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分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构筑大坝,即形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method is a topology-based theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is the image as a geodesic topology on the landscape, the image pixel gray value of each point indicates that the point of the altitude, Each local minimum value and its impact area known as the catchment basins, while the catchment basins of the border, however, the formation of a watershed. Watershed concepts and immersed in the process of the formation can be illustrated through simulation. A local minimum in each surface, piercing a small hole, and then slowly immersed in water the whole model, with the deepening of immersion, each local minimum value of the influence domain slowly expanded outward, in the two catchment the confluence of building the dam basin, namely, the formation of a watershed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 64kb Publisher : zhaolipo

分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构筑大坝,即形成分水岭。 -Watershed segmentation method is a topology-based theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is the image as a geodesic topology on the landscape, the image pixel gray value of each point indicates that the point of the altitude, Each local minimum value and its impact area known as the catchment basins, while the catchment basins of the border, however, the formation of a watershed. Watershed concepts and immersed in the process of the formation can be illustrated through simulation. A local minimum in each surface, piercing a small hole, and then slowly immersed in water the whole model, with the deepening of immersion, each local minimum value of the influence domain slowly expanded outward, in the two catchment the confluence of building the dam basin, namely, the formation of a watershed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.33mb Publisher : 王帅

Show camera data like aperture and exposure time from JPG and Canon RAW image files. Source available! 1.8: Supports Unicode file names 2.1: Supports GPS coordinates, altitude and time
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 33kb Publisher : stoural

关于低空高射武器观瞄系统的图像稳定技术的处理及算法。-Low altitude high􀀁 shooting weapon is an integr al par t of the modern aerial defense system. Cooperating w ith missile and high􀀁 shoot ing aerial defense system, it can buildup effect ive low altitude defense system before enemy helicopter or cruise missile reaching . T his system has many functions: automatic sear ching, automatic tracking, automatic calibration and in􀀁 tellectualized shoot control. One image stabilization technology used in the sig ht system o f this w eapon is presented
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 122kb Publisher : 尹钊

分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method, which is based on a topological theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is that the image as a geodesic topology on the landscape, at each point in the image pixel gray value indicates that the point of the altitude, each local minimum value and its impact area known as the collection basin, while the water collecting basin boundary is the formation of Watershed
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李磊

The Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA) algorithm has been widely used in Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to remove motion-induced blurs in the images. The PGA algorithm has been proven to be a superior autofocus method. PGA assumes a narrow beam, which is valid for most SAR systems. However, lower altitude SA& have large range dependencies that cannot be ignored. A new phase estimator for PGA is introduced and extended to allow range dependence. An ERS-1 image of Death Valley is used in simulations comparing the new estimator to the widely used maximum likelihood approach and in demonstrating the range-dependent PGA algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 290kb Publisher : yas

分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构 -Watershed segmentation method segmentation method is based on the topological theory of mathematical morphology, the basic idea is to image as geodesy topological landscape, the gray value of each pixel in the image represents the point of altitude, each local minimum and its area of ​ ​ influence known as the catchment basins, the boundaries of catchment basins community formed the watershed. The concept and formation of the watershed can be simulated immersion process instructions. Pierce a small hole in each local minimum surface, then the model is slowly immersed in water, immersed in the deepening influence domain of each local minimum slowly outward expansion, and in two catchment basin confluence of the structure
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 65kb Publisher : 认可

Altitude Graph / Line Graph Control. Control is fully functional, but there are several enhancements that would make it better: same old story, couldn t find altitude/graph control so I hacked one together<br><br> i am working on a gps utility and needed a graphical way of displaying altitude of points with some basic information..<br> things i would like to add, but dont have time for at the moment:<br> User assigned background, gridlines, and dots (Shape, size, color)<br> User assigned measuring unit (ft, yd, M, m etc)<br> If possible make the whole control a little faster, it appears to have some lag.<br> Add "balloon" tooltips, with more complete information<br> Assignable image for background, not just solid color<br> Better Error checking... cause we can all do a better job writing error free code!<br> This file came from home millions of lines of source code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : cahyo

DL : 0
Watershed segmentation method is a topology-based theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is the image as a geodesic topology on the landscape, the image pixel gray value of each point indicates that the point of the altitude, Each local minimum value and its impact area known as the catchment basins, while the catchment basins of the border, however, the formation of a watershed. Watershed concepts and immersed in the process of the formation can be illustrated through simulation. A local minimum in each surface, piercing a small hole, and then slowly immersed in water
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : huuminhtsqtt

