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针对图象的二维自适应MDCT滤波工具箱,很实用-against the two-dimensional image MDCT Adaptive Filter Toolbox, a very practical
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.91mb Publisher : 徐淑正

Private Declare Function DeleteFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "DeleteFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long '************************************************************* Public Function ImportPhoto(sPicFile As String, sEmpID As String) As String Dim rcsPic As ADODB.Recordset Dim sMax As String Dim sInsertPic As String Dim rcsTemp As New Recordset Dim sTempSQL As String If Trim(sPicFile) = "" Then Exit Function On Error GoTo ErrorImportPhoto Set rcsPic = New ADODB.Recordset rcsPic.CursorType = adOpenKeyset rcsPic.LockType = adLockOptimistic ' rcsPic.Open "T_PPICTURE ", AstDbCnt, , , adCmdTable 'astdbcnt 替换为你连接方式 Set mstream = New ADODB.Stream mstream.Type = adTypeBinary mstream.Open mstream.LoadFromFile sPicFile rcsPic.AddNew rcsPic.Fields("PERS").Value = sEmpID rcsPic.Fields("PIC").Value = mstream.Read rcsPic.Update mstream.Close Set mstream = Nothing rcsPic.Close Set rcsPic = Nothing Exit Function ErrorImportPhoto: ImportPhoto = "FALSE" End Function '注意要将 AstDbCnt 替换为你的oracle 连接 Public Function DisplayPhoto(oPicture As PictureBox, sPicID As String) Dim rcsDisplay As ADODB.Recordset Set rcsDisplay = New ADODB.Recordset Dim mstream As ADODB.Stream Dim mc0 As String rcsDisplay.Open "Select * from T_PPICTURE where PERS = '" & sPicID & "'", AstDbCnt, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If rcsDisplay.EOF Then oPicture.Picture = LoadPicture() Exit Function End If If IsNull(rcsDisplay.Fields("PIC").Value) Then oPicture.Picture = LoadPicture() Exit Function End If Set mstream = New ADODB.Stream mstream.Type = adTypeBinary mstream.Open mstream.Write rcsDisplay.Fields("PIC").Value strclose = App.Path & "\AstPhoto_temp" DeleteFile (strclose) mstream.SaveToFile strclose mstream.Close Set mstream = Nothing rcsDisplay.Close Set rcsDisplay = Nothing oPicture.Picture = LoadPicture(strclose) End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;data Source=IWP2;Initial Catalog=T213;User Id=sa;Password=sql123" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from QB_T213PMPD where DT=2006080818", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Set mstream = New ADODB.Stream mstream.Type = adTypeBinary mstream.Open mstream.Write rs.Fields("MPI").Value mstream.SaveToFile "P:\T213_data\ShowMPI\T213_3.mpi", adSaveCreateOverWrite rs.Close cn.Close End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Set cn = New ADODB.Connection cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;data Source=;Initial Catalog=pubs;User Id=;Password=" Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset rs.Open "Select * from pub_info", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic Set mstream = New ADODB.Stream mstream.Type = adTypeBinary mstream.Open mstream.LoadFromFile "" rs.Fields("logo").Value = mstream.Read rs.Update rs.Close cn.Close End Sub
Update : 2009-04-21 Size : 3.05kb Publisher :

针对图象的二维自适应MDCT滤波工具箱,很实用-against the two-dimensional image MDCT Adaptive Filter Toolbox, a very practical
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.91mb Publisher : 徐淑正

用VC实现保存和显示数据库图像 简单好用,不错的代码!-with VC preserve and display database images simple and easy, good code!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 624kb Publisher : 李远峰

就是对人物原色的秒学和处理,重点是对图像的一些操作-Is the primary figure of seconds and deal with, with a focus on the image of some operations
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 176kb Publisher :

DL : 2
DBScan算法,在matlab中实现-DBScan algorithm, to achieve in matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 刘佳

