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[Speech/Voice recognition/combineibmtts-sdk-6.7.4.tar

Description: This is a development package for IBM Text To Speech (TTS). -This is a development package for IBM Text T o Speech (TTS).
Platform: | Size: 63152 | Author: xusihao | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsjpeg-ari

Description: It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software modules might form inventions protected by patent rights in some countries (e.g. by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the author does NOT include any licenses for any patents. In those countries where a patent license is required for certain applications of this software modules, you will have to obtain such a license yourself.-It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software modules might f Vector inventions protected by patent rights in so me countries (e.g. by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT
Platform: | Size: 60281 | Author: xiaoqiang | Hits:

[Other resourcefeedbacktime

Description: t transistor has the characteristics of components of the sensor real-time measurement of voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit for the feedback and the feedback time, IBM used the feedback field effect transistor implementation, in order to achieve quality factor correction circ-t transistor has the characteristics of co mponents of the sensor real-time measurement o f voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit az r the feedback and the feedback time. IBM used the feedback field effect transistor i mplementation. in order to achieve quality factor correction c irc
Platform: | Size: 352095 | Author: suntao | Hits:

[Develop ToolsIntroductionToGridComputingWithGlobus

Description: Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术的读者提供 Globus Toolkit 的使用介绍。其中讨论了网格计算的基础知识,以及各种网格产品和架构。本书是学习网格计算的良好起点,它能为您打下良好的基础。然后,您就可以更深入地学习网格计算的未来、OGSA、电子商务,以及 IBM 按需计算计划的理念。 这本红皮书包括下列主题: 网格计算基础 架构和安全性考虑 开放网格服务架构(Open Grid Services Architecture ,OGSA)简介 Globus Toolkit 组件描述 Globus Toolkit Version 2.2 实现 -Introduction to Grid Computing with Globu 's (grid computing profiles) that the Red Book aims to IBM grid computing technology-loving readers Globus T oolkit on the use. It discusses the basic knowledge of grid computing, as well as various products and mesh structure. This book is the study of grid computing good starting point, you can lay a good foundation. Then, you will be able to learn in depth the future of grid computing, OGSA, e-commerce, IBM on Demand, and the concepts. This Red Book includes the following topics : Grid computing infrastructure and security considerations open grid services architecture (Open Grid Services A. rchitecture. OGSA) Introduction Globus Toolkit components described Globus Toolkit Ver sion to achieve 2.2
Platform: | Size: 2317680 | Author: river_side | Hits:


Description: === === === === === ==== IBM PC KEYBOARD INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ================================================================ Sources: PORTS.A of Ralf Brown s interrupt list collection repairfaq.org keyboard FAQ(doesn t appear to exsist) Linux source code Test hardware: New Samsung KB3T001SAXAA 104-key keyboard Old Maxi 2186035-00-21 101-key keyboard NO WARRANTY. NO GUARANTEE. I have tried to make this information accurate. I don t know if I succeeded. Corrections or additional information would be welcome. This is a plain-text document. If you use a word-processor to view it, use a fixed-pitch font (like Courier) so columnar data and ASCII art lines up properly.
Platform: | Size: 7099 | Author: vinci | Hits:

[Other resourcezheda-acm-tiku

Description: ACM/ICPC(ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, 国际大学生程序设计竞赛)是由国际计算机界历史悠久、颇具权威性的组织ACM(Association for Computing Machinery,美国计算机协会)主办的,世界上公认的规模最大、水平最高的国际大学生程序设计竞赛,其目的旨在使大学生运用计算机来充分展示自己分析问题和解决问题的能力。该项竞赛从1970年举办至今已历29届,一直受到国际各知名大学的重视,并受到全世界各著名计算机公司的高度关注,在过去十几年中,APPLE、AT&T、MICROSOFT和IBM等世界著名信息企业分别担任了竞赛的赞助商。可以说,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已成为世界各国大学生最具影响力的国际级计算机类的赛事, 是广大爱好计算机编程的大学生展示才华的舞台,是著名大学计算机教育成果的直接体现,是信息企业与世界顶尖计算机人才对话的最好机会。 有很多高校都有专门的ACM训练网站,我比较喜欢光顾的是浙大的,acm.zju.edu.cn。但是很不幸,这几天这个网站挂了,希望可以很快修好。 做做在线ACM,感觉还是不错的,打算没有做一题,以后我会在这个ACM专栏里把每天的题目和我递交成功的源代码贴出来,看看自己能坚持多就:)
Platform: | Size: 7613337 | Author: 王洋 | Hits:

