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cootes提出的ASM算法的matlab实现。在cootes用于课堂使用的源代码的基础上改写。改正了原来代码中的一些错误,加入了方便使用的样本训练标注保存环节。供图像分析处理,模式识别,人工智能研究者使用。-the ASM Algorithm Implementation of Matlab. Cootes used in the classroom use of the source code on the basis rewritten. To correct the original source of some mistakes, joined the ease of use of training samples preserved tagging links. For image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence researchers.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.17kb Publisher : 冯雪涛

DL : 0
从dos下装载内核,运行。AA为工具软件,它在当前目录下读取Image文件,去掉前面的bootsect和setup程序,仅剩下内核 main.c和loader.asm为主程序文件。-under loading kernel operation. AA software as a tool, it in the current directory Image read documents, the front page bootsect and setup procedures, leaving only core main.c and loader.asm main program file.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 78.5kb Publisher : 刘兴

\\Tinix: 书中所附代码 其中很多目录中除了包含源代码(*.asm, *.inc, *.c, *.h)外,还有这样一些文件: boot.bin 引导扇区(Boot Sector),可通过 FloppyWriter 写入软盘(或软盘映像)。 loader.bin LOADER,直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 kernel.bin 内核(Kernel),直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 bochsrc.bxrc Bochs 配置文件,如果系统中安装了 Bochs-2.1.1 可直接双击之运行。其它细节请见书第 2.7 节。 godbg.bat 调试时可使用此批处理文件。它假设 Bochs-2.1.1 安装在 D:\\Program Files\\Bochs-2.1.1\\ 中。 TINIX.IMG 软盘映像。可直接通过 Bochs 或者 Virtual PC 运行。 *.com 可以在 DOS (必须为纯 DOS) 下运行的文件。 \\Tools: 一些小工具 (在 VC6 下编译通过) DescParser 描述符分析器,输入描述符的值,可以得出起基址、界限、属性等信息。 ELFParser ELF 文件分析器,可以列出一个 ELF 文件的 ELF Header、 Program Header、Section Header 等信息。 FloppyWriter 用以写引导扇区,支持软盘和软盘映像。 KrnlChecker 用以检查一个 Tinix 内核加载后位置是否正确。 -\\ Tinix : There are many of them attached code directory contains in addition to the source code (*. asm2. *. inc, *. c, *. h), if there are such documents : boot.bin boot (Boot Sector) written by FloppyWriter diskette (or floppy disk image). Loader.bin LOADER direct copy to a diskette (or floppy disk image) root directory. Kernel.bin kernel (Kernel), the direct copying to floppy disk (or floppy disk image) root directory. Bochsrc.bxrc Bochs configuration files, If the system installed Bochs - 2.1.1 can be directly's Double-click operation. Other details, see paragraph 2.7. Godbg.bat debugging can use this batch file. It assumes that Bochs - 2.1.1 installed on the D : \\ Program Files \\ Bochs - 2.1.1 \\ China. TINIX.IMG floppy disk image. Bochs directly or through Virtual PC operation. *
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : wonge

[] - jpeg 图像压缩源程式,仅供学习,不可用于商业范筹! [液晶模块显示源代码.zip] - 2*20 液晶模块显示源代码,红外遥控 NEC Format -[] - source jpeg image compression program , is for learning, not for commercial scope! [LCD shows the source code. Zip] - 2 * 20 LCD shows the source code, infrared remote control NEC Format
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.05kb Publisher : yanrs

ADI BF DSP 图象缩放的汇编优化源码-ADI DSP image scaling BF compilation of source code optimization
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 70kb Publisher : 刘微

这是一个图形变换的程序,按字母“Y”画一个用点组成的圆;按字母“S”画一 个用不同颜色填充的三角形;按字母“Z”画一个用不同颜色填充且带有边框图案 的矩形;按“q”键退出。-this is a image transform program,draw a cirlce according to the letter "Y" draw a triangle filled with different color according to the letter"S" draw a edged figure with differnt color filled according to the letter "Z" press "q" to exit.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher :

DL : 0
cootes提出的ASM算法的matlab实现。在cootes用于课堂使用的源代码的基础上改写。改正了原来代码中的一些错误,加入了方便使用的样本训练标注保存环节。供图像分析处理,模式识别,人工智能研究者使用。-the ASM Algorithm Implementation of Matlab. Cootes used in the classroom use of the source code on the basis rewritten. To correct the original source of some mistakes, joined the ease of use of training samples preserved tagging links. For image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence researchers.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25kb Publisher : 冯雪涛