一份关于摄像头图像显示以及图像保存的源代码,保存的图像类型为BMP类型。-A report on the camera image display and image to preserve the source code, save the image type is the type of BMP.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.29mb Publisher : llyg

SA基本工具的源代码 内有 石器图像辅助工具 石器图片修改工具 石器客户端工具集合 石器地图制作工具 石器补丁追加工具 石器补丁更新工具 登陆列表修改工具 DLL源代码-SA of the source code of the basic tools, there are stone tools tool image picture modify tool stone tool collection of client tools for map production stone stone stone patches patches additional tool to update the list of tools landing DLL source code modification tool
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.05mb Publisher : 梁康乐

本人的计算机硕士论文,Powell和SA混合优化的互信息图像配准,-I am a computer master' s thesis, Powell, and SA Hybrid Optimization of mutual information image registration,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 88kb Publisher : tangyu

基于遗传模拟退火和Otsu法的图像分割。采用一种基于模拟退火算法(SA)的混合遗传算法(GASA),来进行Otsu方法选择阈值,其中进行求解时是非线性的遗传算法(GA)的应用优化了求阈值过程,并尽可能地减少其运算量,而加入SA则避免了遗传算法(GA)常见的早熟收敛现象,从而实现有效简单的图像分割。 -adopt hybrid genetic algorithm(GASA) based on simulated annealing algorithm,choose threshold by Ostu method,which applicated the non-linear genetic algorithm(GA) allows us to optimize the process of threshold. And, where possible, to reduce the computation. in order to achieve effectivly and simply image segmentation. Combination SA is to avoid the common phenomenon about premature convergence in genetic algorithm (GA) to achieve a simple and effective image segmentation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 80kb Publisher : 李丽

DSP完整的CCS工程 完成图像二值化 C和线性汇编结果对比,适合入门 绝对有用 DM6437环境-DSP integrated CCS project of image binarization results contrast C and linear assembly, absolutely useful for entry
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 191kb Publisher : 王祖龙

数据库第四版答案(王珊 萨师煊) 第1章 绪论 1 .试述数据、数据库、数据库系统、数据库管理系统的概念。 答: ( l )数据( Data ) :描述事物的符号记录称为数据。数据的种类有数字、文字、图形、图像、声音、正文等。数据与其语义是不可分的。解析在现代计算机系统中数据的概念是广义的。-Database fourth version of the answer ( Wang Shan Sa Shixuan ) The first chapter 1. The data, database, database system, database management system concept. A.: ( L ) data ( Data ): describes things record of known data symbols. Data types, text, graphics, digital image, sound, text. Data and its semantics are inseparable. Analysis of data in modern computer systems is a broad concept
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 160kb Publisher : morning

The Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA) algorithm has been widely used in Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to remove motion-induced blurs in the images. The PGA algorithm has been proven to be a superior autofocus method. PGA assumes a narrow beam, which is valid for most SAR systems. However, lower altitude SA& have large range dependencies that cannot be ignored. A new phase estimator for PGA is introduced and extended to allow range dependence. An ERS-1 image of Death Valley is used in simulations comparing the new estimator to the widely used maximum likelihood approach and in demonstrating the range-dependent PGA algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 290kb Publisher : yas