[OS program企业人事管理系统(毕业论文+源代码)



管理信息系统就是我们常说的 MIS(Management Information System),在强调管理,强调的现代社会中越来越得到普及。MIS是一门新的学科,它跨越了若干个领域,比如管理科学、系统科学、运筹学,统计学以及计算机科学。在这些学科的基础上,形成信息收集和加工的方法,从而形成一个纵横交织的系统。      
1970年,Wslter T.Kennevan给刚刚出现的管理信息系统一词下了一个定义:"以口头或书面的形式,在合适的时间向经理、职员以及外界人员担供过去的、现在的、预未来的有关企业内部及其环境的信息,以帮助他们进行决策。"在这个定义里强调了用信息支持决策,但并没有强调应用模型,没有提到计算机的应用。
1985年,管理信息系统的创始人,明尼苏达大学的管理学教授Gordon B.Daves给了管理信息一个较完整的定义,即"管理信息系统是一个利用计算机软硬件资源,手工作业,分析、计划、控制和决策模型以及数据库的人-机系统。它能提供信息支持企业或组织的运行、管理和决策功能。"这个定义全面地说明管理信息系统的目标、功能和组成,而且反映了管理信息系统在当时达到的水平。

Platform: | Size: 2205694 | Author: eliuqing | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineibmtts-sdk-6.7.4.tar

Description: This is a development package for IBM Text To Speech (TTS). -This is a development package for IBM Text T o Speech (TTS).
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: xusihao | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsjpeg-ari

Description: It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software modules might form inventions protected by patent rights in some countries (e.g. by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT&T in the USA). Provision of this software by the author does NOT include any licenses for any patents. In those countries where a patent license is required for certain applications of this software modules, you will have to obtain such a license yourself.-It is possible that certain products which can be built using this software modules might f Vector inventions protected by patent rights in so me countries (e.g. by patents about arithmetic coding algorithms owned by IBM and AT
Platform: | Size: 60416 | Author: xiaoqiang | Hits:

[DSP programfeedbacktime

Description: t transistor has the characteristics of components of the sensor real-time measurement of voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit for the feedback and the feedback time, IBM used the feedback field effect transistor implementation, in order to achieve quality factor correction circ-t transistor has the characteristics of co mponents of the sensor real-time measurement o f voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit az r the feedback and the feedback time. IBM used the feedback field effect transistor i mplementation. in order to achieve quality factor correction c irc
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: suntao | Hits:


Description: Introduction to Grid Computing with Globus(网格计算简介) 这本 IBM 红皮书旨在为爱好网格计算技术的读者提供 Globus Toolkit 的使用介绍。其中讨论了网格计算的基础知识,以及各种网格产品和架构。本书是学习网格计算的良好起点,它能为您打下良好的基础。然后,您就可以更深入地学习网格计算的未来、OGSA、电子商务,以及 IBM 按需计算计划的理念。 这本红皮书包括下列主题: 网格计算基础 架构和安全性考虑 开放网格服务架构(Open Grid Services Architecture ,OGSA)简介 Globus Toolkit 组件描述 Globus Toolkit Version 2.2 实现 -Introduction to Grid Computing with Globu 's (grid computing profiles) that the Red Book aims to IBM grid computing technology-loving readers Globus T oolkit on the use. It discusses the basic knowledge of grid computing, as well as various products and mesh structure. This book is the study of grid computing good starting point, you can lay a good foundation. Then, you will be able to learn in depth the future of grid computing, OGSA, e-commerce, IBM on Demand, and the concepts. This Red Book includes the following topics : Grid computing infrastructure and security considerations open grid services architecture (Open Grid Services A. rchitecture. OGSA) Introduction Globus Toolkit components described Globus Toolkit Ver sion to achieve 2.2
Platform: | Size: 2317312 | Author: river_side | Hits:


