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图片上传:生成缩略图 加文字水印 图片水印

Platform: | Size: 489130 | Author: Simonz | Hits:


Description: <%@ LANGUAGE=\"VBSCRIPT\" %> <!--#include file=\"util.asp\" --> <% Head=\"您放入购物车的物品已经全数退回!\" Session(\"ProductList\") = \"\" %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html charset=gb2312\"> <STYLE type=text/css>.main { FONT-SIZE: 9pt } .main1 { FONT-SIZE: 14px } </STYLE> <title>清空购物车</title> </head> <body topmargin=\"5\" bgcolor=\"#E6E4C4\"> <diiv align=\"center\"><center> <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"table1\" bordercolor=\"#62ACFF\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=main1> <tr> <td width=\"80%\" valign=\"top\"> <p align=\"center\" class=main1><%=Head%></p> <p align=\"center\"> <br><input type=\"button\" value=\"关闭\" name=\"B2\" onclick=\"window.close() \" style=\"font-size: 9pt\"></td> </tr> </table> </center></div> </body> </html> -\">
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Platform: | Size: 909 | Author: 金立犇 | Hits:

[Program docGB2312编码汉字显示编程.doc


其实汉字的显示是非常简单的。只要了解汉字的定位以及字模的含义,我们就可以非常方便的定位到汉字,并读取出字库数据,将其显示出来。在中英文混合显示的 时候,因为GB2312编码的区码与位码都是大于A0的。而基本的ASCII码都是小于A0的。我们可以根据这个信息来区分ASCII码和汉字。

Platform: | Size: 31232 | Author: jackielau | Hits:

[Program docDOS下的点阵汉字显示.doc



Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: jackielau | Hits:

[assembly language闰年计算


 data segment    ;定义数据段

    infon db 0dh,0ah,'Please input a year: $'
    Y db 0dh,0ah,'This is a leap year! $'
    N db 0dh,0ah,'This is not a leap year! $'
    w dw 0
    buf db 8
        db ?
        db 8 dup(?)
data ends
stack segment stack
    db 200 dup(0)
stack ends
code segment
          assume ds:data,ss:stack,cs:code
    start:mov ax,data
          mov ds,ax
          lea dx,infon ;在屏幕上显示提示信息
          mov ah,9
          int 21h
          lea dx,buf    ;从键盘输入年份字符串
          mov ah,10
          int 21h
          mov cl, [buf+1]
          lea di,buf+2
          call datacate
          call ifyears
          jc a1
          lea dx,n
          mov ah,9
          int 21h
          jmp exit
    a1:   lea dx,y
          mov ah,9
          int 21h
    exit: mov ah,4ch
          int 21h
 datacate proc near;
          push cx;                                                      
          dec cx
          lea si,buf+2
     tt1: inc si
          loop tt1
          ;lea si,cx[di]
          pop cx
          mov dh,30h
          mov bl,10
          mov ax,1
      l1: push ax
          sub byte ptr [si],dh
          mul byte ptr [si]
          add w,ax
          pop ax
          mul bl
          dec si
          loop l1
 datacate endp
   ifyears proc near
           push bx
           push cx
           push dx
           mov ax,w
           mov   cx,ax
           mov dx,0
           mov bx,4
           div bx
           cmp dx,0
           jnz lab1
           mov   ax,cx
           mov bx,100
           div bx
           cmp dx,0
           jnz lab2
           mov ax,cx
           mov bx,400
           div bx
           cmp dx,0
           jz lab2
     lab1: clc
           jmp lab3
     lab2: stc
     lab3: pop dx
           pop cx
           pop bx
   ifyears endp
code ends
   end start

[广告] 2008年最受关注楼盘

Platform: | Size: 10752 | Author: jackdawson0@ | Hits:


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Platform: | Size: 8895 | Author: niyang2005@126.comni | Hits:


Description: <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <!--#include file="util.asp" --> <% Head="您放入购物车的物品已经全数退回!" Session("ProductList") = "" %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html charset=gb2312"> <STYLE type=text/css>.main { FONT-SIZE: 9pt } .main1 { FONT-SIZE: 14px } </STYLE> <title>清空购物车</title> </head> <body topmargin="5" bgcolor="#E6E4C4"> <diiv align="center"><center> <table width="100%" border="0" class="table1" bordercolor="#62ACFF" cellspacing="0" class=main1> <tr> <td width="80%" valign="top"> <p align="center" class=main1><%=Head%></p> <p align="center"> <br><input type="button" value="关闭" name="B2" onclick="window.close() " style="font-size: 9pt"></td> </tr> </table> </center></div> </body> </html> -">
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Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 金立犇 | Hits:


Description: div布局的滚动条,可自定义样式,可读性强,很实用-div scroll style
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: zhouli | Hits:

[WEB Codeqianbobdivcss

Description: 千博B红色风格企业网站专业版div+css 1、请将官方程序包解压后上传至您的虚拟主机即可正常使用,正式投入使用前请登陆后台修改管理员初始用户名和密码; 2、修改 Include\Const.asp 文件中数据库连接名称,同时修改数据库名(Database目录)与 Include\Const.asp 中的新名称同步。(安全建议) 3、后台路径:/system,请登录后修改后台管理文件夹目录名。(安全建议) 4、用户名 密码 管理验证码 (管理验证码在Include\Const.asp文件中修改) admin admin888 admin 5、为什么后台添加了产品,前台页面打不开? 在生成html静态模式下,在后台添加或更改内容后,需要在生成html栏生成各个更新的页面,然后前台才能显示,否则在生成之前页面不存在。 6、幻灯片图片在uploadfile文件夹中替换-1000 Bo B style Red businesses web site Pro div+ css
Platform: | Size: 2541568 | Author: 张辉 | Hits:

