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humanface detection,the programme can be used to detect human faces from the complex background!-humanface detection, the program can be used to detect human faces f rom the complex background!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhangwei

国外著名大学成功的人脸检测示例中的一部分!一共5个压缩包。包含多种环境下的代码! 1、mpisearch.rar,2047KB,国外著名大学成功的人脸检测示例中一部分!包含多种环境下的代码 2. eyefinder.rar,757KB,国外著名大学成功的人脸检测示例中的人眼检测!包含多种环境下的代码 3. colortracker.rar,99KB,国外著名大学成功的人脸检测示例中的颜色跟踪!包含多种环境下的代码 4. blinkDetector.rar -famous University of face detection part of the sample! A total of five compressed. Covering a wide variety of circumstances code! 1, mpisearch.rar, 2047KB. famous University of face detection illustration part! Includes a variety of environments under the code 2. Eyefinder.rar, 757KB, famous University of face detection example of the human eye inspection! Covering a wide variety of circumstances code 3. Colortracker.rar, 99KB. famous University of face detection examples of color tracking! Covering a wide variety of circumstances code 4. BlinkDetector.rar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 黄炜

人脸检测的方法很多,pca是其中比较有效的一种。本代码主要是使用pca的方法进行人脸检测,可以检测出人脸的位置,数目,大小-Face Detection many ways, the PCA is a more effective. The code is based on the PCA method Face Detection can detect human faces in the number, size
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 段娜

人脸的检测与定位算法源码,主用是采用人脸的灰度信息进行人脸的检测,并定位鼻子眼睛和嘴-Face detection and location algorithm source code, the main use is the human face of gray information Face Detection, positioning the nose and eyes and mouth
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 85kb Publisher : 林晓芸

该文件夹下的代码是我在做人脸检测时的VC源代码,对做人脸定位的兄弟一定会有帮助的。-The folder under the code is in the way of face detection VC source code, Positioning human face on the brothers will certainly be helpful.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40kb Publisher : bigredzhoutong

Human face detect by the color of face skin-detect Human face by the skin color of face
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 118kb Publisher : 中香

在DM642平台上实现的肤色检测程序.肤色检测被广泛用于人脸跟踪、人脸检测、手语识别等领域中,具有重要的实际应用价值。-DM642 platform in achieving the color detection procedures. Color has been widely used to detect human face tracking, Face detection, sign language recognition, and other areas, is of great practical value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 360kb Publisher : 聂晟楠

本程序能实现人脸检测,在经过人脸区域检测、人眼的检测定位、人嘴的检测定位,最后勾画出人脸。-This procedure enables Face Detection, after facial region detection, the human eye detect the positioning of the detection of human mouth positioning, and finally lays out a human face.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 627kb Publisher : 张金泉

人脸检测,我在VC中已实现,能够快速检测到人脸。代码仅用于研究,严禁商用。-Face detection, I realize in VC have been able to rapidly detect the human face. Code used only for research, business is strictly prohibited.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 罗亮

完成人脸检测、人眼定位和嘴巴定位.把得到的人脸区域用绿色矩形标注,处理竖直的两条边-Complete face detection, the human eye and mouth positioning positioning. To get face region marked by the green rectangle, deal with the two vertical edges
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.11mb Publisher : 李旭锋

detect --- --- -目标检测识别与跟踪-detect---- target detection recognition and tracking
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : Braveheart

用OpenCV编写的一个用来检测人脸的程序,可输入图片或者视频文件,也可打开摄像头进行实时检测。检测速度快,准确度高。 -OpenCV prepared with a human face to detect the process, enter the picture or video files can also be open to conduct real-time detection camera. Detection speed and high accuracy.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.94mb Publisher : sdfadf

DL : 0
A java based programming environment - processing - free from here it uses a free library - OpenCV - to detect blobs in a live video capture - some parts like - hands or head or the entire human are evidenced through some visual effects.-A java based programming environment- processing- free from here it uses a free library- OpenCV- to detect blobs in a live video capture- some parts like- hands or head or the entire human are evidenced through some visual effects.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : valentin

基于OpenCV的人眼识别定位与跟踪。本例是为了实现驾驶员疲劳驾驶的识别,通过对眼睛的运动状态来判别疲劳程度-OpenCV on the human eye to identify the location and tracking, which in this case the driver is tired of driving in order to achieve the recognition, through the movement of the eyes to determine the degree of fatigue
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : 金无眠

人体运动的检测与跟踪是目前计算机视觉领域中最活跃的研究方向之一,本系统介绍了一种用于视频监控的人体运动检测与跟踪系统,主要功能是对室内、室外固定背景下的运动人体进行检测,可以检测到运动的前景部分。-Human motion detection and tracking is the field of computer vision research, one of the most active, the system introduces a video monitor for human motion detection and tracking system, the main function is for indoor and outdoor fixed in the context of sports the human body detection, can detect some of the prospects for movement.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.57mb Publisher : Humantracking.rar

基于opencv的运动人体检测。可以通过这个程序搭建自己的检测平台。-Based on opencv,this can detect moving human body.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 77kb Publisher : 云中

用于检测运动的人体,通过帧间差分的方式来获取人体信息,并对粘连进行判断-Used to detect movement of the human body, through the inter-frame differential method to obtain information on the human body, and adhesion to judge
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : Sven

This paper will attempt to analyze and compare a number of different existing approaches to human detection in video. Even though there have already been a number a papers written on the topics of skin and face detection this paper will go beyond these analyze, culminating in an open source package aimed at anyone working with image processing and object recognition. I will provide a comprehensive up to date open source package containing implementations of the algorithms based on the most recent research concerning human presence detection. The package will include libraries for skin, face, eyes detection which together can be used for detecting human presence in video. The system is build so that it can applied to both real-time data although with lower detection rate and static data (images, video) for oine processing with higher detection rate.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : linuszhao

运动检测 检测人体的头部位置、整体位置、滤除影子-Motion detection detect the body and head position, the overall position of the shadow filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.32mb Publisher : 米粒路路

为了检测红外图像序列中的运动人体,提出了一种基于最大后验概率 (MAP)-马尔可夫随机场(MRF)模型和亮度-距离联合直方图的人体实时检测 方法。该方法首先建立图像序列时空域联合的概率分布模型,采用基于 MAP-MRF 模型的前景检测方法得到可能为人体的感兴趣区域(ROI)。然后在以 ROI 中心点 为圆心的各个圆环域中统计其亮度信息,构建基于亮度-距离联合空间的分类特 征。最后,采用支持向量机(SVM)分类器对候选区域进行分类检测。不同红外 图像序列的实验结果均表明,本文提出的算法具有较好的鲁棒性和实时性-Research on Human Detection and Tracking in Infrared Images
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : 闫旭
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