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实验内容: 1.求下列3个模板的频率响应,并显示其三维图形;选择一幅图 像,利用这3个模板分别对该图像进行卷积运算,将卷积运算 获得的图像与原始图像进行比较,说明各模板的类型以及模板 (b)、(c)的区别与联系。 2. 选择一幅图像,对其进行离散Fourier变换,仅利用其相位谱重构原图像,然后仅利用其振幅谱重构原图像,比较实验结果; 选择两幅不同类型的图像,分别进行Fourier变换,交换二者的相位谱后求Fourier反变换,比较实验结果,说明图像Fourier相位谱的重要性。-Experimental contents: 1. Template for the following three frequency response and to show its three-dimensional graphics select an image using the three templates, respectively, of the image convolution operation, the convolution operation to obtain the images were compared with the original image to illustrate the template the type of template (b), (c) the difference with the contact. 2. Select an image, its discrete Fourier transform, only to use its phase spectrum remodeling the original image, and then only the use of its amplitude spectrum reconstruction of the original image to compare experimental results choice of two different types of images, respectively Fourier Transform, the exchange between the two after the phase spectrum for Fourier Transform, compare experimental results to illustrate the image of the importance of Fourier phase spectrum.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : syq

系统的比较两幅图象的各个参数,内有四个文件,对应四种不同的方法。同行必定倍喜欢-Systematic comparison of two images of the various parameters, there are four documents, corresponding to four different methods. Times must be like to peer
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : lijianhong

用傅立叶变换的方法在频率域实现图像处理,并比较从幅度和相位恢复图像的区别,已经通过调试-Fourier transform method used in the frequency domain realization of image processing, and compare the amplitude and phase from the difference between the restoration of images, has passed debugging
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 顾昊琳

对图像进行开重构操作,并比较有无开重构图像极大值的前后变化。-Reconstruction of the image to open operation, and compare the availability of open reconstruction of images before and after the change maxima.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 19kb Publisher : 李小军

This case study shows how MATLAB can be used for a medical imaging problem. Given an MRI scan, first segment the brain mass from the rest of the head, then determine the brain volume. Also compare portions of gray and white matter present. This example was developed for seminars. It was also used for webinars for medical applications broadcast live on May 6, 2004. This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.62mb Publisher : ROGER

这是一个光流法的示例程序,可以用来比较两帧图像,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对位移。-This is an example of optical flow method procedures, can be used to compare two images, two images show the various inter-pixel relative displacements.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 付中梁

DL : 0
实验一:三次样条插值(P56,例6) 一、实验目的: 1) 掌握三次样条插值的运用 2) 了解拉格朗日插值在高次上的误差 二、实验环境:Matlab6.5 三、实验内容: 1) 给定函数f(x)=1/(1+x2),-5<=x<=5,节点xk=-5+k,(k=0,1,2…10),用三次样条插值求S10(x),S10’(-5)=f’(-5),S10’(5)=f’(5)。 2)作原函数f(x),拉格朗日插值函数Ln(x),三次样条差值函数Sn(x)。画出三个函数的图像,比较它们的区别。 -Experiment I: cubic spline interpolation (P56, cases of 6) First, the experiment was: 1) cubic spline interpolation to master the use of 2) understanding of Lagrange interpolation in high-error second, experimental environment: Matlab6 .5 c, experimental elements: 1) a given function f (x) = 1/(1+ x2),-5 <= x <= 5, node xk =- 5+ k, (k = 0,1,2 ... 10), using cubic spline interpolation for S10 (x), S10 (-5) = f (-5), S10 (5) = f (5). 2) for the original function f (x), the Lagrange interpolation function Ln (x), cubic spline difference function Sn (x). Draw the three functions of images, compare the difference between them.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 43kb Publisher : TNG

实现了比较两图像的相似度,先转化为相同大小,然后生成图像的颜色直方图,最后比较两直方图的相似度-To realize the similarity of two images, first into the same size, and then generate the image color histogram, and finally compare the similarity of two histograms
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : haiyan

读取图片;获得图片的信息(这里我想设一个三维的数组变量color(x,y,n)用来存储特定张的特定点的像素值,类型为OLE_COLOR) 第三步我要比较这n张图片同一像素点处的像素值,进行排序,如果n为奇数我就取中间那张的像素值,如果n为偶数我就取中间两张的平均值 第四步我就利用取中值这x*y个像素值画图-Reading pictures, Get the picture information (here I want to set a three-dimensional array variable color (x, y, n) used to store certain specific point of pixel values for OLE_COLOR), type, The third step I want to compare the n images of the same pixel, pixels for sorting, if I took odd n among the pixels, that even if I took for n between two pieces of average, Fourth step I took in the use value of a**** y x pixel values drawing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.19mb Publisher : 李庆兵

