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Description: Apache V2.0.15 Alpha For Linux\\httpd-2_0_15-alpha.tar.Z
Platform: | Size: 4899829 | Author: 李维 | Hits:


Description: linux平台下WEB服务器 mini-httpd,mattows
Platform: | Size: 115690 | Author: 潘 应 云 | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd-2.2.9.tar

Description: httpd-2.2.9.tar.gz apache服务器源代码
Platform: | Size: 6396996 | Author: nath | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd.tar

Description: 一个小型Web server-A small web server
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: Apache V2.0.15 Alpha For Linux\httpd-2_0_15-alpha.tar.Z
Platform: | Size: 4899840 | Author: 李维 | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd_1.5.2a-export_source.tar

Description: NCSA HTTPd, 经典的 Web 服务器源代码。NCSA HTTPd 是一个 HTTP/1.0 兼容的向 Web 浏览器提供超文本内容的服务器程序。-NCSA HTTPd is a perfect source code of a Web service. it is compatible with HTTP/1.0, provide hyper text to the Web browser!
Platform: | Size: 220160 | Author: Whistler | Hits:

[Internet-NetworkHTTPD 2.0.39 Win32代码

Description: 一个小巧的HTTP静态HTML服务器,你可以通过它稍加修改就可以实现到应用程序的软件接口哦-This is a cute Http server handling static HTML pages. It is easier to conform the application interfaces by little modification of the server.
Platform: | Size: 5864448 | Author: 空 气 | Hits:


Description: Apache HTTP Server 是一个功能强大的灵活的与HTTP/1.1相兼容的web服务器.这里给出的是Apache HTTP服务器的源码。-Apache HTTP Server is a powerful and flexible HTTP/1.1 compatible web server. Here is the Apache HTTP server is the source.
Platform: | Size: 8534016 | Author: bean | Hits:


Description: 嵌入式web服务器源码,硬件采用是arm7处理器,可pc机来访问服务器内容。-embedded web server source code, the hardware used is ARM7 processor, PCs to access server-based content.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈小平 | Hits:


Description: apache服务器源代码(版本号:2.2.2)-apache server source code (Version : 2.2.2)
Platform: | Size: 6282240 | Author: | Hits:


Description: linux平台下WEB服务器 mini-httpd,mattows-WEB server under linux platform for mini-httpd, mattows
Platform: | Size: 115712 | Author: 潘 应 云 | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd-2.2.9.tar

Description: httpd-2.2.9.tar.gz apache服务器源代码-httpd-2.2.9.tar.gz apache server source code
Platform: | Size: 6396928 | Author: nath | Hits:


Description: httpd.c: A very simple http server-httpd.c: A very simple http server
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Ji | Hits:

[Embeded Linuxhttpd

Description: httpd 基本内容 是学习httpd中tcp/ip协议的好代码-elements of httpd
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: wayne | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd-2.2.15.tar

Description: 最新的apache web服务器源代码,httpd-2.2.15.tar.gz2.rar-The latest source code for apache web server, httpd-2.2.15.tar.gz2.rar
Platform: | Size: 4959232 | Author: coke | Hits:


Description: 多线程httpd守护进程代码 非常好的学习代码-Multithreaded httpd daemon very good learning source code
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 阿克拉 | Hits:


Description:   httpd是Apache超文本传输协议(HTTP)服务器的主程序。被设计为一个独立运行的后台进程,它会建立一个处理请求的子进程或线程的池。 -httpd is the Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server' s main program. Is designed as a stand-alone background process, it will process the request to create a child process or thread pool.
Platform: | Size: 6597632 | Author: sfx | Hits:

[Web Serverhttpd-vhosts.conf

Description: Apache本机不同端口多站点配置,编辑httpd-vhosts.conf文件-Apache Native different port multi-site configuration, edit the file httpd-vhosts.conf
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: clever | Hits:


Description: 2017年07月最新httpd软件,Httpd-2.4 1.mpm支持运行dos机制 2.支持event mpm 3.支持异步读写 4.支持每模块及每个目录分别使用各自的日志级别; 5.每请求配置; 6.增强版的表达式分析 7.支持毫秒级别的keeplive timeout 8.基于fqdn的虚拟主机不再需要namevirtualhost指令; 9.支持用户自定义变量 新模块: 1.mod_proxy_fcgi 2.Mod_ratelimt 3.Mod_remoteip 修改了一些配置机制; 不再支持使用order,deny,allow对ip进行访问控制 httpd依赖于apr,apr-util,apr-icon apr:apache portable runtime 可移植运行库(Httpd-2.4.27.tar.gz ,It supports event mpm,dos,keeplive timeout)
Platform: | Size: 8602624 | Author: 大彬彬 | Hits:


Description: httpd-2.4.28-win64-VC11 Win64 找了好久才找到的(It took Win64 a long time to find it)
Platform: | Size: 15205376 | Author: 吃得起 | Hits:
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