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Description: 采用C++语言编写最大最小蚁群优化算法程序,解决问题-using C language largest smallest ant colony optimization algorithm to solve problems
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopMainProgram

Description: 这个是c++实现的蚁群算法,在VC++6.0下实现-This is a c++ implementation of ant colony algorithm in VC++6.0 under implementation
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Yolanda | Hits:


Description: 这是一份完整的用Java实现蚁群算法的代码!希望能给你在解决蚁群算法的代码中提供一定的帮助!-This is a complete implementation of ant colony algorithm using Java code! I hope you can solve the ant colony algorithm in the code must provide the help!
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsACATSP

Description: 蚁群算法MATLAB实现 可以自己修改参数 运行良好-MATLAB implementation of ant colony algorithm can modify the parameters of their own well-functioning
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王皓 | Hits:


Description: 无约束连续函数优化的人工蚁群算法通用MATLAB源码 此源码是对人工蚁群算法的一种实现,用于无约束连续函数的优化求解,对于含有约束的情况,可以先使用罚函数等方法,把问题处理成无约束的模型,再使用本源码进行求解 -Unconstrained optimization of continuous function of artificial ant colony algorithm for general-purpose MATLAB source code。 This source code is an implementation of artificial ant colony algorithm for unconstrained optimization of continuous function to solve for the case containing the constraints, you can first use the penalty function and other methods to deal with the problem into the unconstrained model, then use the origin codes solving
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 孙准 | Hits:


Description: 一种比较简单的蚁群算法的matlab实现,包括完整的代码-A relatively simple ant colony algorithm matlab implementation, including the complete code
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: yangxi | Hits:


Description: 蚁群算法的matlab实现程序,简单易懂,对于学习者来说,不错-Ant colony algorithm matlab implementation process, easy to understand, for a student perspective, it is true
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: nong | Hits:


Description: aoc.m 是用matlab实现蚁群算法ants_information.m蚁群算法中信息素的构建 mcl是马尔科夫聚类算法 nmf是矩阵的非负分解 Generative Topographic Mapping工具包-aoc.m is matlab implementation of ant colony algorithm ants_information.m pheromone ant colony algorithm is a Markov clustering algorithm to build mcl is nmf non-negative matrix decomposition of Generative Topographic Mapping Toolkit
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: 颜利平 | Hits:


Description: 此源码是对人工蚁群算法的一种实现,用于无约束连续函数的优化求解,对于含有约束的情况,可以先使用罚函数等方法,把问题处理成无约束的模型,再使用本源码进行求解,-This source code is an implementation of artificial ant colony algorithm for unconstrained optimization of continuous function to solve for the case containing the constraints, you can first use the penalty function and other methods to deal with the problem into a non-binding model, and then use the source code is solved,
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张望 | Hits:


Description: 此源码是对人工蚁群算法的一种实现,用于无约束连续函数的优化求解,对于含有约束的情况,可以先使用罚函数等方法,把问题处理成无约束的模型,再使用本源码进行求解。-This source code is an implementation of artificial ant colony algorithm for unconstrained continuous function optimization, with constraints for the case, you can start using the penalty function and other methods to deal with the problem into the unconstrained model, then use the source code solved.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: ly | Hits:


Description: 基本蚁群算法的matlab实现,可以用于求解城市间的最短路径问题。-Matlab implementation of basic ant colony algorithm can be used to solve the shortest path between cities.
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 百秀 | Hits:


Description: 其主要内容包括蚁群算法的思想起源、研究现状及机制原理;蚁群算法的复杂度分析;蚁群算法的收敛性证明;蚁群算法参数对其性能的影响;蚁群算法的参数选择原则;离散域和连续域蚁群算法的若干改进策略;蚁群算法在多个优化领域的典型应用;蚁群算法的硬件实现技术;蚁群算法与其它仿生优化算法的比较与融合;蚁群算法的研究展望;最后还在附录部分给出了基本蚁群算法的程序源代码和相关网站。.-Its main contents include the origin of ant colony algorithm idea, principle and mechanism of Research the complexity analysis of ant colony algorithm prove the convergence of ant colony algorithm ant colony algorithm parameters on its performance the principle of ant colony algorithm parameters discrete domain and continuous domain of a number of ant colony algorithm improvement strategies ant colony optimization algorithm is typical in many applications ACO hardware implementation technology ant colony optimization algorithm and other bionic comparison and integration ant colony algorithm research prospects final appendix also shows the basic ant colony algorithm source code and related sites. .
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ma | Hits:

