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各种图像处理方法,包括多种边缘检测算法,也是当初的作业-various image processing methods, including a variety of edge detection algorithm, as well as the original work
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : 王君

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提出了一种基于数学形态学的边缘提取方法。该方法先对图像进行颜色预处理,再利 用数学形态学对图象进行形态学梯度变换, 最后通过基于统计学的边缘提取方法进行边缘提 取。该方法消除了由于照明而引起的目标物体的阴影边缘,并且直接提取出目标物体的边缘 轮廓,对背景噪声有很好的抑制作用。与常用的边缘检测算子相比,该方法能更有效、准确、 完整地提取出目标物体的边缘,明显优于传统的边缘检测算子-A mathematical morphology-based edge detection method. The method first color image pre-processing, and then Lee Using mathematical morphology morphological gradient of image transformation, and finally through the edge detection based on statistical methods to the edge Check. This method eliminates arising as a result of lighting the shadow of the edge of the object and are directly extracted from the edge of the object Outline of the background noise have a good inhibitory effect. With the commonly used edge detection operator, this method can be more effective, accurate, Completely extracted from the edge of the object is clearly superior to the traditional edge detection operator
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 138kb Publisher : selfish

提出了一种基于数学形态学的边缘提取方法。该方法先对图像进行颜色预处理,再利 用数学形态学对图象进行形态学梯度变换, 最后通过基于统计学的边缘提取方法进行边缘提 取。该方法消除了由于照明而引起的目标物体的阴影边缘,并且直接提取出目标物体的边缘 轮廓,对背景噪声有很好的抑制作用。与常用的边缘检测算子相比,该方法能更有效、准确、 完整地提取出目标物体的边缘,明显优于传统的边缘检测算子-A mathematical morphology-based edge detection method. The method first color image pre-processing, and then Lee Using mathematical morphology morphological gradient of image transformation, and finally through the edge detection based on statistical methods to the edge Check. This method eliminates arising as a result of lighting the shadow of the edge of the object and are directly extracted from the edge of the object Outline of the background noise have a good inhibitory effect. With the commonly used edge detection operator, this method can be more effective, accurate, Completely extracted from the edge of the object is clearly superior to the traditional edge detection operator
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 118kb Publisher : 氢气球

数字图像处理中的平滑和锐化(边缘检测)。包括1、添加椒盐、高斯噪声。2对噪声污染的图像分别使用邻域平均法、中值滤波法、K邻近平均法进行平滑。3对一幅图像利用Roberts梯度法、Sobel算子和拉普拉斯算子进行锐化,并比较结果。附处理源图像和处理结果截图。 -Digital image processing smoothing and sharpening (edge detection). Including 1, add salt and pepper, Gaussian noise. Two pairs of images were used noise pollution neighborhood average, median filtering, K close to the average method to smooth. 3 on an image using Roberts gradient method, Sobel operator and Laplacian sharpening, and compare the results. Laws dealing with the source image capture and processing results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 275kb Publisher : 刘雨相

自己编的经典边缘检测和锐化算法,包含正交梯度法、Roberts梯度算子法、Prewitt梯度算子法、Sobel算子法、各向同性Sobel算子法;以及matlab自带工具箱相应算法的实现结果。希望对初学数字图像处理的朋友有帮助。-Their own series of classic edge detection and sharpening algorithms, including the orthogonal gradient method, Roberts gradient operator method, Prewitt gradient operator method, Sobel operator method, isotropic Sobel operator method and the corresponding algorithm matlab toolbox comes to achieve results. Digital image processing for beginners want to help a friend.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : guerchengmin