Description: 邮件系统是Linux网络应用的重要组成,一个完整的邮件系统包括三个部分:底层操作系统(Linux Operation),邮件传送代理(Mail Transport Agent,MTA),邮件分发代理(Mail Delivery Agent,MDA),邮件用户代理(Mail User Agent,MUA)。 Postfix是一个非常优秀的MTA,她素以高效、安全的特点而著称。Postfix是作者在UNIX上所见过的MTA中在反垃圾邮件(Anti- Spam或Anti-UCE)方面做得最好的一个,甚至有很多公司在Postfix代码的基础上进行二次开发而推出反垃圾邮件网关产品。MTA的反垃圾邮件功能,实际上就是在MTA处理过程中对会话进行过滤。这个过滤不但过滤了发往自身的垃圾邮件,而且还防止了自身被恶意利用发送垃圾邮件。Postfix 实现了目前所有主要的MTA过滤技术。postfix是Wietse Venema在IBM的GPL协议之下开发的MTA(邮件传输代理)软件。和Sendmail相比Postfix更快、更容易管理、更灵活、更安全。
Platform: | Size: 2782208 | Author: lu shengxuan | Hits:


Description: === === === === === ==== IBM PC KEYBOARD INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ================================================================ Sources: PORTS.A of Ralf Brown s interrupt list collection repairfaq.org keyboard FAQ(doesn t appear to exsist) Linux source code Test hardware: New Samsung KB3T001SAXAA 104-key keyboard Old Maxi 2186035-00-21 101-key keyboard NO WARRANTY. NO GUARANTEE. I have tried to make this information accurate. I don t know if I succeeded. Corrections or additional information would be welcome. This is a plain-text document. If you use a word-processor to view it, use a fixed-pitch font (like Courier) so columnar data and ASCII art lines up properly.-=== === === === === === === === === === ==== IBM PC KEYBOARD INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ========= ================================================== ===== Sources: PORTS.A of Ralf Brown s interrupt list collection repairfaq.org keyboard FAQ (doesn t appear to exsist) Linux source codeTest hardware: New Samsung KB3T001SAXAA 104-key keyboard Old Maxi 2186035-00-21 101-- key keyboardNO WARRANTY. NO GUARANTEE. I have tried to make this informationaccurate. I don t know if I succeeded. Corrections or additionalinformation would be welcome.This is a plain-text document. If you use a word-processor to viewit, use a fixed-pitch font (like Courier) so columnar data andASCII art lines up properly.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ACM/ICPC(ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, 国际大学生程序设计竞赛)是由国际计算机界历史悠久、颇具权威性的组织ACM(Association for Computing Machinery,美国计算机协会)主办的,世界上公认的规模最大、水平最高的国际大学生程序设计竞赛,其目的旨在使大学生运用计算机来充分展示自己分析问题和解决问题的能力。该项竞赛从1970年举办至今已历29届,一直受到国际各知名大学的重视,并受到全世界各著名计算机公司的高度关注,在过去十几年中,APPLE、AT&T、MICROSOFT和IBM等世界著名信息企业分别担任了竞赛的赞助商。可以说,ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛已成为世界各国大学生最具影响力的国际级计算机类的赛事, 是广大爱好计算机编程的大学生展示才华的舞台,是著名大学计算机教育成果的直接体现,是信息企业与世界顶尖计算机人才对话的最好机会。 有很多高校都有专门的ACM训练网站,我比较喜欢光顾的是浙大的,acm.zju.edu.cn。但是很不幸,这几天这个网站挂了,希望可以很快修好。 做做在线ACM,感觉还是不错的,打算没有做一题,以后我会在这个ACM专栏里把每天的题目和我递交成功的源代码贴出来,看看自己能坚持多就:) -err
Platform: | Size: 7613440 | Author: 王洋 | Hits:


