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Description: libiconv是一个很不错的字符集转换库。程序接口也很简单,并且提供了详尽的说明文档。-libiconv is a very good character set conversion library. Program interface is also very simple, and to provide a detailed documentation.
Platform: | Size: 8902656 | Author: jacky | Hits:


Description: This module is built to provide more practical/effective functions than php iconv for character encoding conversion. Chinese package has been included: gb<->big5, (gb,big5)<->utf8<->unicode, (gb, big5)->pinyin. The Chinese package was built based on the Chinese encoding lib-This module is built to provide more practical/effective functions than php iconv for character encoding conversion. Chinese package has been included: gb <-> big5, (gb, big5) <-> utf8 <-> unicode, (gb, big5)-> pinyin.The Chinese package was built based on the Chinese encoding lib
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: little sw | Hits:

[Windows Developlibiconv-1.12.tar

Description: 字符集转换程序,提供iconv()函数,可将多种编码的字符集互相转换,如将GB2312->UTF-8,等等。-GNU LIBICONV- character set conversion library This library provides an iconv() implementation, for use on systems which don t have one, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode.
Platform: | Size: 4513792 | Author: 李喜毅 | Hits:


Description: This is a very quick port of irdadump from Linux irda-utils-0.9.16. It requires various DLLs (iconv, libglib) which were downloaded ready-compiled from sites on the internet, and are included here also. -This is a very quick port of irdadump from Linux irda-utils-0.9.16. It requires various DLLs (iconv, libglib) which were downloaded ready-compiled from sites on the internet, and are included here also.
Platform: | Size: 7797760 | Author: Anna | Hits:


Description: Cxxtools 源码, Cxxtools把大部分linux C 库函数封装成C++类。封装方法巧妙高效,可以用于学习和直接使用。-Cxxtools is a collection of general-purpose C++ classes. It includes classes for: * argument parsing * logging * wrappers for threading (pthreads) * networking with tcp and udp including iostream-based classes * std::ostream for md5-calculation * std::ostream-hexdumper * std::ostream, which duplicates output (like tee) * wrappers for fork(2) and pipe(2) * parser for ini files * parser for property files * policy based smartpointer * wrappers for dlopen(2) and dlsym(2) * std::istream based http client * uuencoder-std::ostream * classes to create mime messages for sending mail with attachements or as html-formatted mail * template based fast signal/slot-classes * template for pools * parser for http-query-parameters e.g. for cgi * ostream-filter for counting bytes passed through it * wrappers for atomic operations * std::ostream based wrapper around iconv(3)
Platform: | Size: 451584 | Author: leo | Hits:

[Shell apicodeTrans

Description: 对指定文件夹中的文本文件批量转换编码,shell脚本;附iconv说明-batch transcoding to text files in specified folder,written using Shell,with the manual of iconv
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: pengeorge | Hits:

[WEB CodephpExcel1.7.4

Description: excel 读取 写入可以无组件编辑-INTRODUCTION Read data from Excel spread sheets without Microsoft! Provides an API to allow any application to read Excel documents. Written in PHP. Based on the the Java version by Andy Khan. LINKS OpenOffice.org s Documentation http://sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf OLE2 Storage Documentation http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/poifs/fileformat.html Java API for reading, writing and modifying the contents of Excel spreadsheets http://www.andykhan.com/ CONTACT Vadim Tkachenko vt@apachephp.com INFO For use encoding you must have installed iconv extension, otherwise data output in unicode HOW TO USE see example.php
Platform: | Size: 7925760 | Author: 残月 | Hits:

[WEB Codejiuwap_browser_2011

Description: 玖玩浏览器是一款高级强大的手机(WAP)网页浏览器!能让你的山寨机浏览电脑WEB网页的网页浏览器!超强页面压缩,几百KB的网页压缩到几十KB,压缩图片,网盘上传下载,内置书签,跨平台的浏览器! 强大的网盘系统,在线操作多种文件(如doc/jar/mrp/zip等) 本程序只能运行在网站根目录!可以用域名绑定子目录!请注意网站要有读写权限,否则玖玩浏览器无法安装也无法使用! PHP需要开启fsockopen、gd、iconv、mb,否则无法使用。 请注意保护用户数据,不得窃取、公开部分或全部COOKIE/URL/表单/剪切板/文件等内容,不得使用用户数据! 本站不对这些负责,本站只提供源码,也请网友不要轻易使用别人的网页浏览器! 一:(本地FTP全文件上传) 1.解压缩jiuwap_browser_20110901.zip,(FTP)上传整站源码 2.运行install/index.php 按提示进行安装 3.搞定,以后需要手工更新文件,只需运行install/index.php按提示操作即可自动升级到最新玖玩浏览器!! 二:(单文件网络远程上传) 1.解压缩install_remote.zip,(FTP)上传install_remote.php 2.运行install_remote.php,一步一步操作 3.见安装方法一(2) 为了方便站长对浏览器界面的自定义修改,我特意准备的简单的模板系统,请看目录template-Jiu-play browser is an advanced powerful mobile (WAP) web browser! Cottage allows you to browse your computer s web browser WEB page! Super page compression, compressed to a few hundred KB of dozens of pages KB, compressed images, upload and download network drive, built-in bookmarks, cross-platform browser! Powerful network disk system, operating a variety of online documents (such as doc/jar/mrp/zip, etc.) This application can only run in the site root! Can bind sub domain! Please note that the web should read and write permissions, or Jiu-play browser can not use can not be installed! PHP needs to open fsockopen, gd, iconv, mb, or can not be used. Please note that to protect user data, not to steal, the open part or all of the COOKIE/URL/form/clipboard/file, etc., shall not use user data! Site not those responsible, this site provides only source code, please Do not use someone else s users web browser! 1: (all local FTP file upload) 1. Decompress jiuwap_browse
Platform: | Size: 179200 | Author: your name | Hits:


