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Description: 详细介绍了ICE整个过程,NAT类型以及如何穿越防火墙,并且有自己系统的相关部分的流程图。-ICE described in detail the whole process, NAT type and how to cross the firewall, and has its own system, the relevant parts of the flow chart.
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Size: 1828864 |
Author: xiaodou |
Description: 传说中,南极有一片广阔的冰原,在冰原下藏有史前文明的遗址。整个冰原被横竖划分成了很多个大小相等的方格。在这个冰原上有N个大小不等的矩形冰山,
ACM探 险队在经过多年准备之后决定在这个冰原上寻找遗址。根据他们掌握的资料,在这个冰原上一个大小为一格的深洞中,藏有一个由史前人类制作的开关。
而唯一可以 打开这个开关的是一个占据接近一格的可移动的小冰块。显然,在南极是不可能有这样小的独立冰块的,所以这块冰块也一定是史前文明的产物。
他们在想办法把这 个冰块推到洞里去,这样就可以打开一条通往冰原底部的通道,发掘史前文明的秘密。冰块的起始位置与深洞的位置均不和任何冰山相邻。
也可以从两座冰山之间穿过。冰块只能沿网格方向推动。-According to legend, there is a vast Antarctic ice sheet, the ice sheet under the possession of the site of prehistoric civilization. If they had the entire ice sheet is divided into many equal-sized squares. N in the ice on the tip of a rectangle of varying sizes,
These huge Antarctic icebergs has and as old as the history of the tip of each of at least occupy a rectangular box, and will fully occupy the square. Do not overlap between the tip of the iceberg and there will not be connected to edge or point.
ACM expedition after the decision, after years of preparation in the ice to find sites. According to their information available in the ice sheet the size of a cell of a deep hole, possession of a prehistoric people made the switch.
The only you can open an account for this switch can be moved close to a grid of small ice cubes. Clearly, in the Antarctic is not possible to have such a small independent ice, so this ice must also be a product of prehistoric civilization.
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Size: 245760 |
Author: 胡灏 |
Description: In high school there are sections on the following sports: skiing, skating, ice hockey, soccer, rugby and Sambo. Known sports that engage students in each group. Required to construct and print a lot of sports that are engaged in all groups (N = 10).
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Size: 1024 |
Author: alex |
Description: 针对基于贝叶斯原理的序贯蒙特卡罗粒子滤波器出现退化现象的原因, 以无敏粒子滤波(U PF)、辅助粒子滤波
(A S IR) 及采样重要再采样(S IR) 等改进的粒子滤波算法为例, 对消除该缺陷的关键技术(优化重要密度函数及再采样) 进行了
分析研究。说明通过提高重要密度函数的似然度、引进当前测量值、预增和复制大权值粒子等方式, 可以有效改善算法性能。
最后通过对一无源探测定位问题进行仿真, 验证了运用该关键技术后, 算法的收敛精度和鲁棒性得到进一步增强。- Abstract:W e analyze the degeneracy phenomenon of sequen t ialMon te Carlo part icle f ilters based on
bayesian theo rem , pu t focu s on the key techn iques ( good cho ice of impo rtance den sity and u se of
resamp ling ) to reduce it s effect s. Several imp roving schemes such as the U n scen ted Part icle F ilters
(U PF) , the A ux iliary Samp ling Impo rtance Resamp ling (A S IR ) and the Samp ling Impo rtance Resamp ling
(S IR ) algo rithm s are in t roduced to illu st rate th rough increasing the likelihood of the impo rtance den sity o r
inco rpo rat ing new measu remen t, o r rep licat ing part icles w ith large w eigh t s w ith in the generic f rame of
part icle f ilters, the convergence accu racy and robu stness behavio rs of the algo rithm can be effect ively
imp roved. A typ ical passive detect ion and locat ion p rob lem is simu lated to p rove above conclu sion s.
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Size: 297984 |
Author: Haiser |