[WEB CodedivStyle

Description: 20多种HTML层窗口样式包含弹出层遮挡层等界面比较美观-More than 20 kinds of HTML floor window style includes pop-up blocking layer such as layer interface is beautiful
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: lidong | Hits:


Description: 金牌网店V7.0功能介绍: ●金牌网店V7.0,全新设计的风格界面,时尚,简单,大气,全面提升了网站的形象和信任度。 ●全局DIV+CSS定义,可根据不同的需求和环境变化进行最大化的修改定制。 ●添加了更多人性化的前台操作,加上简单方便可视的后台管理,让每一步操作都更加简单明了。 ●采用最新的html标准,简化了繁杂的购物流程,清除了所有冗余的代码,运行速度比同类系统快一倍以上。 ●整合了最常用的支付宝、贝宝、快钱、财付通、云网和中国网银的在线支付,方便客户的在线付款。 ●网站整体进行了优化,首页和商品生成html静态页面,提高了网页的浏览速度,更容易让搜索引擎找到你。 ●同类系统比较:代码更简洁、操作更简单、功能更全面,是目前最受淘宝、拍拍卖家欢迎的asp网店购物系统。-Gold Online Shop V7.0 Features: ● Gold Online Shop V7.0, a new style of interface design, fashion, simple, the atmosphere, enhancing the overall web image and confidence. ● Global DIV+ CSS definitions, according to different needs and maximize environmental changes modify custom. ● add a more human-oriented front operation, plus the background is simple and convenient visual management, so that each step is more straightforward. ● use the latest html standards, simplifying the shopping complex process to remove all the redundant code, faster than similar systems running more than twice as fast. ● Integration of the most commonly used Alipay, Paypal, quick money, money paid through, Silver Cloud network and online payment networks in China to facilitate online payments. ● Web site as a whole is optimized, Home and commodities generate static html pages, to improve the web browsing speed, it is easy for search engines to find you. ● Comparison of similar systems: the code is mor
Platform: | Size: 1190912 | Author: 天知道 | Hits:

[WEB Codemoban_kuye

Description: 枯叶风格个人网站模板,DIV+CSS布局,带PSD源文件,适合个人网站使用,做个性主页。该模板经过W3C验证,符合web2.0标准。 该网站模板包含文件:html,css,images,psd-Leaves style website templates, DIV+ CSS layout, with the PSD source files, suitable for personal website use, to do personalized home page. The templates are W3C validation, in line with web2.0 standards. The site template contains the file: html, css, images, psd
Platform: | Size: 687104 | Author: HTML枫叶 | Hits:

[WEB Codedianzihongse

Description: 一款非常适合电子商务、网店商城、分类信息等各类网站,首页分类比较多的网站,红色风格CSS导航菜单,如果你的网站的分类比较多,特别是二级分类,这款应该会蛮适合你的。 用到的技术HTML、DIV+CSS、JS等。-A very suitable for e-commerce, shop mall, classified information and other types of web page classification, comparison of multiple sites, red style CSS navigation menu, if your site classification is more, especially the two classifications, this should be quite suitable for you. Use of technology in HTML, DIV+CSS, JS etc..
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: DGD508 | Hits:

[WEB Codedianzihongse

Description: 一款非常适合电子商务、网店商城、分类信息等各类网站,首页分类比较多的网站,红色风格CSS导航菜单,如果你的网站的分类比较多,特别是二级分类,这款应该会蛮适合你的。 用到的技术HTML、DIV+CSS、JS等-A very suitable for e-commerce, shop mall, classified information and other types of sites, Home Categories relatively large number of sites, red style CSS navigation menu, if your site classification more, especially two categories, this should be very suitable for you. Techniques used HTML, DIV+CSS, JS, etc.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 三鲜鱼翅 | Hits:

[Browser Clientload

Description: 纯css实现3种样式的页面页面加载动画效果,样式直接写在了html页面style里,主要布局元素是div-Pure css to achieve three kinds of animation page loaded directly embedded in style in style, and if need be able to come up
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: luming | Hits:


Description: html+div+css前端样式书籍讲解,内容详细,容易学习-Div HTML front end style
Platform: | Size: 963584 | Author: 房啸晓 | Hits:

[Web Serverbusinesstoday

Description: 商务建站公司网站模板,全套模板,DIV+CSS布局,包含full-width.html,index.html,style-demo.html等多个网站模板页面。-Business Website company website templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including full-width.html, index.html, style-demo.html site templates and other pages.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: hulin | Hits:

[Web ServerPlusBusiness

Description: 绿色大图幻灯产品展示模板,全套模板,DIV+CSS布局,包含full-width.html,index.html,style-demo.html等多个网站模板页面。-Green big picture slide show template products, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including full-width.html, index.html, style-demo.html site templates and other pages.
Platform: | Size: 194560 | Author: 曹亚运 | Hits:

[Web ServerCSSHeaven

Description: 黑色漂亮的企业官网模板,全套模板,DIV+CSS布局,包含about.html,blog.html,index.html,style.html等多个网站模板页面。-Beautiful black business official website templates, a full set of templates, DIV+ CSS layout, including about.html, blog.html, index.html, style.html site templates and other pages.
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 陈俊宇 | Hits:


Description: 学校官网模版。可通过DW修改成自己所需的,样式美观(School official website template. DW can be modified to their own needs, beautiful style)
Platform: | Size: 902144 | Author: SivenL | Hits:
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