Description: S390是IBM著名的大型机系列,包括银行、保险、金融等关系国计民生的核心应用都运行在IBM的大型机上面。这里给出了S390上的主要工作环境TSO的命令手册。-S390 is a well-known IBM mainframe series, including banking, insurance, financial and other people
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: leon_gui | Hits:

[Software Engineering_ebook_pdf__Design_Pattern_in_C_

Description: 这是一本经典的设计模式书籍,我的宝贝哦 Copyright © 2002 by James W. Cooper IBM T J Watson Research Center February 1, 2002-This is a classic design pattern books, my darling Oh Copyright ? 2002 by James W. CooperIBM TJ Watson Research CenterFebruary 1, 2002
Platform: | Size: 3049472 | Author: 利群 | Hits:

[OS programtts

Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: zf | Hits:


Description: 最新版本的Linux内核,支持Intel、Alpha、PPC、Sparc、IA-64、ARM、MIPS、Amiga、 Atari和IBMs/390等,还支持32位大文件系统。而在Intel平台上,物理内存最大支持可以达到64GB。加强对IDE和SCSI硬件系统的支持,并增强了对USB设备和3D加速卡的支持。虽然并不像人们期望的那样有很大更新,但也好的多了。如果你还在使用旧版本的内核,赶快更新吧,绝对不会让你失望! Linux内核更新是越来越快了,可能由于Linux的普及,大家都开始关注了,各种安全隐患也越来越多。支持Intel、 Alpha、PPC、 Sparc、IA-64 、ARM、MIPS、Amiga、Atari和IBM s/390等,还支持32位大文件系统。而在Intel平台上,物理内存最大支持可以达到64GB。加强对IDE和SCSI硬件系统的支持,并增强了对 USB设备和3D加速卡的支持-The latest version of the Linux kernel to support Intel, Alpha, PPC, Sparc, IA-64, ARM, MIPS, Amiga, Atari and IBMs/390 and so on, also supports 32-bit large file system. In the Intel platform, the physical memory to achieve maximum support for 64GB. Strengthen the IDE and SCSI hardware system support and enhanced USB devices and 3D accelerator support. Although not as expected as a great update, but it s more. If you are still using the old version of the kernel update as soon as possible it will never let you down! Linux kernel update is getting faster and faster, and may be due to the popularity of Linux, we all started to pay attention, and a variety of security risks are also increasing. Support for Intel, Alpha, PPC, Sparc, IA-64, ARM, MIPS, Amiga, Atari and IBM s/390 and so on, also supports 32-bit large file system. In the Intel platform, the physical memory to achieve maximum support for 64GB. IDE and SCSI to strengthen the support of hardware systems and USB devices to enh
Platform: | Size: 878592 | Author: 我就是我 | Hits:


Description: IBM TSO命令集,PDF格式,英文,全名为TSO Commond Reference,IBM大机下操作必备。-IBM TSO command set, PDF format, in English, full name TSO Commond Reference, IBM necessary to operate large aircraft.
Platform: | Size: 1217536 | Author: 光光 | Hits:


Description: IBM LDAP Server is very powerful and useful LDAP platform. Also, You can use the CSDK for LDAP Enabled application. you can download the site. IBM SDK. and here, you can start the programming with Tivoli Directory Server V6.2 & OpenLDAP, Active Directory Service on Crossplatform.
Platform: | Size: 227328 | Author: trueatom | Hits:
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