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Description: 图像处理的关于Snakes : Active Contour Models算法和水平集以及GVF的几篇文章,文章列表为: [1]Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2]Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3]Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4]Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5]Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6]An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7]Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8]Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9]Active Contours Without Edges.pdf 学习图像处理的人必看的几篇文章-Image Processing on the Snakes: Active Contour Models and Level Set algorithm, as well as several articles of the GVF, the list for the article: [1] Snakes Active Contour Models.pdf [2] Multiscale Active Contours.pdf [3] Snakes, shapes, and gradient vector flow.pdf [4] Motion of level sets by mean curvature I.pdf [5] Spectral Stability of Local Deformations Spectral Stability of Local Deformations.pdf [6] An active contour model for object tracking using the previous contour.pdf [7 ] Volumetric Segmentation of Brain Images Using Parallel Genetic AlgorithmsI.pdf [8] Segmentation in echocardiographic sequences using shape-based snake model.pdf [9] Active Contours Without Edges.pdf learning image processing articles were a must-see
Platform: | Size: 5512192 | Author: 张阳 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMotion-BasedForegroundSegmentation

Description: 基于运动的视频前景分割实现方法,matlab代码-Prospects for the video based on motion segmentation method, matlab code
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: fang | Hits:

[DSP programmotion

Description: This project deals with the tracking and following of single object in a sequence of frames and the velocity of the object is determined. Algorithms are developed for improving the image quality, segmentation, feature extraction and for deterring the velocity. The developed algorithms are implemented and evaluated on TMS320C6416T DSP Starter Kit (DSK). Segmentation is performed to detect the object after reducing the noise from that scene. The object is tracked by plotting a rectangular bounding box around it in each frame. The velocity of the object is determined by calculating the distance that the object moved in a sequence of frames with respect to the frame rate that the video is recorded. The algorithms developed can also be used for other applications (real time, object classication, etc.).
Platform: | Size: 1197056 | Author: vikas | Hits:

[Graph programVCandOpenCVsources

Description: 源码1:实现对图像平滑处理。比如噪声消除(二什图像的黑白点噪滤除;消除孤立黑像素点);邻域平均 法;中值滤波;加噪等。 源码2:对图像进行阈什分割和轮廓提取。 源码3:进行图像的合成。 源码4:图像的变换域处理 源码5:锐化及边缘检测 源码6:灰度变换 motiondetect1:基于OpenCV 运动检测(摄像头或.avi)-Source 1: Implementation of image smoothing. Such as noise reduction (2 points, even black and white image noise filtering eliminate isolated black pixels) neighborhood average median filter adding noise and so on. Source 2: What threshold image segmentation and contour extraction. Source 3: Synthesis of the image. Source 4: Image 5 Transform Domain Source: sharpening and edge detection Source 6: The gray-scale transformation motiondetect1: OpenCV-based motion detection (the camera or the. Avi)
Platform: | Size: 7205888 | Author: stone | Hits:

[Special Effectswork

Description: 对于细胞图像序列中多目标的追踪是细胞运动研究中的难点,针对高密度细胞图像中细胞运动的复杂性,本文提出一个细胞分割和追踪的系统。在细胞分割部分,针对实验所用细胞图像序列的特点,本文分别采用了不同的分割方法。在基本的细胞分割后,由于得到的分割图像存在着一些粘连细胞,为了将之分离,采用了基于Freeman code法对细胞轮廓进行跟踪编码。根据编码所得的链码特征分析细胞的轮廓形态,找出粘连细胞图像中的凹角点,再将凹角点进行分组配对完成粘连细胞的分离。在追踪部分,针对细胞的运动特性,将细胞分为惰性细胞和非惰性细胞,分别采用区域重叠法和拓扑约束法进行追踪。针对高密度细胞追踪中由于细胞密集加上细胞分裂很容易导致错误追踪的问题,本文提出将面积项引入实现追踪的拓扑约束条件中,对原方法进行改进,有效的解决了这一问题,有助于提高追踪效率,特别是对于细胞密度比较大,且分裂频繁的细胞图像效果明显。另外,本文提出根据细胞数量设置产生图的距离门限,使算法的适用性更强 。-For cells in image sequences multi-objective tracking is cells, the difficulty in the studies of cellular density cell image motion complexity, this paper puts forward a cell division and tracking system. In the cell division, according to the characteristics of image sequence cells, this paper adopts a different method. In the basic cell division, because the segmentation image exists some adhesion to the separation of cells, using the method of Freeman code based on contour tracking code. According to the characteristics of the chain code coding analysis, find the outline of cells in the cell adhesion, concave edges concave angular point pairs finished adhesion cell group. In part, according to the characteristic and cells
Platform: | Size: 3523584 | Author: 刘颖 | Hits:

[Special Effectsmask

Description: 就如何从视频序列中分割出具有语义意义的运动对象 ,本文提出了一种自动的基于背景的运动对象分割算法 ,利用颜色、形状和灰度等特征对第一帧图像进行初步分割 ,然后根据帧间运动信息构造背景图像 ,最后以背景图像和帧差图像作为参考图像 ,对同一场景中的所有视频帧进行快速可靠的分割 。-On how to split out from the video sequences of moving objects with semantic meaning, this paper presents a context-based automatic segmentation of moving objects, using color, shape and gray-scale image features such as the initial frame of the first split, then inter-frame motion information structure background image, background image and finally the frame difference image as a reference image of the same scene in all the video frames for fast and reliable segmentation.
Platform: | Size: 592896 | Author: charles | Hits:


Description: 对固定镜头下视频序列中运动人体的检测和跟踪方法进行研究,利用灰度图像差分双向投影信息检测人体目标,提出一种基于统 计运动区域几何特征固定比例的分割算法,使用最近邻匹配方法对人体进行跟踪。-Video sequences in the detection and tracking of the movement of the human body to study under the fixed lens, bi-directional projector information using gray-scale image difference detection of human targets, segmentation algorithm is proposed based on a fixed proportion of the statistical motion region geometric features, using the nearest neighbor matching method human body tracking.
Platform: | Size: 1402880 | Author: 刘伟豪 | Hits:


Description: 详细讲解了25个MATLAB图像与视频处理实用案例(含可运行程序),涉及雾霾去噪、答题卡自动阅卷、肺部图像分割、小波数字水印、图像检索、人脸二维码识别、车牌定位及识别、霍夫曼图像压缩、手写数字识别、英文字符文本识别、眼前节组织提取、全景图像拼接、小波图像融合、基于语音识别的音频信号模拟灯控、路面裂缝检测识别、视频运动估计追踪、Simulink图像处理等多项重要技术(Explain in detail the 25 MATLAB image and video processing utility case (including operating procedures), involving haze denoising, sheet automatic marking, lung image segmentation, wavelet digital watermarking, image retrieval, face recognition, license plate location and two-dimensional code recognition, image compression, Hoffman handwritten digit recognition, character recognition, text English anterior segment tissue extraction, panoramic image mosaic, image fusion, light control, analog audio signal of speech recognition pavement crack detection and identification, video tracking, motion estimation of Simulink image processing technology based on a number of important)
Platform: | Size: 1324032 | Author: 糖糖的小糖 | Hits:

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