DL : 0
数据库用的是Microsoft SQL Server2000 数据库文件在DCManage\DataBase,附加就可以 注意1 一定要装Microsoft SQL Server2000 sp4补丁 ,因为连接用的是JDBC直连这,否则连不上(这里有补丁,对应数据库版本安装下) 数据库用户名是sa,密码一定要为空 界面图片在DCManage\Images里,可以替换,注意文件名,和格式 资源图片在DCManage\manage\cover,没作图片上传,有其他的资源文件放到里面就可以了 ======================================== 主页滚动信息显示表tb_BBS 管理员表tb_manager 正常用户表(tb_Member表) 资源表 tb_foodinfo 定单表 tb_Order 定单表详细表 tb_order_detail 投票表 tb_Poll 折扣表 tb_rebate ------- 一般用户 用户名 :w 密码: 1 用户名 :mm 密码: 2 管理员 在主页最下角登陆 订餐网 有连接 用户名 :admin 密码:-The database is Microsoft SQL Server2000 database file in DCManage \ DataBase, additional can note that one must be installed sp4 patch Microsoft SQL Server2000, connection with the JDBC straight even this, otherwise Rom (http://soft.ylmf .com/downinfo/137.html patches corresponding database version installed) database user name is sa and the password must be an empty interface picture in DCManage \ Images can be replaced by attention to the file name and format of the resource picture in DCManage \ manage \ cover, no image upload, and other resource files into the inside can ============================ ============ Home scrolling information displayed in Table tb_BBS administrator table tb_manager normal user table (tb_Member table) resource table tb_foodinfo the order the table tb_Order orders table detailed Table tb_order_detail vote the table tb_Poll discount table tb_rebate------- general user user name: password w: 1 User Name: mm Password: 2 administrator in the home page botto
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.38mb Publisher : 黄小乐

提出了一种基于非下采样 Contourlet变换 ( NSCT)和马尔科夫随机场 (MRF)相结合的纹理图像分割算法。算法包括两 个步骤, 首先通过 NSCT实现对图像纹理特征的提取, 并使用模糊 C-均值完成对图像的初始分割 然后将初始分割结果用 MRF模型 表示, 通过贝叶斯置信传播得到图像的最终分割结果。实验结果表明, 对于纹理图像,该方法在分割错误率、 区域一致性以及边缘的 准确性方面都比传统小波变换的方法有了明显的改善。-A tex ture i m age seg m entation a l go rithm based on comb i nati on of non-down sa m pling Contourlet transfor m ( NSCT) andM arkov rando m fi e l d model is proposed . The algorithm consists o f t wo steps . F ir st , the tex t u re f ea t ure of i m ag e is ex trac ted by NS CT, and the i m age is seg m ented i n itia lly by fuzzy c- m eans Second , the pr i m aril y seg m ented results are expressed byMRF mode, l and the fi nal seg m entati on re- s u lts are ga i ned v i a Bayes beli e f propag ati on . The exper i menta l resu lts show tha t this a l gor it hm is effecti ve fo r tex t ure i m age , it prov i desm uch better res u lts i n erro r ra te o f segm enta tion , reg ion ho m ogene ity and edge accuracy than tho se of trad iti onal w ave let transf o r m ing m ethods
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 211kb Publisher : jjdjjf

基于过完备基展开的空间自适应去噪算法。论文《Spatially adaptive image denoising under overcomplete expansion》。-Spatially adaptive image denoising under overcomplete expansion
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 679kb Publisher : locale

its a SA-DCT matlab code for image compression-its a SA-DCT matlab code for image compression
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.88mb Publisher : sanjana mathew

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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 73kb Publisher : sanjana mathew

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图像处理 求出图像中米粒个数以及各米粒的大小 首先进行边缘检测,然后填充,之后进行开运算,可以使一些轻微连接着的米粒分开。然后遍历图片,把各个米粒进行标号,从1开始从小到大标号。每个米粒的各像素点值相同,第i个米粒的各像素点值均为i。其中采用了队列,用数组模拟。最大的米粒标号便是米粒的总个数。最后,遍历一遍图像数组,便可求出各米粒的面积。(image processing The number of rice grains and the size of each grain were calculated First edge detection, and then fill, and then open operations, can be slightly connected to the separation of rice grains. Then go through the pictures, label each grain, from 1 to small label. The pixel value of each rice grain is the same, each pixel value of the I rice was I. The queue is used, and the array is simulated. The largest grain mark is the total number of grains. Finally, the area of each rice grain can be calculated by traversing the image array.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 344kb Publisher : 为你祈福

基于模拟退火与马尔可夫随机场的遥感图像分割的matlab代码(the image segmentation based on the SA and MNF)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : lastdance
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