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很简单的图形编辑工具,1. 支持直线、矩形和椭圆三种基本图元,并且支持这些图元的组合图形; 2. 支持彩色填充和多种线型; 3. 具有文件的打开、保存、另存、退出功能; 4. 支持鼠标,键盘操作; 5. 具有选择、复制、镜像、旋转、删除等编辑功能,并且通过扩展机制(plugin)增加新功能; 6. 人机界面友好,帮助文件完整; 7. 设计文档齐备。 -very simple image edit tool,1,line, rectangle ,ellipse drawing,and support these meta compositing.2 support color fill and muti_type line.3, with the founction of opening file,saving file ,saving as ,exiting.4,support mouse and keyboard controlling.5,with the founction of selection,copying,mirror,rotating,using the plugin to add founctions.6,well interface,full help document.7,complete design document .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 李元俊

自己编的使用canny算子进行边缘检测的程序,用c写的,有详细注释-own addendum to the use of canny operator for edge detection procedures, using c write a detailed Notes
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 赵璐

Java对称加密实例源码,解释如何利用DES私钥加密算法加解密,定义加密算法,可用 DES,DESede,Blowfish。   用密钥加密明文(message),生成密文(cipherText),操作模式为加密(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE),key为密钥;   用密钥加密明文(plainText),生成密文(cipherByte),操作模式为解密,key为密钥。 -Java electronic album to source code that you can understand the custom image using the Java language selection drop-down box, the Graphics object to draw the image to generate media loader, set the applet s background color, set the layout manager, an instance of the drop-down obtain the parameters of the number of images, the number of images, how to increase the image to be loaded, adding components to the Applet, create image instance, get the Graphics instance, to redraw the screen and other tips, and want to be a meaningful learning Java image processing.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 同同
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