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开发环境:C++ 简要说明:这程序是《神经网络模式识别及其实现》(Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++)美Abhijit S. Pandya等著电子工业出版社1999年6月,书号ISBN 7-5053-5088-9的第九章<神经联想记忆和Hopfield网络>附的程序。-development environments : C Brief Description : This is "pattern recognition and neural network to achieve" (Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C) US Abhijit S. Pandya waiting for the electronic publishing industry in June 1999, ISBN 7-5053-5088-9 the ISBN IX lt; associative memory and neural Hopfield network gt; attached procedures.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 刘华

人工神经网络实验之一,用Hopfield网络解决旅行商问题。文件中除源程序外还有word文档对算法,理论,问题描述,实验结果,实验分析的完整介绍-experimental artificial neural network, Hopfield network Traveling Salesman Problem. Apart from the source document but also have a word document of the algorithm theory, and the problem description, experimental results, experimental analysis of the complete briefing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 92kb Publisher : 李琳

DL : 0
Hopfield网络是一种典型的单层反馈网络,这种网络可以分为离散型和连续型两种,Hopfield网络是一个动力学系统,在确定连接权重后,若输入某个向量之后,网络将不断演化,一般情况下系统将趋向某一个定态,称为状态空间的不动点吸引子。-Hopfield network is a typical single-layer feedback network, Such networks can be divided into discrete and continuous two, the Hopfield network is a dynamic system, In determining the weights link, and if the importation of a certain vector, the network will continue to evolve Under normal circumstances a system will tend to a steady state, as the state space of fixed point attractor.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 106kb Publisher : 东方云

DL : 0
该程序比较人性化,有个友好界面,能加载图像,并根据图像训练Hopfield神经网络,你也可以通过添加噪声给图像,以判断它的识别率。-Comparison of the program user-friendly, has a friendly interface that can load images, and in accordance with the training images Hopfield neural network, you can also add noise to images, to determine its recognition rate.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 林盈

连续Hopfield网络解决TSP, 绘制路径,计算路径实际长度-Continuous Hopfield network to solve TSP, mapping the path to calculate the actual length of the path
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 吴晨

DL : 0
C语言编写的hopfield网络,希望对大家有用-C language hopfield network, in the hope that useful to everybody
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 段西尧

DL : 0
连续型hopfield网络的算法实现及训练-Continuous hopfield network and training algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : juanjuan

DL : 0
采用了一种经过Hopfield网调整后再进行人脸表情识别的方法,实验结果表明,采用Hopfield网调整后的识别率得到了较大的提高。-After using a Hopfield network and then adjust for Facial Expression Recognition methods, experimental results show that the Hopfield network using the adjusted recognition rate has been enhanced.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 坑的宝

DL : 0
自己编写的一个用VB实现的Hopfield网络-I have written a VB realized by Hopfield network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 程俊仁

DL : 0
用VB实现的一个Hopfield网络程序,各位读者可以根据需要定义相关参数-VB achieved with a Hopfield network program, you readers need to define the relevant parameters in accordance with
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 程俊仁

DL : 0
Hopfield Neural network, allows you to train a 4X4 Hopfield network.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : stryker

基于hopfield网络的PID模型参考自适应控制,对象为典型的伺服系统速度环框图-Hopfield network-based PID model reference adaptive control, the object of a typical servo system speed loop block diagram
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wutiebing

用10*12的规模表示数字,1为白,-1为黑。建立hopfield网络对被污染的数字进行识别。可以自己设定迭代次数。-With 10* 12 the size of that number one is white,-1 for the black. The establishment of hopfield network to identify the number of contaminated. Can be set for the number of iterations.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 胡怡芳

基于Hopfield网络的非线性系统辨识,含6个神经元-Based on Hopfield network nonlinear system identification, including 6 neurons
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 徐凯

DL : 0
Hopfield网络仿真实例参考:包含Hopfield网络设计实例及仿真源程序.-Hopfield network simulation reference: examples include the design and simulation of Hopfield network source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 227kb Publisher : ash

DL : 0
基于Hopfield网络的八皇后问题,附带原版论文和实验报告-Hopfield network based on the eight queens problem, with original papers and lab reports
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 270kb Publisher : yefei

DL : 0
implement a Hopfield network for the retrieval of stored 2-D patterns-Input Parameters: Ask the user to input the number of fundamental memories p (2 ≤ p ≤ 5), the width w (3 ≤ w ≤ 5) and height h (3 ≤ h ≤ 6) of each 2-D pattern. Storage Phase: Each fundamental memory is stored in a text file with .txt extension. Retrieval Phase: Ask the user to input the name of the text file storing the noisy pattern.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : Owen Yin

DL : 0
this is a matlab implementation for hopfield network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : maryamhasan

hopfield Network实现的旅行商问题的优化方案,完美的验证了其算法的优越性-hopfield Network implementation traveling salesman problem optimization program, perfect validate the superiority of the algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48kb Publisher : 雪儿

此目录中的此代码实现二进制hopfield网络。 源代码可能在HOPNET.CPP中找到。示例培训文件是H7x8N4.trn。示例测试模式文件是:H7x8D4.TST,H5x8D7.TST,H5x8D7.TST和H5x8D9.TST,程序的输出转到屏幕和文件ARCHIVE.LST-This code in this directory implements the binary hopfield network. Source code may be found in HOPNET.CPP. A sample training file is H7x8N4.trn. Sample test pattern files : H7x8D4.TST, H5x8D7.TST, H5x8D7.TST and H5x8D9.TST, Output of the program goes to both the screen and a file, ARCHIVE.LST.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : 李闯
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