\Tinix: 书中所附代码 其中很多目录中除了包含源代码(*.asm, *.inc, *.c, *.h)外,还有这样一些文件: boot.bin 引导扇区(Boot Sector),可通过 FloppyWriter 写入软盘(或软盘映像)。 loader.bin LOADER,直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 kernel.bin 内核(Kernel),直接拷贝至软盘(或软盘映像)根目录。 bochsrc.bxrc Bochs 配置文件,如果系统中安装了 Bochs-2.1.1 可直接双击之运行。其它细节请见书第 2.7 节。 godbg.bat 调试时可使用此批处理文件。它假设 Bochs-2.1.1 安装在 D:\Program Files\Bochs-2.1.1\ 中。 TINIX.IMG 软盘映像。可直接通过 Bochs 或者 Virtual PC 运行。 *.com 可以在 DOS (必须为纯 DOS) 下运行的文件。 \Tools: 一些小工具 (在 VC6 下编译通过) DescParser 描述符分析器,输入描述符的值,可以得出起基址、界限、属性等信息。 ELFParser ELF 文件分析器,可以列出一个 ELF 文件的 ELF Header、 Program Header、Section Header 等信息。 FloppyWriter 用以写引导扇区,支持软盘和软盘映像。 KrnlChecker 用以检查一个 Tinix 内核加载后位置是否正确。 -\ Tinix : There are many of them attached code directory contains in addition to the source code (*. asm2.*. inc,*. c,*. h), if there are such documents : boot.bin boot (Boot Sector) written by FloppyWriter diskette (or floppy disk image). Loader.bin LOADER direct copy to a diskette (or floppy disk image) root directory. Kernel.bin kernel (Kernel), the direct copying to floppy disk (or floppy disk image) root directory. Bochsrc.bxrc Bochs configuration files, If the system installed Bochs- 2.1.1 can be directly's Double-click operation. Other details, see paragraph 2.7. Godbg.bat debugging can use this batch file. It assumes that Bochs- 2.1.1 installed on the D : \ Program Files \ Bochs- 2.1.1 \ China. TINIX.IMG floppy disk image. Bochs directly or through Virtual PC operation.*
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.59mb Publisher : wonge

[] - jpeg 图像压缩源程式,仅供学习,不可用于商业范筹! [液晶模块显示源代码.zip] - 2*20 液晶模块显示源代码,红外遥控 NEC Format -[]- source jpeg image compression program , is for learning, not for commercial scope! [LCD shows the source code. Zip]- 2* 20 LCD shows the source code, infrared remote control NEC Format
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : yanrs

DL : 0
LPC3131工程ADS环境模板, ARM Executable Image for lpc2131 ARM Image for uCOSII for lpc2131 asm for lpc2131 Thumb Executable Image for lpc2131 Thumb ARM Interworking Image for lpc2131 -ADS environment LPC3131 project templates, ARM Executable Image for lpc2131ARM Image for uCOSII for lpc2131asm for lpc2131Thumb Executable Image for lpc2131Thumb ARM Interworking Image for lpc2131
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 162kb Publisher : sd

用fibonacci变换方法对图象做置乱或逆置乱,效率极高,在信息隐藏中属常用的方法之一。调用函数为f=fibonacci_t(I,r,s),其中参数分别为I=被置乱的图像,r=置乱密钥,s=0置乱,s=1逆置乱-Fibonacci transformation method used to do on the image or inverse Scrambling Scrambling, high efficiency in the information hidden in one of the methods are commonly used. Call the function f = fibonacci_t (I, r, s), which parameters were I = have been scrambling the image, r = scrambling key, s = 0 Scrambling, s = 1 inverse Scrambling
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : gao

ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP with interface to an IMAQ camera module via the serial port on a PC. Brief description: A LabVIEW VI acquires an image from the IMAQ camera module. It quantizes the image into a 5x5, 3-bit image, and sends the data to the TM320C54x DSP via a serial port. The TM320C54x DSP constructs a 64-tap FIR by combining a series of 64-tap head related transfer functions (HRTF) according to the incoming data, and then filters an input audio signal with this FIR filter, in effect creating a correspondence between the filtered signal and the original image. -ECE345, Visual-to-Audio Electronic Travel Aid Code for TM320C54x (v2a.asm) download This project involves the design and implementation of a audio synthesis device that converts moving images into audio signals. The system is built on a TM320C54x DSP with interface to an IMAQ camera module via the serial port on a PC. Brief description: A LabVIEW VI acquires an image from the IMAQ camera module. It quantizes the image into a 5x5, 3-bit image, and sends the data to the TM320C54x DSP via a serial port. The TM320C54x DSP constructs a 64-tap FIR by combining a series of 64-tap head related transfer functions (HRTF) according to the incoming data, and then filters an input audio signal with this FIR filter, in effect creating a correspondence between the filtered signal and the original image.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhouyu

