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A New Identity-based Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings-A New Identity-based Proxy Signature Sche me from Bilinear Pairings
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 797.25kb Publisher : zouning

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A New Identity-based Proxy Signature Scheme from Bilinear Pairings-A New Identity-based Proxy Signature Sche me from Bilinear Pairings
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 797kb Publisher : zouning

利用椭圆曲线9GH 群上的双线性,构建了一种基于身份的三方弱型签密协议,提供密文鉴别、报文机密、签名非否认等安全特 性,摆脱了4+I 体系的约束,提高了计算效率,为在线交易和支付提供一种安全高效的一体化解决方案。-Use of elliptic curve 9GH group on bilinear, build an identity-based signcryption weak tripartite agreement, to provide ciphertext authentication, message confidentiality, signature security features, such as non-repudiation, from the 4+ I system constraints, improve the computational efficiency for online transactions and payments to provide a safe and efficient integration solutions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 156kb Publisher : 张莹

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本书以大量精简的实例介绍了Java安全性编程方面的概念和技术,全书共计9章。 经过精心设计,每个小节的实例着重说明一个问题,又相互贯穿和联系。涉及Java加密和解密,反编译和反反编译,对类、成员变量、方法的攻击和保护,消息摘要,消息验证码,数字签名,口令保护,数字证书和证书链的生成、签发、检验和维护,SSL和HTTPS客户及服务器程序、基于代码位置和签发者的授权,签名Java Applet,基于身份的验证和授权(JAAS)等。 全书的实例极为精简,只保留了能够说明问题的代码,而又可真正运行,便于Java入门者轻松掌握安全性方面繁杂的概念。适合于适合于初步了解Java语法的学习者,也适合于安全技术的入门及高校Java教学参考。 -This book introducte the Java security programming concepts and techniques by a large number of examples ,book total of 9 chapters. Carefully designed, each section highlights examples of a problem, and contact each other throughout. Involving Java encryption and decryption, decompile and compile counter of class, member variables, methods of attack and protection, message digest, message authentication codes, digital signatures, password protection, digital certificate and certificate chain generation, issuance, inspection and maintenance, SSL and HTTPS clients and server program, based on code location and issuer of the authorized signature Java Applet, identity-based authentication and authorization (JAAS) and so on. Examples of the book is extremely streamlined, leaving only the problem that can code and who can really run, easy to Java beginners to easily grasp complex security concepts.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.27mb Publisher : wang chao

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把动态口令技术和数字签名技术的原理相结合,提出了一种新的基于数字签名技术的动态身份认证系统-Put dynamic password and digital signature technology, the principle of combining a new digital signature technology based on the dynamics of identity authentication system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14.21mb Publisher : Lcsophia_njut

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基于身份的数字签名HESS算法的文章!包含了算法原理,算法分析和相关密码学知识!-HESS identity-based digital signature algorithm for the article! Contains the algorithm, the algorithm analysis, and knowledge related to the password!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 195kb Publisher : hale

基于身份的数字签名PATERSON算法!包括算法原理,算法实现和算法评价!-PATERSON identity-based digital signature algorithm! Including the algorithm, the algorithm implementation and algorithm evaluation!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 402kb Publisher : hale

一种基于身份的门限代理签名方案An identity based threshold proxy signature scheme-An identity based threshold proxy signature scheme
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : deng77

Energy cost of transmitting a single bit of information is approximately the same as that needed for processing a thousand operations in a typical sensor node. Thus, a practical way to prolong a wireless sensor network lifetime is to reduce the sensor energy consumption in data transmissions. Data aggregation is an efficient way to minimize energy consumption on sensors. In this paper, we propose a practical secure data aggregation scheme, Sen-SDA, based on an additive homomorphic encryption scheme, an identity-based signature scheme, and a batch verification technique with an algorithm for filtering injected false data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9.81mb Publisher : Pooja
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