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fterm核心代码是基于\"]francois.piette@overbyte.be的ICS控件改制而来,其中用在fterm中的控件包括TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx, TWSocket。这里简称TTnEmulVT for FTERM ICS的原作者是Francois Piette,其主页是 fterm的主要作者是,\"] TTnEmulVT for FTERM包含了基本的telnet功能,ansi序列解析,ssh1/2,zmodem所有相关代码,以及一个demo程序 下载源码前你需要作出以下承诺: TnEmulVT for FTERM 来源于ICS,因此你需要服从ICS的License,在下载的zip包中有一个readme_ics.txt是ICS原始的说明,请你阅读并遵从之。简要地说: 这个代码永远属于Francois Piette,不论如何,你不能声称这是你的作品。 你必须寄一张明信片到:Francois PIETTE, rue de Grady 24, 4053 Embourg, Belgium. 这是对待Francois Piette你需要作的。 对于kxn,他在维护smth.org这个bbs, 你需要经常去smth.org上去看看他,问问他最近需要点什么。 对于fuse,你需要发送一封email到,告诉他你拿到代码了,你可以将question, bug, wishlist, new code发给他,而他可能不回信。-fterm core code is based on "] fran cois.piette @ the ICS controls from restructuring, There are at the controls fterm including TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx. TWSocket. TTnEmulVT listed here for FTERM ICS is the original author of Fr ancois Piette, its home page is http : / / fterm the main authors are fuse@dot66.c om. "] kxn.bbs blocking TTnEmulVT @ f or FTERM contains the basic functions of telnet, ansi sequence analysis, ssh1 / 2, zmodem all relevant code, as well as a demo download the source code before you need to make the following commitments : TnEmulVT for FTERM from ICS. So you need to obey ICS License, downloaded the zip package is a readme_ics.txt ICS is the original note Please read and follow's. Briefly :
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 619.97kb Publisher : 毛毛

FTPServer ICS 网络 互联网 Socket使用ICS做的FTP服务器程序-FTPServer ICS Socket Internet network using ICS do FTP server
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 187kb Publisher : 凉凉

fterm核心代码是基于"]francois.piette@overbyte.be的ICS控件改制而来,其中用在fterm中的控件包括TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx, TWSocket。这里简称TTnEmulVT for FTERM ICS的原作者是Francois Piette,其主页是 fterm的主要作者是,"] TTnEmulVT for FTERM包含了基本的telnet功能,ansi序列解析,ssh1/2,zmodem所有相关代码,以及一个demo程序 下载源码前你需要作出以下承诺: TnEmulVT for FTERM 来源于ICS,因此你需要服从ICS的License,在下载的zip包中有一个readme_ics.txt是ICS原始的说明,请你阅读并遵从之。简要地说: 这个代码永远属于Francois Piette,不论如何,你不能声称这是你的作品。 你必须寄一张明信片到:Francois PIETTE, rue de Grady 24, 4053 Embourg, Belgium. 这是对待Francois Piette你需要作的。 对于kxn,他在维护smth.org这个bbs, 你需要经常去smth.org上去看看他,问问他最近需要点什么。 对于fuse,你需要发送一封email到,告诉他你拿到代码了,你可以将question, bug, wishlist, new code发给他,而他可能不回信。-fterm core code is based on "] fran cois.piette @ the ICS controls from restructuring, There are at the controls fterm including TTnEmulVT, TEmulVT, TTnCnx. TWSocket. TTnEmulVT listed here for FTERM ICS is the original author of Fr ancois Piette, its home page is http :// fterm the main authors are fuse@dot66.c om. "] kxn.bbs blocking TTnEmulVT @ f or FTERM contains the basic functions of telnet, ansi sequence analysis, ssh1/2, zmodem all relevant code, as well as a demo download the source code before you need to make the following commitments : TnEmulVT for FTERM from ICS. So you need to obey ICS License, downloaded the zip package is a readme_ics.txt ICS is the original note Please read and follow's. Briefly :
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 620kb Publisher : 毛毛

DL : 0
主要包括免疫识别、免疫学习、免疫 记忆、克隆选择、个体多样性、分布式和自适应等,-It is the real engineering app licat ion s that draw the b road at ten2 t ion of compu ter scien t ist s to recogn ize the great po ten t ial of A IS, hereby som e impo rtan t app li2 cat ion f ields as info rm at ion secu rity, pat tern recogn it ion, op t im izat ion, m ach ine learn ing, data m in ing, robo t ics, diagno st ics and cybernet ics etc. are review ed
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 小蓝

针对CT 医学图像和MR I 医学图像成像特点, 提出了基于快速整数提升小波变换的融合方法。在CT 和 MR I 两幅医学图像配准的前提下, 利用提升小波变换把图像分解成低频和高频子图像, 对于小波变换后的高频 子图像, 选择区域标准差大的作为融合后的子图像 对于低频子图像, 采用加权融合, 最后进行小波逆变换, 得到 融合后的图像, 并对融合后图像用信息熵、平均梯度、相关系数的指标进行评价。实验结果表明, 基于快速整数提 升小波变换融合中, 小波高低频系数采用不同的规则能够取得更好的融合效果, 其轮廓清晰。该算法能够提升融 合后的医学图像信息量, 同时有效地保护图像的细节信息, 在执行时间和图像质量上均优于普通小波算法。-A imed at the characterist ics of CT andMR Imedical images, a new image fu sion al2 go rithm based on the fast in t lif t ing w avelet t ran sfo rm s is p ropo sed. Two o riginal images are decompo sed by the fast in t lif t ing w avelet t ran sfo rm s. The fu sion ru le based on the max imum standard deviat ion value variance is u sed to fu se the h igh f requency sub2image, w h ile a w eigh t2 ed average fu sed ru le is app lied by coeff icien t s of the low f requency. F inally, the fu sion image is recon st ructed fo r perfo rm ing inverse fast in t lif t ing w avelet t ran sfo rm s. The fu sion image is evaluated by en t ropy, average gradien t, and co rrelat ion coeff icien t s. Experimen tal resu lt show s that the fu sion image hasmo re info rmat ion than o riginal images and imp roves the quali2 ty of o riginal images. M eanw h ile, the fu sion image p ro tect s detail characterist ics of the image, thu s the real2t ime p rocess and image qualit ies are w ell than tha
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 782kb Publisher : 杨颜华

Class to generate i Calender object (.ics) per R F C 5545 Source Code for Linux.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : buederhun
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