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Read and Write Images to a SQL Server Database with C#
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 78kb Publisher : 啊建

本程序实现了想数据库中添加多媒体文件和文件说明,同时 还可以浏览相应的文件图标。点击连接,还可以打开文件, 能够方便的查看多媒体文件的属性和打开多媒体。 通常,要想在数据库中调用多媒体文件,两种方法:内置和外挂。 一般内置法只合适于小的图象数据库。外挂法的特点: 数据库和多媒体文件相互独立,即在数据库中只有文件名, 没有文件本身。当然,数据库中文件名对应的文件最好是 都保存在同一个目录下面。-the program to the database to add multimedia files and notes, can also browse the corresponding document icon. Click on the link, can also open documents to check to make multimedia files attributes and open multimedia. Usually, if the database called multimedia files, both methods : Internal and external. Built-law generally only suitable for small image database. External features of the Act : databases and multimedia files independent of each other, only in the database file name, not the file itself. Of course, the database file name corresponding document is best kept in a directory.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张波

c#制作的对sql数据库进行,图象文件的写入,的一个例子,-produced by the right sql database, image documents write, in one example,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : gu

便于使用的收集人脸图像建立数据库的工具程序。供人脸检测/识别/表情/姿态等模式识别、人工智能领域的研究者使用。可以方便地从网页中收集人脸照片,提供良好的交互界面对照片在模式识别,尤其是biometric领域中所需的各种属性进行标注,建立数据库。-easy-to-use collection of facial image database tools procedures. For Face detection/identification/expression/gestures, such as pattern recognition, artificial intelligence researchers in the field use. Can easily collected from the website pictures of faces with a good interface for photos in pattern recognition, particularly biometric field for the various attributes tagging, the establishment of databases.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 冯雪涛

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自己利用业余时间写的图象数据库源码,可以保存BMP和JPEG图象至数据库。还支持BMP<->JPEG图象格式的转换,很实用!-use their spare time to write the source image database, can be preserved for BMP and JPEG images to the database. Also supports BMP
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 884kb Publisher : 甫子

利用Visual C++实现AVI文件的图像截取 Visual C++中实现对图像数据的读取显示 Visual C++实现视频图像处理技术 VC编程中如何操作数据库中的图像字段 Visual C++实现数字图像增强处理 Visual C++6.0开发灰度位图处理 VC++开发腐蚀运算源程序 VC++开发膨胀运算源程序 VC++开发细化源程序 VC++开发Hough变换的源程序 VC++开发轮廓提取源程序 堆栈的数据结构和操作 VC++开发轮廓跟踪源程序 VC++开发差影法的源程序 VC++开发投影法的源程序 VC++开发直方图均衡化的源程序 VC++转置变换的原代码 VC++平移的源代码 VC++旋转的源代码 VC++镜象变换的原代码 VC++缩放变换的原代码 实现中值滤波的源程序 通用的3*3模板的函数程序 图案法源程序 Floyd-Steinberg算法的源代码 bmp2txt源程序 实现反色的源程序 彩色图到灰度图的转换的源程序 真彩图转256色图算法的源程序 显示一幅图的灰度直方图的程序-achieved using Visual C AVI file image interception Visual C Realization of image data read Visual C showed video image processing technology VC how to operate the database of images field Visual C digital image enhancement processing Visual C 6.0 grayscale bitmap processing VC rot corrosion Operational source VC expansion Operational source VC++ source thinning VC++ development Hough change VC source for the development of the extract source stack data structure and operation of VC contour tracking open source VC the law Subtraction source VC projection of the source VC histogram equalization to the source VC home Transform VC-source translation of the source code VC rotating mirror source VC transform the original code VC scaling transformation of the original code is Median filterin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 268kb Publisher : zhou

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清华大学的博士论文面向大规模图像库的索引和检索机制研究-Tsinghua University doctoral dissertation-oriented large-scale image database indexing and retrieval mechanisms
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 619kb Publisher : cailei

图像数据库管理软件设计Image database manage software design 设计一个图像数据库管理软件。应用于无线图像监控系统中监控图像的存储和查询-image database management software Image database manage softwa 're design an image database design management software. For Wireless Video Monitoring System Monitoring Image Storage and Retrieval
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18.21mb Publisher : 于巧军

图像库 支持各种格式的图片的打开 编辑-Image database to support a variety of formats to open image editor
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.03mb Publisher : yyyy

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PolyU掌纹图像:做掌纹必备图象库,用于测试和训练-PolyU palmprint image: make palmprint image database required for testing and training
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.42mb Publisher : 唐伟杰

以VB6与Access97作为开发工具,介绍了图像在数据库中的存储与显示技术-To VB6 and Access97 as a development tool, introduced in the database image storage and display technology
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 227kb Publisher : bgy007

Contourlet变换结合了不可分离的方向滤波组,具备小波所不能表达的多方向特性,能有效捕获自然图像的边缘轮廓信息。本文分析了图像ontourlet系数的统计特征,并利用广义高斯函数对各子带系数层进行建模。将此模型应用于基于VisTex的自建纹理图像库,采用矩匹配估计法,提取模型参数集,运用K2L距离计算图像间的相似度。对800幅纹理图像进行检索,本文方法比传统小波方法的平均检索查准率高出约2%到10%不等。实验结果表明,该方法改进了导向纹理的描述-Transform Contourlet inseparable combination of the direction of filtering group, have not expressed by wavelet multi-directional properties, can effectively capture the edge of natural image contour information. This paper analyzes the image ontourlet coefficient statistical characteristics, and take advantage of the generalized Gaussian function of the sub-band coefficient modeling layer. Based on this model was applied to the self-VisTex texture image database, using moment matching estimation method, extract the model parameters set, K2L use of distance-based similarity between images. Of 800 texture image retrieval, wavelet method than the traditional method of the average retrieval precision by about 2 to 10 range. Experimental results show that the method improves the texture-oriented description of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 焦亚民

基于内容的图像检索示例代码,给定一幅原图像,在图像数据库中根据与原图像之间相似度的大小,搜索与原图像最接近的若干幅图像。本程序相似度主要以两幅图像之间直方图的距离为衡量标准,对此内容感兴趣的同学可以在此基础上加入更多的相似度判别算法。-Content-Based Image Retrieval sample code, given a piece of the original image, the image database in accordance with the similarity between the original image size, image search and the original number of the nearest images. This procedure mainly on the similarity between two images, the distance histogram for the measure, this content of interest to students on the basis of similarity to include more discriminant algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 42kb Publisher : 张柳新

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ado方式保存jpg图像到数据库 Ado preserve jpg image to the database-ado save jpg image to the database Ado preserve jpg image to the database
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 630kb Publisher : lining

这是介绍应用主成分分解(PCA)法的图像融合技术的论文,出自万方数据库。-Introduction This is the principal component decomposition (PCA) method of image fusion technology papers from万方database.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 268kb Publisher : 洪波

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图像为人脸检测使的图像数据库this is a library for face detection-Human face detection image of the image database so this is a library for face detection
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 45kb Publisher : Tqing

线性判别方法,眼睛图像数据库上的LDA程序,基于Matlab,供学习参考-Linear Discriminant method, eye image database on the LDA procedure, based on Matlab, for study and reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 吴梦

Face database for image processing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 127kb Publisher : sedat gokdogan

This Code .can be show you how to get all image from database[MSSQL] to show with listview like LargeIconStyle.I find this module from www. but not found,untill me tried to coding to modified of someone
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 23kb Publisher : anatolia

Image Database Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery-Image Database Search and Retrieval of Digital Imagery
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.64mb Publisher : sunda
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