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一些图像处理的小程序,有缩放,边缘提取,图像剪切等,希望对学习matlab图像初学者有所帮助-some small image processing procedures, zoom, edge extraction, image shear. hope to study images Matlab help beginners
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 420kb Publisher : 马小欣

已知图象4点坐标和转换后图像相对应4点坐标, 利用openCV求出homograghy 3x3 矩阵, 然后输出变换后图像-There is an input image called "warpin". The goal is to warp this image so that the tiles are approximately square, that is the camera is rotated to look down, which produces an image called warpout, also on the web site. I have measured the corners of the four points necessary to do the warp. They are: From x,y To x,y Top Left 75,169 => 103, 19 Top Right 118,165 => 192, 19 Bottom Left 62,222 => 105, 205 Bottom Right 148,216 => 192, 205 The origin of the image is in the top left corner. This is an OpenCV program that takes the warpin image, and using these given transformation coordinates produces the warpout image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : Ke Li

给定两幅图像,人工指定四对点,程序会根据点对计算出两幅图像的变换对图像进行配准-warp image for registration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 74kb Publisher : 李桃

Image warping Face.It is done in matlab.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 113kb Publisher : kishore

This function(s) can be used to interactively view any kind of 3D image volumes like CT and MRI, and for distance measurements or ROI selection in 2D slices. It includes Maximum intensity projections (MIP), Volume Rendering (VR) , Slice render, and colored and Phong shaded Volume rendering. Voxel opacity and color tables can be changed on the fly allowing also iso surface kind of renders. The fast render algorithm which renders a 3D volume to a 2D image, is based on a Matlab coded implementation of the Shear-Warp transform, in which instead of rotating the viewer rays the slices are sheared.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 850kb Publisher : Colin.hit

此文件包是自动实习图像配准的matlab源码,同时可以显示图像翘曲和仿射的效果。-This training package is automatically matlab source code image registration, and can display images and affine warping effects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 371kb Publisher : ao chen

DL : 0
Image Warping source code for MATLAB
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 92kb Publisher : mafia

安装在墙上的鱼眼摄像机纠正算法。根据算法文献编写的源代码。采用经纬拉伸原理对图像进行校正。 附带实验图片,在matlab中打开可以直接运行。- Fisheye cameras mounted on the wall of the correction algorithm. According to the algorithm source code written literature. Using the principle of the warp and weft stretch the image correction. Incidental experimental picture, opens in matlab can run.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35kb Publisher : 阿德

matlab code for OpenSURF (including Image Warp)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 704kb Publisher : sswtechnology

matlab routines that perform Image Warping using the Mesh-Warp algorithm. The program is interactive where the user selects two points in the image. The image is then warped so that the first point is mapped to the second point and all other pixels are mapped smoothly.-matlab routines that perform Image Warping using the Mesh-Warp algorithm. The program is interactive where the user selects two points in the image. The image is then warped so that the first point is mapped to the second point and all other pixels are mapped smoothly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.13mb Publisher : david
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