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[Other resourceRPC1

Description: 高精度遥感处理算法(RPC正解),主要处理IKONOS遥感影像-precision remote sensing processing algorithms (RPC is FNL), which mainly deals with the IKONOS Image
Platform: | Size: 46943 | Author: 刘永亮 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsRPC1

Description: 高精度遥感处理算法(RPC正解),主要处理IKONOS遥感影像-precision remote sensing processing algorithms (RPC is FNL), which mainly deals with the IKONOS Image
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: 刘永亮 | Hits:

[Special EffectsOrthorect_Aerial

Description: In-depth discussion of orthorectification tools for IKONOS and QuickBird imagery that use RPCs often provided by the data vendors. Compare an orthorectified image to an uncorrected image, and examine changes produced by the orthorectification proce-In-depth discussion of orthorectification tools for IKONOS and QuickBird imagery that use RPCs often provided by the data vendors. Compare an orthorectified image to an uncorrected image, and examine changes produced by the orthorectification process
Platform: | Size: 459776 | Author: li | Hits:

[Special EffectsVZ_HELP

Description: 全数字摄影测量系统 VirtuoZo 具有以下特点: 􀁹 全软件化设计:VirtuoZo 是一个全软件化设计、功能齐全和高度智能化的全数字摄影测量系统。 􀁹 高度自动化:影像的内定向、相对定向、影像匹配、建立DEM、由DEM提取等高线和制作正射影像等操作,基本上不需要人工干预,可以批处理地自动进行。 􀁹 高效率:相对定向只需1-2分钟,匹配同名点的速度达到每秒500点以上。 􀁹 灵活性:系统提供了“自动化”和“交互处理”两种作业方式。用户可以根据具体情况灵活选择。 􀁹 通用性:系统不仅能基于航空影像生产从1:50,000到1:500各种比例尺的4D产品(DEM、DOM、DLG和DRG),还能处理近景影像、中等分辨率的卫星影像(如:SPOT、TM等卫星影像)、IKONOS卫星影像、QuickBird 卫星影像和可量测数码相机影像。 􀁹 采集三维基础地理信息的理想平台:基于 MicroStation 软件开发的数字测图接口模块 Vlink,实现了 VirtuoZo 和 MicroStation 之间的实时数据通讯。他在 MicroStation 基本功能的基础上针对测图生产的实际情况增加了新功能,形成了一个采编一体化的数字测图系统。 -VirtuoZo full digital photogrammetric system has the following characteristics: 􀁹 full software design: VirtuoZo is a full software design, functional and highly intelligent full digital photogrammetry system. 􀁹 highly automated: within the image orientation, relative orientation, image matching, the establishment of DEM, contour lines extracted from the DEM and orthophoto production and other operations, with almost no human intervention, can be batch to be automated. 􀁹 high efficiency: the relative orientation only 1-2 minutes, matching the speed of the same name point more than 500 points per second. 􀁹 Flexibility: The system provides "automatic" and "interactive process" of two practices. Users the flexibility to choose according to specific circumstances. 􀁹 versatility: The system can not only production based on aerial images of various scales from 1:50,000 to 1:500 of the 4D product (DEM, DOM, DLG and DRG), can handle close-
Platform: | Size: 17487872 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph Drawingikonosxz_contour

Description: IKONOS影像等深线绘制。1、2波段求深度数据;绘制两条:-1 、 0。-IKONOS image contour drawing. 1,2 band seeking depth data draw two:-1, 0.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lulu | Hits:

[Special Effectsboundaries

Description: IKONOS影像,水陆分割二值图,水陆分界线绘制。固定阈值法、光谱特征法、阈值自适应法。-IKONOS image, binary image segmentation land and water, land and water boundaries drawn. Fixed threshold, spectral method, adaptive threshold method.
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: lulu | Hits:

[Special Effectsfiltering

Description: 噪声滤波,IKONOS影像与LANDSAT TM影像杂点滤波-Noise filtering, IKONOS images and LANDSAT TM image noise filtering. .
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: lulu | Hits:

[Special EffectsIkonos

Description: 采用VC++6.0编程实现,提供对美国IKONOS商业卫星图像的平差处理。提供了对RMF有理函数模型的空间前方交会、目标定位和平差处理-Using VC++6.0 programming, providing for U.S. commercial satellite IKONOS image adjustment processing. RMF provides a rational function model space forward intersection, poor targeting peace deal
Platform: | Size: 139264 | Author: 张艳 | Hits:

[Special Effects4fast-ihs-fusion

Description: 4快速intensity-hue-saturation融合技术与光谱调整IKONOS图像 -4A fast intensity-hue-saturation fusion technique with spectral adjustment for IKONOS imagery
Platform: | Size: 673792 | Author: fangsm | Hits:

[Picture ViewerMulil

Description: Multispectral remotely sensing imagery with high spatial resolution, such as QuickBird, IKONOS satellite imagery or Aerial imagery, especially in urban scenes, often perform spectral variations and rich details within a category, resulting in a poor accuracy of classification. To seek an efficient solution, this paper presents a non-parametric and variational multiple level set model by a joint use of Aerial image and two products, digital terrain model (DTM) and digital surface model (DSM), directly or indirectly derived raw LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) 3D point cloud data. Proposed model is to minimize an energy function. The energy includes two terms. First term is mainly image-based energy which introduces Parzen Window density estimation technique in the multiple level set framework. To make up the disadvantages-Multispectral remotely sensing imagery with high spatial resolution, such as QuickBird, IKONOS satellite imagery or Aerial imagery, especially in urban scenes, often perform spectral variations and rich details within a category, resulting in a poor accuracy of classification. To seek an efficient solution, this paper presents a non-parametric and variational multiple level set model by a joint use of Aerial image and two products, digital terrain model (DTM) and digital surface model (DSM), directly or indirectly derived raw LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) 3D point cloud data. Proposed model is to minimize an energy function. The energy includes two terms. First term is mainly image-based energy which introduces Parzen Window density estimation technique in the multiple level set framework. To make up the disadvantages
Platform: | Size: 2544640 | Author: yangs | Hits:

[Graph program12

Description: IKONOS数据在土地利用动态监测中的应用方法研究 对高分辨率(1m)的多光谱IKONOS影像在土地利用变化动态 监测中的应用方法进行了研究试验.通过对结果的分析和与其他常规方法结果的对比分析,提出了将多光谱IKONOS影像和全色SPOT影像叠加作主分量变 换,然后选取适宜的特征分量进行假彩色合成的方法,来生成光谱特征变异影像以突出变化信息.该组合方法不仅能保持原有影像的丰富信息,而且可突出变化信 息,充分展示了IKONOS影像的巨大应用潜力. -Study on IKONOS data in Land Use Dynamic Monitoring Method for high-resolution (1m) multi-spectral IKONOS Images in Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring test methods were studied by analysis of the results and with the results of other conventional methods comparative analysis, the multispectral IKONOS image and panchromatic SPOT image superimposed primary component conversion, and then the appropriate feature component of false color composite methods to generate images to highlight the variation in spectral characteristics change information. this combination not only You can maintain the original image of the wealth of information, but also to highlight changes and information, demonstrating the enormous potential IKONOS images.
Platform: | Size: 159744 | Author: fangms5 | Hits:

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