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清除autorun.inf木马-Removal of autorun.inf Trojan
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 174kb Publisher :

xunchi_autorun专杀源代码, 功能:会分析 autorun.inf 文件查找 病毒文件,然后清理掉; 分析注册表里面的几个项目,从中分析病毒文件,然后清理掉,同时修复好被病毒修改的注册表;(比如说,被流氓软件修改了注册表,不管怎么设置,资源管理器中的隐藏文件都看不到。这个问题可以修复。) 分析system32\drivers 目录中的病毒文件; 内置了一些病毒的文件名称,指定位置如果存在此文件,将被清理; 分析病毒喜欢藏身的注册表,然后清理-xunchi_autorun designed to kill the source code, function: will analyze the autorun.inf file for viruses, and then remove analysis of several projects inside the registry, from which analysis of the virus file, and then remove, at the same time good repair virus modified the registry (For example, malicious software was modified the registry, regardless of how settings, Explorer can not see hidden files. the problem can be repaired.) analysis of the virus system32drivers directory documents built a number of the virus file name to specify the location of this file if it exists, will be cleaned up analysis of virus like to hide the registry, and then clean-up
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘刘
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