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[Special EffectsMorphological_Opening

Description: 以rice.tif为图像实例,介绍用形态学方法对灰度图像进行处理与分析的技术要点,即对灰度图像进 行如下操作:去除图像的不均匀背景;用设置阈值的方法(thresholding)将结果图像转换成二值图像;通过成分标记(components labeling)返回图像中的目标对象属性,并计算目标对象的统计数字特征。-to rice. Tif images for example, introduces the morphology of gray image processing and analysis techniques, that the gray image proceed as follows : Removal of uneven background image; by setting the threshold value method (thresholding) will be converted into images results binary image; through the composition tags (components labeling) to image targets attribute, and calculate the statistics target characteristics.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 何子鸣 | Hits:

[Special Effectschoi_matlab

Description: rice大学CHOI写的一个关于小波域HMT模型的图像去噪算法。算法比较经典。对研究HMT模型的同行有很大参考价值。-rice university CHOI written on wavelet-domain HMT model for image denoising algorithm. Comparison of the classical algorithm. HMT model of research has great reference value counterparts.
Platform: | Size: 773120 | Author: shawn | Hits:

[Graph Recognizerice

Description: 对低质量图像分割和计数,以大米照片为例。-Of low-quality image segmentation and counting to rice as an example photo.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 杨大 | Hits:

[Special Effectscountrice

Description: 計算米粒 將白色影像大於4個pixel計算成一粒-Calculation of a grain of rice will be white image pixel is greater than 4 to form a
Platform: | Size: 641024 | Author: 陳伊君 | Hits:

[Graph programtypical

Description: 数字图像处理中的常用图,LEANNA图,大米图等等,超多图像。-Digital image processing in commonly used map, LEANNA maps, map of rice, etc., super multi-image.
Platform: | Size: 4267008 | Author: wangyu | Hits:


Description: 实例:消除rice.png图像中亮度不一致的背景,并使用阈值将修改后的图像转换为二值图像,使用成员标记返回图像中对象的个数以及统计特性。按照如下步骤进行:-matlab image
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jialu | Hits:

[Special Effectsrice

Description: 基于图像识别的整精米自动检测 检测出图中的碎米,并在相应的米粒上打上标志。 对图像进行预处理,把米粒图像变成二值图像,根据区域内部像素的连通性,将不同的区域赋予不同的标记,计算出单个米粒所占的像素 -Based on Image Recognition milled rice automatically detect detect the broken map, and marked with the corresponding symbol on a grain of rice. The image preprocessing, the image into a binary image grain, according to the connectivity within the region pixels will be different in different regions of the mark given to calculate the share of a single grain of rice pixels
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 熊泽 | Hits:

[Graph programMATLAB

Description: matlab与C++的混合编程,实现计算rice图像中的米粒个数。-matlab and C++ mixed programming, to achieve calculate the number of rice grain image.
Platform: | Size: 635904 | Author: 王兴 | Hits:


Description: my file contains matlab programs for direct watershed segmentation in digital image processing. it computes the segmented region on different images like brain tumour, rice image etc.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: sakshi | Hits:

[Special EffectsMatlab-milishibie-

Description: Matlab图像处理_米粒识别 用来计数图中米粒个数-Matlab Image Processing _ identify rice grain used to count the number of the figure
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectsrice

Description: Matlab segmentation for rice image
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: girish | Hits:

[Special Effectsimage_processing

Description: 本程序是基于Matlab的米粒图像的分割、计数以及周长、面积、形状因子等参数的计算。图像分割是基于腐蚀膨胀算法,选用边界跟踪法计算周长,程序代码清晰明了,对于参数的计算速度较快,且参数计算精度较高。-This procedure is based on the Matlab image segmentation grain of rice, counting and perimeter, area, shape factor and other parameters of the calculation. Image segmentation is based on the corrosion expansion algorithm, the choice of boundary tracking method perimeter, code clarity, the parameter calculation is faster and higher precision parameters.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: yingl | Hits:

[Special Effectsrice

Description: 计算matlab自带米粒图像的米粒个数和面积的代码,适合图像处理的初学者-Calculate the matlab code number and area of ​ ​ its own grain of rice image of a grain of rice, for image processing beginners
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 纪坤 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTVAL3_v1.0

Description: rice大学Chengbo Li, Wotao Yin, Yin Zhang编写的,使用TV重构图像的matlab程序,内有使用说明,及相关文章-of rice University Chengbo Li, Wotao Yin, Yin Zhang written TV reconstructed image matlab program, with instructions for use, and related articles
Platform: | Size: 287744 | Author: sunshine | Hits:

[Graph Recognizematlab

Description: 编写matlab程序来确定原始图像中的米粒数-Matlab program to determine the image of a grain of rice
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: 张丹丹 | Hits:


Description: image enhancement for rice image in the image processing tool box in matlab
Platform: | Size: 76800 | Author: Harshana Madusanka | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsTVAL3-v2.4(matlab)

Description: Rice大学开发的可用于二维图像压缩感知的算法TVAL3,matlab代码,可在demo中替换二维图像后直接运行-Run directly after the two-dimensional image can be used for compressed sensing algorithm TVAL3 Rice University developed, matlab code, you can replace the two-dimensional image in demo
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: mathilda | Hits:


Description: 使用matlab自带的rice图像进行边缘检测(using the rice image from matlab platform as a sample image.detect deges of this image by using canny dege detection method and segment tihs image using watershed method)
Platform: | Size: 496640 | Author: mrsun | Hits:

[Graph programmatlab

Description: 利用matlab或opencv自动计算图像中大米粒的个数,每个大米粒的位置(精确定位,重心法),计算每个大米粒的面积。(The number of rice grains in the image is calculated automatically by MATLAB or opencv, and the location of each grain of rice (precise positioning, gravity center method) is calculated.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: hikebye | Hits:

[Graph programsa

Description: 图像处理 求出图像中米粒个数以及各米粒的大小 首先进行边缘检测,然后填充,之后进行开运算,可以使一些轻微连接着的米粒分开。然后遍历图片,把各个米粒进行标号,从1开始从小到大标号。每个米粒的各像素点值相同,第i个米粒的各像素点值均为i。其中采用了队列,用数组模拟。最大的米粒标号便是米粒的总个数。最后,遍历一遍图像数组,便可求出各米粒的面积。(image processing The number of rice grains and the size of each grain were calculated First edge detection, and then fill, and then open operations, can be slightly connected to the separation of rice grains. Then go through the pictures, label each grain, from 1 to small label. The pixel value of each rice grain is the same, each pixel value of the I rice was I. The queue is used, and the array is simulated. The largest grain mark is the total number of grains. Finally, the area of each rice grain can be calculated by traversing the image array.)
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: 为你祈福 | Hits:
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