1.设计一个程序,对一幅灰度图像的实现如下几何变换,1)放大为原图1.5倍 2)绕中心旋转30度(CW) 3)采用偏移量插值实现一个透视变换. 灰度差值用最近邻插值和双线性插值 2. 绘制一幅灰度图像的梯度幅度图像(三点法求梯度),针对梯度幅度图像合理的选择一个阈值(通过试验即可)将其二值化,以获得图像边缘检测图像。-(1) design a program, a grayscale image as geometric transformation, zoom 1) for 1.5 times the original 2) around the center of rotation of 30 degrees (CW) 3) interpolation of the offset to achieve a perspective transformation.gray level difference between the nearest neighbor interpolation and bilinear interpolation (2) draw a grayscale image of the gradient magnitude image (three-point method seeking gradient), the gradient magnitude image is reasonable to select a threshold value (the test can be) the second value to the image edge detection image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 285kb Publisher : Xucheng

文章提出了一种基于视觉模型的图像边缘检测算法作者采用具有反馈和前项控制连接的侧抑制模型进行图像信息进行处理, 用零阶和二阶厄米特函数的组合产生系统的控制模板, 组合系数通过梯度下降学习算法确定这种以生物视觉感知机理为基础的神经计算方法-This paper puts forward a kind of image edge detection based on visual model algorithm author with feedback and the control connections of the lateral inhibition model for image information processing, with zero order and two order Hermite function are combined to generate the control template, combination coefficients by gradient descent learning algorithm to determine the biological visual perception mechanism based on neural computing method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 291kb Publisher : rambolyb

DL : 0
Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are feature descriptors used in computer vision and image processing for the purpose of object detection. The technique counts occurrences of gradient orientation in localized portions of an image. This method is similar to that of edge orientation histograms, scale-invariant feature transform descriptors, and shape contexts, but differs in that it is computed on a dense grid of uniformly spaced cells and uses overlapping local contrast normalization for improved accuracy.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Mohammad

DL : 0
MATLAB的图像处理基础的资料\4 程序代码说明 P0401:用Prewitt算子检测图像的边缘 P0402:用不同σ值的LoG算子检测图像的边缘 P0403:用Canny算子检测图像的边缘 P0404:图像的阈值分割 P0405:用水线阈值法分割图像 P0406:对矩阵进行四叉树分解 P0407:将图像分为文字和非文字的两个类别 P0408:形态学梯度检测二值图像的边缘 P0409:形态学实例——从PCB图像中删除所有电流线,仅保留芯片对象 -Image processing based on MATLAB \ 4 code Description P0401: Prewitt operator to detect the edges of the image P0402: different value of σ of LoG operator detect the image edge P0403: Canny operator detect the image edge P0404: image threshold segmentation P0405: water line threshold method image segmentation P0406: matrix Quadtree P0407: images into text and non-text two categories P0408: morphological gradient detection Binary Image Edge P0409: morphology example-- Images from the PCB to remove all current lines, retaining only chip targets
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 40kb Publisher : liuyan

图像处理在车牌图像预处理中的应用  灰度化  车牌图像灰度化  直方图均衡化  灰度拉伸  二值化  全局阈值法和局部阈值法  适用于车牌的二值化方法  边缘检测  图像梯度  几种常见的边缘检测算子  适用于车牌的边缘检测算子 -Image processing in the license plate image preprocessing the   license plate image graying graying  histogram equalization  the gray stretch  binarization the  global threshold method and local threshold method  apply to license plates binary method  edge detection  the image gradient  several common edge detection operators  license plate edge detection operator
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : jack

包括图像编辑(图像缩放,图像旋转,图像裁剪,纹理映射),图像分析(像素选择,强度描述,图像轮廓,绘制直方图),图像调整(直方图均衡化,阈值化,灰度变换),图像平滑(加噪,中通滤波,低通滤波,图像复原),图像锐化(采用Sobel算子,拉式算法,空域高通滤波,频域高通滤波,梯度法),图像高级处理(边缘检测,图像分割),小波分解(一次小波分解,两次小波分解,第一层小波重构)和图像彩色增强(假彩色增强)的GUI图形图像处理。-Including image editing (image scaling, image rotation, image cropping, texture mapping), image analysis (pixel selection, intensity description, the outline of the image, draw a histogram), image adjustment (histogram equalization, thresholding, gray-scale transformation), image smoothing (plus noise, in the pass, low-pass filtering, image restoration), image sharpening (using Sobel operator, pull algorithms, spatial high pass filter, frequency high-pass filtering, gradient method), the image level processing (edge ​ ​ detection , image segmentation), wavelet decomposition (wavelet decomposition once, twice wavelet decomposition, wavelet reconstruction of the first layer), and image color enhancement (false color enhancement) of the GUI image processing.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 231kb Publisher : 高蒙迪