对于BMP格式的图象,其前54个字节未文件头信息,从第55个字节开始到结束的所有数据,都是图像颜色数据。如果仅仅修改图像颜色数据而不修改文件头信息,则bmp图像大小不变且可以正常使用。当然,为了控制图像的质量,对于数据的植入方式,我们需要稍加斟酌。一个bmp图像要隐藏我们指定的信息,储存空间必不可少。为了保证信息植入前后图像的质量不发生明显的变化,我们只有把信息写到bmp图像颜色数据的每个字节的低位上。这样,每个字节的改变量不超过0Fh,对图像品质的影响非常小,用肉眼几乎分辨不出来。在源码包中有对比图,大家可以亲自对比验证。 原理即 :用原来bmp图像颜色数据的相邻两个字节的低位来存放隐藏信息的一个字节的内容。 如隐藏信息的某个字节数据位为 3E ,bmp图像颜色数据两相邻字节的内容为:5F 27 ,处理后该相邻字节的内容变为53 2E。这样处理,一张mbp图像可以存放其自身长度2分之1大小的信息,效果不错。-The BMP format images, its former 54-byte file header information is not, from the first 55 bytes beginning to the end of all the data is color image data. If you only modify the data without modifying the color image file header information, then bmp image size unchanged and can be normal use. Of course, in order to control image quality, for the implantation of the way the data, we need a little discretion. A bmp image to hide our designated information, storage space is essential. Information in order to guarantee the quality of images before and after implantation no obvious change, we can only put information wrote bmp image color data for each byte on the low. In this way, each byte to change the volume of not more than 0Fh, the impact on image quality is very small, almost to tell with the naked eye do not come out. Source package has at contrast map, everyone can personally verify comparison. Principle namely: bmp image with the original color data of adjacent two of the l
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 25kb Publisher : lizhoujian

This a simple operating system source code in assembly langauge, you should compile the files in the rar with MASM, and put them in one image (kernel follows loader) and test it with vmware.-This is a simple operating system source code in assembly langauge, you should compile the files in the rar with MASM, and put them in one image (kernel follows loader) and test it with vmware.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : Mostafa

StorePartsMenegmentSystem writed with MASM32. It uses sqlite3 database to store car parts name, quantity, wholesale and other parametrs. On right-click it shows image of selected part.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16.1mb Publisher : Dmitry Makeev

Asm progam that Loads Bmp image (320x200)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : tingle

VHDL语言进行图像处理,具体的是实现给定图片的锐化和模糊处理-VHDL, image processing, specifically to achieve a given image sharpening and blur
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 271kb Publisher : mollyma

SuperProbe - 17 Function! The Superprobe project was designed to see how much could be done with a PIC chip and just a few parts. The image at the right shows the capacitance measuring mode. This device is designed around a PIC16F870, a 4 digit LED display module and very little else. Operation is via 2 pushbuttons. Holding down button #2 while pushing button #1 cycles through operating modes..... Prob PULS FrEq Cnt VoLt diod CaP CoiL SIG ntSC 9600 Midi r/c [] Prn ir38 PWM Files: Project SCH&PCB - ORCAD 9.2 PIC16F870 SRC FILE Building Images-SuperProbe - 17 Function! The Superprobe project was designed to see how much could be done with a PIC chip and just a few parts. The image at the right shows the capacitance measuring mode. This device is designed around a PIC16F870, a 4 digit LED display module and very little else. Operation is via 2 pushbuttons. Holding down button #2 while pushing button #1 cycles through operating modes..... Prob PULS FrEq Cnt VoLt diod CaP CoiL SIG ntSC 9600 Midi r/c [] Prn ir38 PWM Files: Project SCH&PCB - ORCAD 9.2 PIC16F870 SRC FILE Building Images
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.95mb Publisher : Vlad

opencv源码,关于3D模型的识别,模式识别和智能辨别,双目识别程序-Part of the project that I m doing in the imageprocessing , using OpenCV for image processing, applied differential filtering will respond quickly
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.37mb Publisher : wangli

对模型特征点周围的纹理信息进行采样,对比图像和模型训练集的纹理,找到纹理最接近的点即认为是特征点。作者这里比较纹理的工具是马氏距离。为了提高搜索的效率,作者还提到了多分辨率搜索周围像素纹理,对于粗糙的尺度,搜索范围大,对于细致的尺度,进行细致的搜索,提高了匹配的效率。-The texture information model feature points around the sampling, texture contrast image and model train sets, find a texture that is considered to be the closest point of the feature point. On Comparison texture tool here is the Mahalanobis distance. In order to improve the efficiency of the search, the authors also referred to the multi-resolution texture search the surrounding pixels, for a coarse scale, the search range, the delicate scale, a careful search, to improve the efficiency of matching.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 180kb Publisher : 李猛
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