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赛马游戏 需要LUABind-horse racing game need LUABind
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 990.91kb Publisher : 蔡宁涛

这是一个赌马游戏的源代码,可以改动做娱乐游戏-This is a horse racing game's source code, so changes entertainment game
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86.54kb Publisher : upload

赛马游戏程序,搞人工智能的朋友想要相关代码的请与我联系-race games and engage in artificial intelligence friends want code please contact me
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 653kb Publisher : 张乐平

赛马游戏 需要LUABind-horse racing game need LUABind
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 991kb Publisher : 蔡宁涛

这是一个赌马游戏的源代码,可以改动做娱乐游戏-This is a horse racing game's source code, so changes entertainment game
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : upload

赛马小游戏,需要用VC程序运行。五五五为伍uwwuwuwu -Horse racing game, need to run VC. 555 associate uwwuwuwu
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 38kb Publisher : 汪细河

赛鱼小游戏VB源码,类似赛马的小游戏,速度是随机的.-Game fish VB source game similar to horse racing game, speed is random.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 215kb Publisher : zhangyong

模拟赛马的游戏,涉及随机性的人工智能,有一定的启发性。-Simulated horse racing game, involving random artificial intelligence, has some enlightening.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.99mb Publisher : 王军

基于labview开发的赛马游戏,载入后可添加音效。-Based on the development of horse racing game labview, after loading can be added sound.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.57mb Publisher : 陈龙

DL : 0
每位新用户须先建立帐号,才可登入游戏。每位新用户初始分配50个金币。用户进入游戏后,可选择界面上出现的A,B,C,D,E五匹马之一,并输入作为赌注的金币数(下注的上限为账户的金币余额)。之后赛马开始,五匹马以不同(随机)的速度跑向终点,若用户选中的马匹取得第一,则用户获得与赌注额相同的金币,否则失去;若用户帐号内金币余额为0,则不能继续游戏。游戏需有存盘功能。 -The design and development of a " racetrack" game. The game is a stand-alone program, to provide users with the functionality of the game of " horse race" . The specific functions of the game is described as follows: for each new user must first create an account in order to log into the game. Each new user the initial allocation of 50 gold coins. The user to enter the game can choose the interface A, B, C, D, E five horses, one and enter the number of coins bet (bet limit for the balance of the account of gold). After horse racing, ran to the end of five horses at different (random) speed, if the user selects the horses made the first, the user access to bet the same amount of gold, or lost if gold balance of the user account. you can not continue the game. The game save function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 林少华

DL : 0
管理赛马比赛的程序代码 可实现比赛选手与马的管理-Management of horse racing code game players, and horse management, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 刘忠奇

该程序实现赛马的功能,是一款简单的小游戏-The program, horse racing is a simple game
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25kb Publisher : liguohui

DL : 0
赛马是一古老的游戏,早在公元前四世纪的中国,处在诸侯割据的状态,历史上称为“战国时期”。在魏国作官的孙膑,因为受到同僚庞涓的迫害,被齐国使臣救出后,到达齐国国都。 赛马是当时最受齐国贵族欢迎的娱乐项目。上至国王,下到大臣,常常以赛马取乐,并以重金赌输赢。田忌多次与国王及其他大臣赌输赢,屡赌屡输。一天他赛马又输了,回家后闷闷不乐。孙膑安慰他说:“下次有机会带我到马场看看,也许我能帮你。”-Horse racing is an ancient game, early in the 4th century Chinese, in the feudal era, historically known as the "Warring States period". As the officer in the state of Wei bin, because of his colleagues pangjuan persecution, is Qi envoy rescued, reach the Qi states. Horse racing is one of the most popular entertainment was aristocratic. To the king, the minister, often in horse racing for fun, and money to bet win or lose. Tian Ji repeatedly with the king and other ministers bet win or lose, gambling repeatedly repeatedly. One day he horse lost again, after coming home feel depressed. Sun Bin comforted him: "next time you have the chance to take me to the racecourse to have a look, maybe I can help you."
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : ql

一款跑马的游戏,可以选择哪个马跑得快,自动判断是否胜利,多线程操作-A horse racing game, you can choose which horse to run fast, automatically determine whether victory, multithreaded operations
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : 邵强

Horse Racing game, good game, join it
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 598kb Publisher : dfdf

DL : 0
qt设计的一个赛马游戏,总共有4匹马,任意选择一匹,判断是否选择正确了-Qt design a racing game, a total of four horses, either a horse, determine whether correct
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : 饶琴

管理赛马比赛的程序代码可实现比赛选手与马的管理-Management of horse racing code game players, and horse management, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : shi5316601

田忌赛马算法 你一定听过田忌赛马的故事吧? 如果3匹马变成1000匹,齐王仍然让他的马按从优到劣的顺序出赛,田忌可以按任意顺序选择他的赛马出赛。赢一局,田忌可以得到200两银子,输一局,田忌就要输掉200两银子,平局的话不输不赢。 请问田忌最多能赢多少银子?(Tian Ji racing algorithm You must have heard the story of Tian Ji's horse race, haven't you? If 3 horses into 1000 horses, the king still had his horse to a bad match order according to favorably, Tian Ji can be in any order and the choice of his horse race. Win a game, Tian Ji can get 200, two silver, lost a game, Tian Ji will lose 200, two silver, draw a tie, then do not lose, do not win. Can you tell me how much Tian Ji can win?)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 612kb Publisher : 小斌momo

μ vision平台,用C语言编写。 将txt程序烧录于单片机,设置好液晶屏。 可选择不同的游戏背景,左右手轮流按下按键,赛马即可前进一步。 可双人同时对战。(The txt program is burned on the single chip computer, and the LCD screen is set up. You can choose different game background, hand in turn press key, horse racing can move one step. Both can fight at the same time.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 200kb Publisher : 养一只猴子
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