DL : 0
fsdfđ gdWatershed segmentation method is a topology-based theory of mathematical morphology segmentation method, the basic idea is the image as a geodesic topology on the landscape, the image pixel gray value of each point indicates that the point of the altitude, Each local minimum value and its impact area known as the catchment basins, while the catchment basins of the border, however, the formation of a watershed. Watershed concepts and immersed in the process of the formation can be illustrated through simulation. A local minimum in each surface, piercing a small hole, and then slowly immersed in water
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 108kb Publisher : huuminhtsqtt

分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。-Watershed segmentation method is a mathematical morphology segmentation method based on topological theory, the basic idea is the image seen on the topology of geodesy geomorphology, each point in the image pixel gray value represents the altitude of the point, the boundaries of each local minimum value and its impact area is called the collection basin and catchment basins of the formation of the watershed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : fanshengnan

实现批量读取图片的EXIF信息,包括经度纬度,高度等,并根据某张图片的高度信息,统一修改其它图片的高度信息。-Batch to read the image s exif information, include longitude, latitude and altitude information. and it can change the altitude based on one image.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 681kb Publisher : 小熊

3D Geographical Map is the Matlab Code which can set the coordinate on google earth software and takes the displayed image google earth automatically with software controlled mouse & keyboard and convert the image into 3D which represents altitude of the geographical area. Example: Himalaya mountains look 2D in google earth but with this you can see 3D mountain. -3D Geographical Map is the Matlab Code which can set the coordinate on google earth software and takes the displayed image google earth automatically with software controlled mouse & keyboard and convert the image into 3D which represents altitude of the geographical area. Example: Himalaya mountains look 2D in google earth but with this you can see 3D mountain.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.14mb Publisher : amit

分水岭分割方法,是一种基于拓扑理论的数学形态学的分割方法,其基本思想是把图像看作是测地学上的拓扑地貌,图像中每一点像素的灰度值表示该点的海拔高度,每一个局部极小值及其影响区域称为集水盆,而集水盆的边界则形成分水岭。分水岭的概念和形成可以通过模拟浸入过程来说明。在每一个局部极小值表面,刺穿一个小孔,然后把整个模型慢慢浸入水中,随着浸入的加深,每一个局部极小值的影响域慢慢向外扩展,在两个集水盆汇合处构筑大坝,即形成分水岭。(Watershed segmentation method, a segmentation method based on mathematical morphology and topology theory, its basic idea is that the image as a geodesic on the topological features, each pixel of the image gray value of the said at the altitude, every local minimum and the influence area is known as the water collecting basin, and the catchment boundary is the formation of watershed. The concept and formation of watersheds can be explained by simulated immersion processes. The surface of the value in every local minimum, pierce a hole, and then the whole model is slowly immersed in water, with the immersion deepening, the influence domain of each local minimum and slowly expand outward, to build a dam in the two water collecting basin confluence, which form a water ling.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 276kb Publisher : 木木小火山

飞机上带有北斗导航或者GPS等定位装置,能够实时确定飞机的空间位置,获得其高度,经纬度等信息;飞机上载有光电吊舱,能够从高空拍摄图像或视频,并且能够通过其自带的传感器实时获得光电吊舱自身的倾斜角度、视场角度等信息;结合飞机所处的空间位置,光电吊舱的倾斜角度、视场角度以及地理信息系统就可以计算出光电吊舱所看到的区域所在的地理位置,并在地理信息系统中显示出其区域;若对图像中的某一局部区域感兴趣,需要确定其地理位置,则可通过鼠标点击这一区域,程序就能主动地计算出目标地点的地域坐标,并映射到地理信息系统中,将其标注出来。(Aircraft with the Beidou navigation or GPS and other positioning devices, can determine the location of the aircraft in real time, access to its height, latitude and longitude and other information; The aircraft is equipped with photoelectric pods, can take pictures or video from high altitude, and through its own sensor real-time access to the photoelectric car's own tilt angle, angle of view and other information; The geographical position of the area seen by the photoelectric pod can be calculated by the spatial position of the aircraft, the tilt angle of the photoelectric pod, the angle of view and the geographic information system, and the area is displayed in the geographic information system. If you want to determine the geographical location of a local area in the image, you can click on the area by clicking on the area. The program can automatically calculate the geographical coordinates of the target location and map it to the geographic information system.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.32mb Publisher : 少年380
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