[Data structsant-VRP

Description: C++实现的VRP算法,作为实例非常不错的-C++ implementation of the VRP algorithm, as a very good example
Platform: | Size: 464896 | Author: PP | Hits:


Description: 蚁群算法(ant colony algorithm,简称ACA)是20世纪90年代由意大利学者M.Dorigo等人首先提出来的一种新型的模拟进化算法.它的出现为解决NP一难问题提供了一条新的途径.用蚁群算法求解旅行商问题(TSP)、分配问题(QAP)、调度问题(JSP)等,取得了一系列较好的实验结果.虽然对蚁群算法研究的时间不长,但是初步研究已显示出蚁群算法在求解复杂优化问题(特别是离散优化问题)方面具有一定的优势,表明它是一种很有发展前景的方法.蚁群算法的主要特点是:正反馈、分布式计算.正反馈过程使它能较快地发现问题的较好解;分布式易于并行实现,将它与启发式算法相结合,易于发现较好解.-ACO (ant colony algorithm, referred to as ACA) is the 1990s by the Italian scholar M. Dorigo, who first proposed a new type of simulated evolutionary algorithm. It appears to solve NP-hard problem provides a new way. Ant colony algorithm for traveling salesman problem (TSP), distribution (QAP), scheduling problems (JSP), etc., made ​ ​ a series of good results. Although the ant colony algorithm is not long, but preliminary studies have shown that the ant colony algorithm in solving complex optimization problems (in particular, discrete optimization problem) has certain advantages, that it is a promising approach. The main features of ant colony algorithm is: positive feedback, distributed computing. Positive feedback process so that it can quickly find a better solution of the problem distributed easy-to-parallel implementation, it would be combined with the heuristic algorithm, easy to find better solutions.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 咋都有 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopjArcGIS_New08a

Description: java 实现的 蚁群算法。。利用java自主实现的一群算法 -java implementation of ant colony algorithm. . Using java to achieve independent group of algorithms
Platform: | Size: 43008 | Author: 商人 | Hits:


Description: PropCode2 is a MATLAB implementation of the algorithm described in Chap- ter 3 of The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing by Charles L. Rino, John Wiley & Sons IEEE Press, 2010. The algorithm simulates electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in a fully three-dimensional medium. Although PropCode2 is a direct extension of PropCode1, it is con gured to ex- plore the statistical theory of scintillation. The statistical theory con nes the structure con gurations to realizations of statistically homogeneous processes, as described in book Chapter 3. Homogeneous processes admit position invari- ant moments and a spectral density function (SDF). Turbulence is characterized by a power-law SDF.
Platform: | Size: 745472 | Author: Marko | Hits:


Description: 对于二维路径规划的蚁群算法的改进研究与实现-Research and implementation of improved ant colony algorithm for two-dimensional path planning
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 吴天羿 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAnt-Colony-Algorithm-on-C-language

Description: 蚁群算法的C实现函数 里面还有网友的修改 讲解详细 容易看懂-C implementation of the ant colony algorithm function there users modify explain in detail easy to understand
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: | Hits:

[OS programAnt

Description: C语言实现蚁群算法; 适合C语言开发者使用!-C language implementation of ant colony algorithm suitable for C-language developers to use!
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: cq | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsGenetic and Ant Algorithms_src

Description: 遗传算法和蚁群算法的C++实现,对于初学者有一定的帮助(C++ implementation of genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm, it is help for the studends who is learnign the algorithm)
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: dabing0617 | Hits:
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