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Description: DLL文件,在安装IIS时用得到,挺好用的一个东西-DLL files, the installation of IIS to be used, with a very good thing
Platform: | Size: 7336 | Author: 宋少 | Hits:


Description: staxmem.dll IIS安装需要 声明:本程序由站长之家搜集整理,不承担任何技术及版权问题-staxmem.dll IIS installation statement : head of the procedures House collate, not bear any technical and copyright issues
Platform: | Size: 4843 | Author: storm | Hits:


Description: MFC IIS防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(MFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/ISAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIS 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings] url= 允许外部链接的网站地址 以\"|\"号分开 如\"xfrog.cn|webtm.cn\" extension=gif|jpg|png|psd|bmp|swf|midi|wav|mp3|wma|avi|mpg|wmv|asf|rm|rmvb|zip|rar 需要过滤 监测的文件类型 以\"|\"号分开 speed=50 文件下载速度 单位\"K\" 需知 因为网络环境的不同 没那么准确 thread=2 单文件下载最大线程-MFC IIS defense Daolian vc Development Environment 7.0 (MFC) / windows 2003's p1 / iis6.1 main functions : a defense Daolian two restrictions download threads number three download speed limit use : an open Internet Information Services (IIS) Management / local computer / website / Default Web / Attribute / ISAPI Filter / add two names casually paper of your choice extract from the three heavy relink.dll Kai IIS 4 Open ReLink.ini specific parameters : [settings] url = allow external link to the website address of the "|", as separate "xfrog. cn | webtm.cn "extension = gif | jpg | png | psd | bm p | swf | midi | wav | mp3 | wma | avi | mpg | wmv | asf | r m | RealNetworks | zip | rar need to filter monitoring the file type "|" = 50 separate speed File Downl
Platform: | Size: 12438 | Author: 莫飞 | Hits:

[Search EnginegoagoBlogs

Description: 1.使用Url重写成静态页,优化meta的title属性,使搜索引擎更容易识别和收录,并提高安全性。 2.采用更加快速的查询算法和和强大的多用户自定义分类,保证程序运行的高效率。 3.首页博客概要列表采用灵活的html代码和文本的选择机制,使首页显示更加多样性。 4.使用Menu控件作为菜单导航,使您可以通过Web.sitemap任意增减无级下拉菜单扩展定位您的网站页面。 5.规范n层架构和动态缓存,以避免IIS回收资源后程序的不稳定。 6.与逛一逛论坛(goago Forums) v2.0采用统一MemberShip,可以无缝整合。 7.html代码和cs,ascx文件代码全部编译成dll,所以您也不必要担心您的页面被人家安上恶意代码。 -1. Url rewritten using static pages, the optimization of meta title attribute, Search engines make it easier to identify and inclusion, and improved security. 2. The use of a more rapid algorithm and the inquiries and more powerful user-defined classification procedures to ensure the high efficiency of operation. 3. Home blog summary list of flexible html code and the text of the selection mechanism, the homepage shows more diversity. 4. Menu used as a control menu navigation, You can make arbitrary changes Web.sitemap no pull-down menu expansion positioning your website pages. 5. Norms n-tier structure and dynamic caching, in order to avoid IIS recycling resources procedures instability. 6. And to have Forum (goago Forums) v2.0 MemberShip uniform, can be seamlessly integrated. 7.html code
Platform: | Size: 784085 | Author: 无德玄 | Hits:

[Windows Develop软件在线升级系统

Description: “软件在线升级系统”执行说明: 1、 光盘目录vc6.0\chapter6\bin\UpgradeAtv.dll为本系统的可执行文件。在测试之前要先使用regsvr32.exe注册这个DLL。 2、 光盘目录vc6.0\chapter6\Pages是本系统的测试页面。 3、 光盘目录vc6.0\chapter6\setup是系统安装指导。 4、 光盘目录vc6.0\chapter6\src\UpgradeAtv\*.*为本系统的VC源程序。 5、 光盘目录vc6.0\chapter6\Tools\*.*为本系统使用到的工具。 “软件在线升级系统”如何编译: 直接点击编译完成对整个项目的编译。 “软件在线升级系统”如何部署: 1、 配置IIS 以Pages目录为Web的根目录建立新的站点 2、 配置FTP 在本地机器上配置FTP站点,同时建立帐号hacker,密码为free。 把应用系统的安装文件setup.exe放在FTP的根目录下。 3、 注册ActiveX组件 使用regsvr32 UpgradeAtv.dll在本地的机器上注册UpgradeAtv.dll。 4、 使用本章提到的方法生成UpgradeAtx.cab,并且把它放置到 Web的根目录下。 5、 把IE的安全级别降低-"online update system software" implementation : a CD-ROM directory vc6.0 \ chapter6 \ bin \ UpgradeAtv.dll-based system of the executable. In testing before a registration regsvr32.exe use the DLL. 2, CD-ROM directory vc6.0 \ chapter6 \ Pages of the system test pages. 3, CD-ROM directory vc6.0 \ chapter6 \ setup is guiding system installed. 4, CD-ROM directory vc6.0 \ chapter6 \ src \ UpgradeAtv \*.*-based system of VC source. 5, CD-ROM directory vc6.0 \ chapter6 \ Tools \*.*-based system to use the tool. "Software Online Upgrade System" How compiler : direct hits compiler of the entire project completed compiler. "Software Online Upgrade System," how to deploy : one, to configure IIS Web Pages directory to the root directory to establish two new sites, FTP
Platform: | Size: 8656896 | Author: 徐夕 | Hits:


