下载,比cuteftp等软件逊色,只是个人爱好。-Personal development ftp software, support multi-threaded downloading software such as CuteFTP favorably than only personal hobby.
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: wlq | Hits:

[Other DatabasesvB

Description: 只供学习,只是个爱好而于。-For learning, just a hobby in.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: 欧郎 | Hits:

[Other systemstusu

Description: 只供学习,只是个爱好而于。-For learning, just a hobby in.
Platform: | Size: 561152 | Author: 欧郎 | Hits:


Description: Linux was first released into an unsuspecting world in the summer of 1991. Initially the spare-time hobby of a Finnish computer scientist by the name of Linus Torvalds, Linux was at first accessible only in software source code form to those with enough expertise to build and install it. Early enthusiasts (most also developers themselves by necessity) exploited the growth of the Internet in the early 1990s as a means to build online communities and drive development forward. These communities helped to build the first Linux software distributions, containing all the software components needed to install and use a Linux system without requiring users to be technical experts.-Linux was first released into an unsuspecting world in the summer of 1991. Initiallythe spare-time hobby of a Finnish computer scientist by the name of Linus Torvalds, Linux was at first accessible only in software source code form to those with enoughexpertise to build and install it. Early enthusiasts (most also developers themselves bynecessity) exploited the growth of the Internet in the early 1990s as a means to buildonline communities and drive development forward. These communities helped tobuild the first Linux software distributions, containing all the software componentsneeded to install and use a Linux system without requiring users to be technical experts.
Platform: | Size: 2999296 | Author: ChenJinxiang | Hits:


Description: Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2ME Game Programming" is a hands-on guide that teaches you how to create games for micro-devices. You ll be amazed at just how cool the games you create can look and play. Focusing primarily on mobile phone game creation, you ll jump right in and create your own games as you work your way through the book. The thought has surely crossed your mind that it would be nice to make some money off of this cool hobby of yours. J2ME offers real opportunity to profit from your games. Learn how you can earn revenue from your games by taking them to market. If you have a basic understanding of Java, then you re ready to explore all that "J2ME Game Programming" has to offer! -Have you ever seen players eyes light up as they explore the worlds that you ve created in your games? If you have, then game development probably has you hooked firmly in its grasp! If you ve never taken your games beyond the PC, now s the time! "J2ME Game Programming" is a hands-on guide that teaches you how to create games for micro-devices. You ll be amazed at just how cool the games you create can look and play. Focusing primarily on mobile phone game creation, you ll jump right in and create your own games as you work your way through the book. The thought has surely crossed your mind that it would be nice to make some money off of this cool hobby of yours. J2ME offers real opportunity to profit from your games. Learn how you can earn revenue from your games by taking them to market. If you have a basic understanding of Java, then you re ready to explore all that "J2ME Game Programming" has to offer!
Platform: | Size: 4072448 | Author: brant | Hits:


Description: make lotto number, random, genarator, my hobby
Platform: | Size: 11842560 | Author: kkk | Hits:


Description: 主要是描述扑克的做法,希望爱好JAVA的人喜欢-The main approach is described in poker, I hope people enjoy the hobby JAVA
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 渔夫 | Hits:

[WEB CodeX-BLOGv10

Description: 个人博客,安装后便可用,简单方便。根据个人爱好 可以换模板-Personal blog, after the installation is available, easy and convenient. Based on personal hobby can be a template for
Platform: | Size: 1134592 | Author: 小杨 | Hits:

[GPS developDelphi_GPS_Comp

Description: Here is a GPS component for your GPS navigation hobby project.The component was developed using Delphi 5 professional running with Windows XP Pro, Service pack 2. Review my comments in the source code for insight into how it works. The embedded COM port came from the public domain release of AsyncPro that was originally produced by TurboPower Software. Although it s much more complex than required, the default creation properties support NMEA communications. So, I provided only the ability to specify ComNumber, ComBaud and ComOpen. All Files required to build the COM port are included in the distribution. I changed the look of the port select dialog, the geekish wording of a few message strings and the baud rate property editor to make it compatible with the component.-Here is a GPS component for your GPS navigation hobby project.The component was developed using Delphi 5 professional running with Windows XP Pro, Service pack 2. Review my comments in the source code for insight into how it works. The embedded COM port came from the public domain release of AsyncPro that was originally produced by TurboPower Software. Although it s much more complex than required, the default creation properties support NMEA communications. So, I provided only the ability to specify ComNumber, ComBaud and ComOpen. All Files required to build the COM port are included in the distribution. I changed the look of the port select dialog, the geekish wording of a few message strings and the baud rate property editor to make it compatible with the component.
Platform: | Size: 508928 | Author: Luis Arce | Hits:


