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在强调正确性、可移植性和可维护性的基础上,对C语言的具体细节、运行库以及C语言编程风格做了完整、准确的描述。本书涵盖了传统C语言、C89、C95、C99等所有C语言版本的实现,同时讨论了C++与C语言兼容的部分。全书自上而下介绍了C语言的词法结构、预处理器、声明、类型表达式、语句、函数和运行库,是所有C语言编程人员必备的参考书。 这本畅销的权威参考手册对C语言的基本概念和运行库提供了完整的描述,同时还强调了以正确性、可移植性和可维护性为根本出发点的良好的C语言编程风格,被国外众多高校广泛采用为教材或教学参考书,本书描述了C语言各个版本的所有细节,是C语言编程人员和实现者惟一必备的参考手册。最新的第5版经过修订和更新,融入了最新C语言标准ISO IEC 9899:1999的完整描述,包括强大的语言扩展和新的函数库。-emphasizing accuracy, portability and maintainability, based on the C language specific details of the runtime and C language programming style to do a complete and accurate description. The book covers the traditional language C, C89, High, 12-23 all C language version of the achievement, while discussing the C language and C compatible parts. The book introduced the top-down C language lexical structure, a pre-processor that statement, the type expression, the statement, function and operation of libraries, all C programmers the necessary reference books. This popular authoritative reference manual for the C language and basic concepts of operation for a complete description, but also emphasized the correctness, portability and maintainability as a fundamental starting point for the good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : 晓宁

IEC 61970-301 国际电工委员会制定电力通信规约 英文版 市面上很难买到-IEC 61970-301 International Electrotechnical Commission in formulating the power communication protocol available in the market difficult to buy English
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1mb Publisher : 马强

ISO/IEC 14882 ANSI/ISO C++ Standard 776页-ISO/IEC 14882 ANSI/ISO C++ Standard 776 page
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : huangzhuo

IEC 62956 Client stack architecture of DLMC cosem protocol
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 269kb Publisher : Rama Rao

vb6.0编写的智能仪表通信程序,实现MODBUS-RTU规约及IEC 60870-5-103规约的智能仪表的数据采集,同时实现VB程序与WINCC交换数据。-vb6.0 communication program written in intelligent instruments to achieve MODBUS-RTU protocol and IEC 60870-5-103 Statute of intelligent instrument data acquisition, while achieving WINCC VB program and exchange data.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher :

电力变压器是电网中的最重要的设备之一,利用它可以把不同电压的电网联结在一起,组成复杂的电网或庞大的电力系统,并在其中发挥着重要的作用;电力变压器的可靠性直接关系到电网能否安全、高效、经济的运行。由于变压器长期连续在电网中运行,不可避免地发生各种故障和事故,因而如何对电力变压器在运行中的故障进行诊断,已成为电力部门急需解决的问题。 IEC三比值法是电力变压器内部故障诊断的常用方法。IEC三比值法是经IEC审议后,在四比值法(即罗杰斯法)的基础上修改而得到的一种简化的新的比值方法,它是将变压器油裂解产生的CH4、H2、C2H6、C2H4、C2H2几种气体相互比较而得到一组数字编码,根据编码的不同组合可以分析得出变压器的各种故障类型。 IEC三比值是一种比较成熟的对电力变压器故障进行检测的方法,而且检测的精度相对较高,并不会象其他检测方法那样要求停机检测而影响变压器的工作,提高了电网的经济运行,也提高了工作的效率。因而,IEC三比值法在国际上得到广泛的应用。 在完成本次设计过程中,要求对电力变压器的内部故障进行广泛了解,并用VB语言对IEC三比值法进行故障诊断算法的程序设计,完成故障诊断模块和数据管理模块,实现变压器内部故障论断。 -Power transformer in the grid is one of the most important equipment, it can use the network of different voltage linked together, to form a complex network or large electric power system, and plays an important role in it the reliability of the power transformer is directly related to the power grid safe, efficient, economic operation. Because the transformer long-term continuous in operation of power grids, inevitably occurs a variety of failures and accidents, so how to power transformer in operation fault diagnosis, has become urgent to solve the problem of electric power sector. IEC three ratio method is the electric power transformer fault diagnosis methods. IEC three ratio method is the IEC deliberation, in the ratio of four (Rodgers method) based on the modified and get a new simplified ratio method, it is the transformer oil cleavage to generate CH4, H2, C2H6, C2H4, C2H2 several kinds of gases are compared with each other and get a group of digital coding, according to enc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 王显

IEC反时限特性计算,自己用VB开发的一个小程序,可以计算动作时间和时间系数(IEC counter time limit characteristic calculation, a small program developed by VB, can calculate the time and time coefficient of action)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 80kb Publisher : yuyu71
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