Description: DLL文件,在安装IIS时用得到,挺好用的一个东西-DLL files, the installation of IIS to be used, with a very good thing
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 宋少 | Hits:


Description: staxmem.dll IIS安装需要 声明:本程序由站长之家搜集整理,不承担任何技术及版权问题-staxmem.dll IIS installation statement : head of the procedures House collate, not bear any technical and copyright issues
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: storm | Hits:


Description: MFC IIS防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(MFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIS)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/ISAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIS 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings] url= 允许外部链接的网站地址 以"|"号分开 如"xfrog.cn|webtm.cn" extension=gif|jpg|png|psd|bmp|swf|midi|wav|mp3|wma|avi|mpg|wmv|asf|rm|rmvb|zip|rar 需要过滤 监测的文件类型 以"|"号分开 speed=50 文件下载速度 单位"K" 需知 因为网络环境的不同 没那么准确 thread=2 单文件下载最大线程-MFC IIS defense Daolian vc Development Environment 7.0 (MFC)/windows 2003's p1/iis6.1 main functions : a defense Daolian two restrictions download threads number three download speed limit use : an open Internet Information Services (IIS) Management/local computer/website/Default Web/Attribute/ISAPI Filter/add two names casually paper of your choice extract from the three heavy relink.dll Kai IIS 4 Open ReLink.ini specific parameters : [settings] url = allow external link to the website address of the "|", as separate "xfrog. cn | webtm.cn "extension = gif | jpg | png | psd | bm p | swf | midi | wav | mp3 | wma | avi | mpg | wmv | asf | r m | RealNetworks | zip | rar need to filter monitoring the file type "|" = 50 separate speed File Downl
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 莫飞 | Hits:


Description: 用于向网页中插入代码,支持iframe以及script 标签 测试环境WIN2003+IIS XPSP2+IIS WIN2000没测试。 首先打开GetID.exe获取注册号,运行IIS_AD.exe生成DLL文件,加载到IIS应用池就OK了 有了他服务器任何的一个页面都会有广告代码或者网马代码。 之后修改IIS_AD.ini里的内容: [IIS_AD] ADjs=<script language=’javascript’>alert(’Welcome to User IIS AD !’) </script> 支持iframe以及script 标签-Used to insert the code page to support the iframe tag and script testing environment WIN2003+ IIS XPSP2+ IIS WIN2000 failed test. First of all open access GetID.exe registration number, run IIS_AD.exe generated DLL file, loaded into the IIS application pool has been OK with him on any server, a page will have the ad code or network code Ma. Modified after IIS_AD.ini Content: [IIS_AD] ADjs =
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: inking | Hits:

[Windows Developiis_ll

Description: 提供两个xp版本的iis.inf及iis.dll下载,网上很多是2K的,这样可以免去自己做inf及dll的麻烦,适用于没有IIS组件时-Provide two versions of xp download iis.inf and iis.dll, online are a lot of the 2K
Platform: | Size: 1339392 | Author: zj | Hits:


Description: php安装源码,请下载后按照说明文件安装及配置,配置后安装Windows IIS或其他服务器程序,之后方可使用-php installation
Platform: | Size: 10377216 | Author: zhaichong | Hits:

[OS programadmexs.dll

Description: admexs.dll IIS安装缺省系统文件-admexs.dll IIS install the default system files
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: H | Hits:


Description: 脱离IIS部署网站 能够让asp.net页面和Web服务脱离iis独立运行-the asp.net page and webservice not run at iis
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: Jackson | Hits:

[OS programiis

Description: 安装iis时缺少的一些dll,这里提供一些,省得你一个一个找了-some dlls,you may need when you install the dll
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: gustg | Hits:

[Web Serverwamreg51

Description: wamreg51.dll 装IIS必须的文件-wamreg51.dll
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 杨强 | Hits:


Description: ftp server for iis win 2003 server insta-ftp server for iis win 2003 server install
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: Marek | Hits:

[OS programIISBanner

Description: ISAPI DLL 可以更改IIS默认的banner "Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0"-ISAPI DLL you can change the IIS default banner Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 王鹏 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringiischema.dll

Description: iis utility dll its usful
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: Albert | Hits:


Description: asp开发运行环境需要的工具,iis工具,iis服务器
Platform: | Size: 24182784 | Author: wangying | Hits:

[Web Servermyisapi

Description: 这是一个dll 扩展iis 的例子,使用的是isapi方式-isapi iis dll
Platform: | Size: 2772992 | Author: 朱玲玉 | Hits:
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