Description: CF Scan 1.0 ReadMe ============= Introduction ========== Cold Fusion vulnerability scanner is a program that will run down a list of words / domain names, and scan each one for an Allaire ColdFusion misconfiguration. A server can easily be rooted after finding such a hole. This is the first hacking related tool that I have written in a long time. This program was writte n freeware, as a hobby, not for public release nor profit. I wrote this program for darkfly, so we could go on a root spree :) Greetz ======= darkfly / chm0d, Falcon, Jon, Avatar, fut0n, Epicurus, everyone of esoteric, ken williams, an eye witness, and everyone else I forgot. Contact ======= icos@arez.com-CF Scan 1.0 ReadMe ============= Introduction ========== Cold Fusion vulnerability scanner is a program that will run down a list of words/domain names, and scan each one for an Allaire ColdFusion misconfiguration. A server can easily be rooted after finding such a hole. This is the first hacking related tool that I have written in a long time. This program was writte n freeware, as a hobby, not for public release nor profit. I wrote this program for darkfly, so we could go on a root spree :) Greetz ======= darkfly/chm0d, Falcon, Jon, Avatar, fut0n, Epicurus, everyone of esoteric, ken williams, an eye witness, and everyone else I forgot. Contact ======= icos@arez.com
Platform: | Size: 176128 | Author: rebbe | Hits:

[Game ProgramSokobanFix

Description: 推箱子游戏是一款益智类游戏,主要面向于青少年(12岁以下)及老年玩家;当然,由于其可玩性较高,亦可作为大龄学子及工作人士业余休闲。该游戏提供了多款卡通人物作为搬运工,可供玩家自由选择;同时,实现了鼠标的路途导向功能,减少了不必要的操作;实现了地图选择和错误步骤提示,使整个游戏的可玩度更高。并且,该软件具有灵活、小巧、操作简便等优点,可在应用范围较广的Windows系列等操作系统上使用。-Sokoban game is a puzzle game, primarily on youth (12 years of age) and older players , of course, because of its high playability also older students and working people as a hobby. The game offers a variety of cartoon characters as porters for the player freedom of choice the same time to realize along the path of the mouse-driven functions, reducing unnecessary operations to achieve the map selection and error steps to prompt so that the whole game playable discontinued. Also, the software has a flexible, compact, easy operation, etc., can be a broader range of applications such as Windows series of operating system.
Platform: | Size: 10592256 | Author: upctanker | Hits:


Description: J2EE指南对于广大的Java程序员来说是一份不可或缺的资料了。这篇导论对于初次碰到J2EE的程序员来说有着同样的作用。它与Java指南一样都是一例子为中心。这篇指南是为爱好开发和部署J2EE应用程序的程序员准备的。它包括了组成J2EE平台的技术以及描述如何开发J2EE组件并部署在J2EE软件开发包上。 -J2EE guide where the majority of Java programmers is an indispensable obtained. Introduction For the first encounter of this J2EE programmers who have the same effect. Guide, like it is an example of Java-centric. This guide is for hobby development and deployment of J2EE applications programmers prepared. It includes the composition of J2EE platform technology, and describes how to develop J2EE components and deploy the J2EE Software Development Kit.
Platform: | Size: 3835904 | Author: 果晨 | Hits:

[Successful incentivemath

Description: 哈代是20世纪最优秀的数学思想家,同仁公认他是“真正的数学家是纯粹中最纯粹的”。这篇“自白”是他数学创造力衰退时写下的心酸文字。   在哈代的笔下,数学远远不仅是一门科学,还是艺术,是娱乐,是真善美。   本书刚出版,就被誉为堪与亨利·詹姆斯的笔记媲美的对“创造性艺术家的最佳描述”。   C·P·斯诺的长篇前言满含深情地回顾了哈代的一生,栩栩如生地讲述了他的学术生活和有趣的业余爱好。-Hardy in the 20th century' s best mathematical thinker, colleagues recognized him as " a true mathematician is purely the most pure." This " confession" is his mathematical creativity to write a sad word recession. In Thomas Hardy' s novels, mathematics goes far beyond a science, or art, entertainment, the most sublime. This book just published, praised as worthy of Henry James' s notes comparable to " the best description of the creative artist." C · P · Snow' s lengthy preamble laden with deep feeling reviewed Hardy' s life, vividly recounted his academic life and interesting hobby.
Platform: | Size: 590848 | Author: jnwang | Hits:


Description: possible ideas on how to open a business for hobbys could be any type of hobby really its a nice simple setup with good ideas
Platform: | Size: 283648 | Author: tinks | Hits:
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