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[Ftp ClientCraftFTP_gb

Description: 与CuteFTP相媲美 1.使用异步socket连接,异步解析主机名; 2.支持多文件、多级目录/子目录的上传/下载; 3.文件的删除、重命名、修改属性......等等; 4.用户的修改密码.......等等; 5.断点上传/下载; 6.支持托放上传/下载; 7.自定义FTP命令等; 8.拨号网络(电话及ADSL)/挂断等管理; 9.SOCKS4/SOCKS4A, SOCKS5, HTTP1.1;FTP login Proxy等支持;-with a comparable CuteFTP. The use of asynchronous socket connect asynchronous mainframe analysis; 2. support the document, multi-level directory / subdirectory upload / download; 3. The document deleted, renamed, Attribute change ...... etc.; 4. users alter the code ... etc.; 5. breakpoint upload / download; 6. Upload up to support child care / download; 7. Since the definition of FTP orders; 8. Dial-up Network (telephone and ADSL) / hang up, and other management; 9.SOCKS4/SOCKS4A. SOCKS5, HTTP1.1; FTP Proxy login and other support;
Platform: | Size: 1300000 | Author: jojo | Hits:

[Other resourcehttp1.1

Description: 本文档规定了互联网社区的标准组协议,并需要讨论和建议以便更加完善。请参考 “互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)来了解本协议的标准化状态。
Platform: | Size: 139514 | Author: 贺桀 | Hits:

[Web ServerHTTP1.1

Description: 改进后的HTTP1.1服务器,增加了计时功能,采用持续连接方式,浏览速度得到了提高-improve the HTTP1.1 server, a time function, continuous connection, browsing speed has been enhanced
Platform: | Size: 4071 | Author: Mark | Hits:


Description: 使用卡片对话框来代替属性对话框-Uses card dialog box to replace attribute dialog box, when demonstrating has used SOCKS4/SOCKS4A/SOCKS5/HTTP1.1
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: wanhuihua@21cn.com | Hits:

[Proxy ServerCAsyncProxySocket

Description: 演示使用SOCKS4/SOCKS4A/SOCKS5/HTTP1.1代理来连接ftp服务器并接收欢迎信息的程序-Program which can be used as proxy to connect ftp server and receive welcome information
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: wanhuihua@21cn.com | Hits:


Description: 代理客户端的实现。 支持http1.1、socket4、socket4A、socket5。内附详细说明文档。-agent client realized. HTTP1.1 support, socket4, socket4A, socket5. Documents containing details.
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: 邵国君 | Hits:

[Web ServerHTTP1.0

Description: 用Java作的HTTP1.0 下的Webserver服务器 用TCP协议,采用多线程技术,可作为WEbServer的入门例子-Java for the HTTP1.0 the Webserver server using TCP protocol, multi-threading technology that can serve as examples of entry WEbServer
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Mark | Hits:

[Web ServerHTTP1.1

Description: 改进后的HTTP1.1服务器,增加了计时功能,采用持续连接方式,浏览速度得到了提高-improve the HTTP1.1 server, a time function, continuous connection, browsing speed has been enhanced
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Mark | Hits:


Description: 从HTTP服务器上下载一个文件有很多方法,"热心"的微软提供了WinInet类,用起来也很方便.当然,我们也可以自己实现这些功能,通过格式化请求头很容易就能实现断点续传和检查更新等等功能.本文附带的工程中有一个支持HTTP1.1协议,直接用Socket实现下载功能… -from the HTTP server to download a document, there are many ways, "enthusiastic" Microsoft provides a WinInet classes and it is also very convenient. of course, we can achieve these functions themselves. the first request by formatting is easy to achieve HTTP and check updates and so on. accompanying this is a project HTTP1.1 support agreement directly with Socket download
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 1.使用异步socket连接,异步解析主机名; 2.支持多文件、多级目录/子目录的上传/下载; 3.文件的删除、重命名、修改属性......等等; 4.用户的修改密码.......等等; 5.断点上传/下载; 6.支持托放上传/下载; 7.自定义FTP命令等; 8.拨号网络(电话及ADSL)/挂断等管理; 9.SOCKS4/SOCKS4A, SOCKS5, HTTP1.1;FTP login Proxy等支持; -1. The use of asynchronous socket connections, analytic asynchronous mainframe; 2. Support multiple documents, Multi-level directory/subdirectory upload/download; 3. delete the file, rename, change attributes ...... etc.; 4. the user password changes ....... etc.; 5. Breakpoint upload/download; 6. take care support upload/download; 7. since the definition of FTP orders; 8. Dial-up Network (telephone and ADSL)/hang up such management; 9.SOCKS4/SOCKS4A. SOCKS5, HTTP1.1; FTP Proxy login and other support;
Platform: | Size: 1644544 | Author: 长立志 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringhttp1.1