Detecting, identifying, and recognizing salient regions or feature points in images is a very important and fundamental problem to the computer vision and robotics community. Tasks like landmark detection and visual odometry, but also object recognition benefit from stable and repeatable salient features that are invariant to a variety of effects like rotation, scale changes, view point changes, noise, or change in illumination conditions. Recently, two promising new approaches, SIFT and SURF, have been published. In this paper we compare and evaluate how well different available implementations of SIFT and SURF perform in terms of invariancy and runtime efficiency.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 849kb Publisher : yangwei

修改后的计算Hu归一化中心距的代码,与matlab程序计算结果一致,并附带测试对比图片,通过对放大前后两张图像的Hu计算,发现结果是一样的,证明了Hu矩在图像尺寸变化时保持不变,旋转、平移情况自己做吧-The revised calculation of Hu normalized center distance of the code results are consistent with the matlab program to calculate and compare with test images, through the larger images before and after the two Hu calculations and found that the result is the same, proof of Hu moments in image size changes remain the same, rotation, translation of their own do it
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.73mb Publisher :

本程序主要四大功能特点: 1、继承了 YUVViewer 可以同时打开多窗口的特点; 2、继承了 Elecard YUV Viewer 可以进行两幅图像对比的特点; 3、增加了宏块信息显示功能; 4、增加了两图对比时同步帧跳转功能: 例如对于错误码流,不同的错误隐藏算法可能造成解码序列长度不同,这时要比较两个序列就很不方便。而该功能正是为了解决这个问题,即以另一序列的显示图像为标准,在当前序列中寻找与其完全相同的图像。 -Four main features of this procedure: 1, inherited YUVViewer can also open multiple windows of the characteristics 2, inherited Elecard YUV Viewer can be characterized by comparing two images 3, an increase of the macro block information display 4, increasing When comparing the two plans simultaneously frame jump function: for example, the error stream for the different error concealment algorithm for decoding the sequence length may result in different time sequences to compare two very inconvenient. And the function is precisely to solve this problem, that is another sequence of display images as the standard sequence search in the current image with exactly the same.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 225kb Publisher : 沈磊

实现您自己的直方图均衡或匹配算法。提交您的代码和演示图像。以及和MATLAB的函数histeq()的比较结果。-Realize your own Histogram equalization or matching algorithm. Submit your code and demo images. Compare your result with matlab function histeq().
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 78kb Publisher : 秦稼轩

opencv 2 images compare use cvCompareHist function in VS2008,opencv 2 images compare use cvCompareHist function in VS2008
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 348kb Publisher : 小誠

关于图像比对的Delphi程序,能够自动比较俩幅图像的相似度-Images than on the Delphi program that can automatically compare the similarity of both images
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 123345

这个源代码是应一位网友要求发布的.主要功能是演示利用VB进行分析比较两张不同图片之间的差别,如BMP,JPG等,根据像素分析各个图片的不同。支持任意尺寸的图片,但是全屏图片可能会比较慢。好像根据图片屏蔽色来进行比较,本人对这个不是很有研究,希望懂行的给发表一下看法。 -The source code is released in response to a users requirements. Main function is to demonstrate the use of VB to compare the differences between two different images such as BMP, JPG and so on, according to the different pixels of each image. Support any size image, but full-screen picture may be slower. Like under the mask color picture to compare, I am not a great deal of research on this, I hope knowledgeable to express views.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 41kb Publisher : niucashing

为了提高算法的执行效率, 应用粒子群算法求取图像中任意两点间最短路径来定位目标边界, 并与经典的基于Dijkstra 动态规划图搜索的Liv e Wire 算法进行比较.-In order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm, particle swarm algorithm to strike any of images to locate the shortest path between two object boundaries, and with the classical dynamic programming graph search based on Dijkstra' s algorithm to compare Liv e Wire.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 311kb Publisher :

首先用matlab实现了识别算法的仿真,因为只是对特定的数字组合的识别,所以非常的简单,放弃采用比较复杂的识别算法,采用最普通的像素比较的识别算法。-First, to achieve the recognition algorithm using matlab simulation, because the only identification of a specific combination of numbers, it is very simple, give up the use of more complex recognition algorithms compare the most common pixel identification algorithm.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : love17914

基于C#的图片识别,图片比较实现代码,已经在VS2012测试通过,可以放心使用-C#-based image recognition, image comparison implementation code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 909kb Publisher : 陈先生

一个基于java的比较相似度软件,非常好用,可以比较图片相似度-A java based comparative similarity software, very easy to use, you can compare images similarity
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 94kb Publisher : 沈洁
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