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K-meansK均值聚类在无监督的情况下选择图像特征的算法-K-meansK means clustering in the case of unsupervised image feature selection algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 45kb Publisher : renli

彩色图像分割,灰常不错。This function implements kmeans clustering on an input RGB (m x n x 3) image. The user inputs at least two inputs: IMGIN and NCLUSTERS, and this function will step through an interactive color segmentation using kmeans clustering. It is interactive in that the user will be prompted to click-define the target colors in the segmentation.-This function implements kmeans clustering on an input RGB (m x n x 3) image. The user inputs at least two inputs: IMGIN and NCLUSTERS, and this function will step through an interactive color segmentation using kmeans clustering. It is interactive in that the user will be prompted to click-define the target colors in the segmentation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : zhuweina

K-means算法是一种动态聚类方法,这种方法先选择若干样本作为聚类的中心,在按某种聚类准则(通常采用最小距离原则)使各种样本向各个中心积聚,从而得到初始的分类,然后,判断分类的合理性,如果不合理,就修改分类,如此反复的修改聚类的迭代运算,直到合理为止。-K-means algorithm is a dynamic clustering method, this method, select the number of samples as a cluster center in the cluster by some criteria (usually the principle of minimum distance) to the centers to the accumulation of a variety of samples, resulting in the initial classification, then determine the classification is reasonable, if unreasonable, to modify the classification, so repeatedly modified clustering iteration, until a reasonable date.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 53kb Publisher : wjj

用MATLAB编写的K均值聚类用于图像分割-Written by K-means clustering MATLAB for image segmentation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张鹤

利用matlab程序编写的图像分割代码,算法为kmeans聚类算法,分割速度和效果很好(The image segmentation code written by MATLAB program, the algorithm is kmeans clustering algorithm, the segmentation speed and effect is very good)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : pwp
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