1、能对图像文件(bmp、 jpg、 tiff、 gif等)进行打开、保存、另存、打印、退出等功能操作; 2、数字图像的统计信息功能:包括直方图的统计及绘制、区域图的面积、周长的统计、线条图中的距离测量等; 3、数字图像的增强处理功能: (1)空域中的点运算、直方图的均衡化、各种空间域平滑算法(如局部平滑滤波法、中值滤波等)、锐化算法(如梯度锐化法、高通滤波等) (2)频域的各种增强方法:频域平滑、频域锐化、低通滤波、同态滤波等。 (3)色彩增强:伪彩色增强、真彩色增强等 4、图像分割: (1)点、线(hough变换检测直线)、及边缘检测(梯度算子、拉普拉斯算子等); (2)区域分割包括阈值分割、区域生长、分裂合并等; 5、数字图像的变换:普通傅立叶变换(ft)与逆变换(ift)、快速傅立叶变换(fft)与逆变换(ifft)、离散余弦变换(DCT),小波变换等。-1, capable of image files (bmp, jpg, tiff, gif, etc.) open, save, save, print and exit functions such operations 2, the digital image statistics features include: histogram statistics and drawing, area of ​ ​ area, perimeter statistics, line graphs of the distance measurement 3, digital image enhancement processing functions: (1) airspace point operations, histogram equalization, a variety of space-domain smoothing algorithm (such as local smoothing, median filtering, etc.), a sharpening algorithm (such as sharpening gradient method, high-pass filtering, etc.) A variety of enhancement methods (2) the frequency domain: smooth frequency domain, frequency domain sharpening, low pass filter, homomorphic filtering. (3) Color Enhancement: pseudo-color enhancement, true color enhancement, etc. 4, image segmentation: (1) point line (hough transform to detect straight line), and edge detection (gradient operator, Laplace operator, etc.) (2) dividing the region include thres
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 166kb Publisher : 马振磊

DL : 0
索贝尔算子(Sobel operator)是图像处理中的算子之一,主要用作边缘检测。在技术上,它是一离散性差分算子,用来运算图像亮度函数的梯度之近似值。在图像的任何一点使用此算子,将会产生对应的梯度矢量或是其法矢量 Sobel算子有两个,一个是检测水平边沿的;另一个是检测垂直平边沿的。Sobel算子另一种形式是各向同性Sobel (Isotropic Sobel)算子,也有两个,一个是检测水平边沿的,另一个是检测垂直边沿的各向同性Sobel算子和普通Sobel算子相比,它的位置加权系数更为准确,在检测不同方向的边沿时梯度的幅度一致。由于建筑物图像的特殊性,我们可以发现,处理该类型图像轮廓时,并不需要对梯度方向进行运算,所以程序并没有给出各向同性Sobel算子的处理方法。由于Sobel算子是滤波算子的形式,用于提取边缘,可以利用快速卷积函数,简单有效,因此应用广泛。 -Sobel operator (Sobel operator) operator is one of image processing, mainly for edge detection. Technically, it is a discrete difference operator for the operation gradient approximation image brightness function. At any point using this image operator, will have its corresponding gradient vector or vector method Sobel operator has two, one is to detect the horizontal edge the other is to detect vertical flat edge. Sobel operator is another form of isotropic Sobel (Isotropic Sobel) operator, there are two, one is to detect the horizontal edge, and the other vertical edge detection isotropic Sobel operator Sobel operator and ordinary compared to its location more accurate weighting factor, consistent detect edges in different directions when the magnitude of the gradient. Due to the special nature of the building of the image, we can see that, when dealing with this type of image contour, gradient direction does not need to be operational, so the program does not give an isotropic Sobe
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 271kb Publisher : 林晓冬
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