Description: 本文档规定了互联网社区的标准组协议,并需要讨论和建议以便更加完善。请参考 “互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)来了解本协议的标准化状态。
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: 贺桀 | Hits:

[Program dochttp11

Description: http1.1 rfc协议中文翻译,做http开发很有帮助-Chinese translation http1.1 rfc agreement, so the development of helpful http
Platform: | Size: 651264 | Author: 吕布 | Hits:


Description: 为了让我们好的了解HTTP协议的工作机理,以便开发出方便用户使用的网络资源浏览应用程序。从HTTP出现到制定相应的RFC,HTTP的版本经历了HTTP0.9 、HTTP1.0、HTTP1.1。随着协议的不断完善和面向对象开发工具的不断发展,基于协议的应用程序的开发也相应的变得容易起来。-To help us better understand the working mechanism of HTTP protocol in order to develop user-friendly network resources browser applications. Emerged from the HTTP to the development of the corresponding RFC, HTTP version experienced HTTP0.9, HTTP1.0, HTTP1.1. With the agreement, continuously improved and object-oriented development tools, the continuous development, based on the agreement, application development is also easier with the corresponding.
Platform: | Size: 2329600 | Author: 张求 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackhttp-chinese-protocol

Description: HTTP1.1 协议中文版本 本文档规定了互联网社区的标准组协议,并需要讨论和建议以便更加完善。请参考 “互联网官方协议标准”(STD 1)来了解本协议的标准化状态。本协议不限流传发布-HTTP1.1 agreement the Chinese version of this document provides a standard Internet community group agreement and need to be discussed and recommendations in order to more perfect. Please refer to
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: | Hits:


Description: HTTP1.1协议中文版.有相关例子.需要的朋友速度了.-HTTP1.1 the Chinese version of the agreement. Have relevant examples. Need the speed of a Friend.
Platform: | Size: 397312 | Author: baobao | Hits:

[Web Serverdaima

Description: 用java开发的WEBSERVER,支持http1.1,欢迎下载-Using java development WEBSERVER, support http1.1, welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: Yin | Hits:


Description: 实现断点续传和检查更新等等功能 。本文附带的工程中有一个支持 HTTP1.1 协议,直接用 Socket 实现下载功能的 DLL,实现了以下功能: 1. 连接主机 2. 格式化请求头 3. 设置接收,发送超时 4. 接收并分析回应头 -The realization of HTTP and check for updates and so on. In this paper, attached to the project, there is a support HTTP1.1 agreement, the direct use of Socket download function to achieve the DLL, the achievement of the following features: 1. To connect the host 2. Formatted request for the first 3. Set to receive, send overtime 4. To receive and analyze In response to the first
Platform: | Size: 801792 | Author: ANDYDENG | Hits:

[Web Serverweb_server_in_c

Description: 这是一个用C语言实现的WEB服务器,一款主要面向嵌入式系统的WEB服务器。它支持ASP,嵌入的JAVASCRPT与内存CGI处理。理论上,你可以在非嵌入式环境下很好的使用GoAhead Web服务器(正如我写这篇文章时所做的)。它的参考平台有Windows CE, Wind River VxWorks, Linux, Lynx, QNX,与Windows 95/98/NT。它基本上属于一个HTTP1.0标准的WEB服务器,对一些HTTP1.1的特性如(持久连接)也提供了支持。 -This is a C language used to achieve the WEB server, a major embedded systems-oriented WEB server. It supports ASP, embedded JAVASCRPT and memory CGI processing. Conceivably, you can in a non-embedded environment good use of GoAhead Web server (as I wrote this article has done). Its reference platform are Windows CE, Wind River VxWorks, Linux, Lynx, QNX, and Windows 95/98/NT. It is basically a HTTP1.0 standard WEB server, on a number of properties, such as HTTP1.1 (persistent connection) also provided support.
Platform: | Size: 1012736 | Author: 魏汝垚 | Hits:


Description: 改进后的HTTP1.1服务器,增加了计时功能,采用持续连接方式,浏览速度得到了提高-improve the HTTP1.1 server, a time function, continuous connection, browsing speed has been enhanced
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Onamo | Hits:


Description: HTTP代理,实现功能如下: 1.代理指定网站 2.篡改网页内容 3.支持HTTP1.0和HTTP1.1协议-HTTP Proxy
Platform: | Size: 227328 | Author: liqiang | Hits:
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