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Description: Hough变换用来在图象中查找直线。它的原理是:假设有一条与原点距离为s,方向角为θ的一条直线,直线上的每一点都满足方程 s=x*Cosθ+y*Sinθ,利用这个事实,我们可以找出某条直线来。这段程序,用来找出图象中最长的直线。-Hough Transformation is used for searching lines in an image . Here is the principle: Assume there is a line whoes direction is "sita" , and the distance from the origin to this line is s. So each point in this line satisfies the equation : s=x*Cos(sita)+ y*Sin(sita) . We can find out the lines based on this fact. And this programme is to find out the longest line in the image.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: doctorsuo | Hits:

[Graph programhough变换检测直线

Description: C++实现的hough变换,检测一副图象中存在的直线段。-Hough transform generized by C++ detects Lines in a image.
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: 杨兵 | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough-fast

Description: Hough变换的简易程序, * 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线 * 提取出来。 * * 要求目标图像为只有0和255两个灰度值的灰度图像。-Hough transform to the simplified procedure,* The function used to detect images of parallel linear. If the images are two parallel lines, it will be two parallel linear* extracted.** Requirements for the target image only two 0 and 255 gray values of gray-scale images.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: wu tao | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough-transform

Description: 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线提取出来-the function used to detect images of parallel linear. If the images are two parallel lines, it will be two parallel linear extracted
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 庄宇飞 | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough-change

Description: 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线 * 提取出来。-the function used to detect images of parallel linear. If the images are two parallel lines, it will be two parallel linear* extracted.
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 成成 | Hits:

[Graph RecognizeHough

Description: 该函数用于对检测图像中的平行直线。如果图像中有两条平行的直线,则将这两条平行直线 提取出来。-The function used to detect images of parallel straight lines. If the images are two parallel straight lines, they will be two parallel straight lines extracted.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王俊逸 | Hits:

[Special Effectshough

Description: hough变换,能检测出BMP位图中的平行直线, 要求目标图像为只有0和255两个灰度值的灰度图像。-hough transform, can detect BMP bitmap of parallel straight lines, the requirements for the target image only 0 and 255, two gray value of gray-scale image.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 26rgd | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough

Description: VC++实现hough变换提取直线,且能检测出两条平行直线-VC++ Achieve a straight line hough transform extract and can detect two parallel straight lines
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: panghuanzhi | Hits:


Description: hough变换检测出直线,只需要把路径改了就可以了,但是一定是要边缘图像才可以-hough transform to detect straight lines, just to the path can be changed, but must be the edge of the image can
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: llp | Hits:

[Special Effectshough

Description: 用hough寻找二值图像中的一组线段,最后在而知图像上叠加这些线段-Hough used to find binary image of a set of line segments, the final superimposed image in the sense of these lines
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张晶 | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough

Description: 图像处理中经典的hough变换算法,检测直线,顺带有canny算法进行边缘检测-Classical image processing algorithm hough transform to detect straight lines, incidentally, are canny edge detection algorithm
Platform: | Size: 3788800 | Author: hj zhang | Hits:

[Graph programDetection-of-ellipses-by-a-modified-Hough-transfor

Description: 这是一篇关于椭圆检测的文章:对于做人脸识别,模式识别的同行应该会有所帮助.找了好久,才下到,上传来共享下.-abstract:The Hough transformation can detect straight lines in an edge-enhanced picture, however its extension torecover ellipses requires too long a computing time. This correspondence proposes a modified method which utilizes two properties of an ellipse in such a way that it iteratively searches for clusters in two different parameter spaces to find almost complete ellipses, then evaluates their parameters by the least mean squares method.
Platform: | Size: 1918976 | Author: 华瑞娟 | Hits:

[Graph Recognizehough-Transform-for-Line-Detect

Description: Hough变换的入门算法.含有详细的注释.-The basis Algorithm for Hough Transform used to detect lines in the Digital Image.The function GetPeak() is useful for Peak Value Detect. Any Question? Mail me.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 黄习培 | Hits:


Description: 图像处理的霍夫变换程序,采用M语言编写,对数字图像进行直线追踪-HOUGHLINES- detects lines in a binary image using common computer vision operation known as the Hough Transform.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李健 | Hits:


Description: Try to detect lines using hough transform-Try to detect lines using hough transform
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Basem | Hits:

[2D Graphichoughline.m

Description: 对读入的图片做霍夫变换,识别出图片中的直线并输出。-Do the Hough Transform to the input image, that is to detect lines in the input image, and output those lines.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Andy Qin | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhough

Description: houghline transform, it it uses canny edge detection and hough transform. It then places a red line over any detected straight lines.
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: markman86 | Hits:

[Special EffectsHough

Description: 用hough变换检测直线,用VC++实现-With the hough transform to detect straight lines, using VC++ Implementation
Platform: | Size: 4566016 | Author: yangzheng | Hits:

[Special Effectshough

Description: hough变换的matlab源代码,可以提取直线和圆-hough transform matlab source code, can extract lines and circles
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dan | Hits:

[Graph programcanny_houghLines_tester

Description: test of canny detector + hough lines for opencv
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Michal Zajac | Hits:
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