Description: 在 linux 做开发或者系统管理遇到乱码是经常的事情,主要 windows windows下中文的默认编码是 gb2312 gb2312,而 linux 下是 utf -8。很多时候 涉及到和 windows windowswindows平台系统的通信免不了编码转 平台系统的通信免不了编码转 化,可能大部分人都用 iconv iconv iconv库函数(包含在 glib glibglib中)和 iconv iconv iconv命令来执行编码转换,今天 我 要推荐的是另一个 要推荐的是另一个 shell shell下编码转换工具 enca enca。用它不仅可以转换编码,还查看文件 。用它不仅可以转换编码,还查看文件 。用它不仅可以转换编码,还查看文件 。用它不仅可以转换编码,还查看文件 的原始编码,使用上也比 iconv 方便-Encounter garbled in linux development or system administration is a regular thing, the main windows the windows under the Chinese default encoding is gb2312 iso- 8859- under linux utf-8. Communication inevitably a lot when it comes to and windows windowswindows, platform communication coding inevitably turn to the platform encoding conversion is likely that most people use iconv The iconv The iconv library functions (included in the glib glibglib) and iconv iconv The iconv command to perform the encoding conversion, I would like to recommend another to be recommended another the shell the shell transcoding tool enca enca. It not only can convert the code, and also to view the file. It not only can convert the code, and also to view the file. It not only can convert the code, and also to view the file. Can not only use it to transform coding, but also view the original encoding of the file, use iconv convenient
Platform: | Size: 258048 | Author: wuyukun | Hits:


Description: 最新的linux下的SMS的PDU编码及解码,包含iconv函数的用法,及起ASCII到UFT-8的转化。-Under the latest linux SMS-PDU encoding and decoding, including the iconv functions are used, and from ASCII to the UFT-8 conversion.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: M | Hits:

[OS programiconv

Description: 实现utf8 和gb2312等字体的转换功能。-uf8, gb2312
Platform: | Size: 2239488 | Author: lilei | Hits:


Description: linux 下iconv函数的函数库,编译好后就可以使用iconv函数族-under linux iconv function library compiled, you can use iconv function family
Platform: | Size: 3919872 | Author: zm | Hits:


Description: C++标准库中没有操作XML的方法,LIBXML2是其中一种很优秀的XML库,应用LibXml2库来进行xml文档操作,libxml2库依赖iconv和zlib库.这是LIBxml2的解析代码-Manipulate XML the C++ standard library and, LIBXML2 XML library is one of the very good, to apply LibXml2 library xml document manipulation the libxml2 library dependencies iconv and zlib library. Parsing code is LIBxml2
Platform: | Size: 4075520 | Author: 林雨萱 | Hits:


Description: Convert between character sets using iconv.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: gaijongbin | Hits:


Description: Convert between character sets using iconv.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: gaijongbin | Hits:


Description: This file contains portable iconv functions for SDL.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: leneino | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCellPhoneRepairs

Description: 保存并重试细节的手机修理工作卡一个访问数据库,程序在vb.net访问数据库。用户能够按enter键移动到另一个从一个控制。模块有其他有用功能像iconv,removetrailing换行等。-Save the and retry the details of the mobile phone repair work card a access to the database, the program in vb.net access the database. User is able Press the enter key to move to another link from one control. Module has other useful functions like iconv, removetrailing wrap and so on.
Platform: | Size: 143360 | Author: 麻辣豆腐 | Hits:

[OS program2010423133036-4821

Description: IConv的C++包装类工程 工程主要用了 nanyu 的包装类,我只是将Iconv的代码一并加进来了,这样可执行文件就不需要拖着个dll到处跑了.-IConv of C++ wrapper class engineering works mainly used nanyu wrapper class, I just Iconv code will be add to the mix, so you do not need an executable file ran around dragging a dll.
Platform: | Size: 1275904 | Author: lcj | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCPPxmlprogramming

Description: Windows平台下,使用C/C++语言,应用LibXml2库来进行xml文档操作,同时使 用ICONV库进行中文编码转换的文档。 C++的XML编程经验――LIBXML2库使用指南-C++ XML programming experience- LIBXML2 Library User Guide
Platform: | Size: 195584 | Author: hh | Hits:


Description: VS2008下编译iconv(1.14)静态链接库及使用的的简单例子-VS2008 compiled iconv (1.14) static link library and a simple example of use
Platform: | Size: 13694976 | Author: 杨涛 | Hits:
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