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Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : 李艳婷

DV-Hop 算法作为一种不基于测距的定位算法,有它的优势,但是不可避免也有一些不足之处。本文针对这些不足,对DV-Hop 算法进行了改进。-Theexperimental results show that the location accuracy and coverage of theimproved algorithm are significantly improved compared with the DV-Hopalgorithm. Finally, we sum up this thesis and prospect for future work.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 871kb Publisher : yaoyao

针对基本无线传感器网络DV-Hop定位算法中,计算平均跳距时产生偏小误差的原因,提出了基于平均跳距修正的DV-Hop算法。改进算法中,引入信标节点个数比例、所有信标节点平均跳距的最大值以及所有信标节点平均跳距的平均值三个因子,并采用它们对平均跳距进行修正。通过Matlab软件对算法进行仿真验证,结果表明,改进后的 DV-Hop 算法有效降低了未知节点的定位误差,是一种可行的无线传感器网络节点定位解决方案。-DV-Hop localization algorithm for wireless sensor networks, we calculate the average hop distance small error of reasons, raised the DV-Hop algorithm based on the average hop distance correction. Improved algorithm, the proportion of the number of nodes, the introduction of beacons, the beacon node average maximum jump distance as well as all the beacon nodes average jump from the average of three factors, and their average hop distance correction. Matlab software simulation results show that the improved DV-Hop algorithm effectively reduce the unknown node positioning error, the solution is a viable wireless sensor network node positioning algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3kb Publisher : Lisa

dv-hop算法的改进,针对版本错误的地方进行了修改-Improved dv-hop algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : fallinga

几篇关于dv-hop定位算法改进的比较新的文章,重点在平均每跳距离上改进-Several dv-hop localization algorithm improved relatively new articles about the focus on the improvement of the average distance per hop
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 827kb Publisher : 乔伊

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DV-HOP Localization Algorithm based on Improved Weighted Centroid and Two-Dimensional Hyperbola
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : HARSHIT AGARWAL

wpdv-hop算法,dvhop算法的一种改进,粒子群算法与dv-hop算法的改进-Improved wpdv-hop algorithm, dvhop algorithm, PSO algorithm with dv-hop Improvement
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : baba

DV-Hop定位算法的仿真与改进算法 可以输出定位结果图和误差统计图,有一些临时的统计输出代码不能直接用,要更新得到的数据(Simulation and improved algorithm of DV-Hop location algorithm)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 8kb Publisher : lethelimited

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针对基于双曲线定位的DV-Hop算法中误差项的异方差性引起的定位误差大的问题,提出了一种基于加权双曲线定位的DV-Hop改进算法。算法分析了基于双曲线定位的DV-Hop算法模型中误差项的异方差性,用加权最小二乘法对异方差性进行纠正,对加权最小二乘法中的权值矩阵进行了推导并得到与跳数相关的最佳权值矩阵,使得误差项满足同方差性,所得估计值更加接近最佳线性无偏估计。仿真实验结果表明,所提算法在节点定位精度上较现有的基于双曲线定位的DV-Hop算法都有一定提高。(Aiming at the problem that the heteroscedasticity of observation errors leads to low locating accuracy in DV-Hop algorithm based on hyperbolic positioning, this paper proposes an improved DV-Hop algorithm which based on weighted hyperbolic positioning. The algorithm analysis the heteroscedasticity of the error term in the model and takes advantage of weighted least square method which corrects heteroscedasticity straightforwardly. Then, the weight matrix related to least hops between nodes is deduced, the estimators thus obtained are more close to the best linear unbiased estimator. The simulation results show that the location performance of the improved algorithm is better than that of the exsiting DV-Hop algorithm which based on hyperbolic positioning.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : helios~

改进DV-Hop定位算法 首先设置初始量,布置了一个范围为100×100m2的区域,其上随机分布100个传感器节点,其中有10个信标节点,节点的通信半径为30m。 第二步在正方形区域内产生均匀分布的随机拓扑,随机产生节点坐标并将其中十个选定为信标节点,其余九十个设为未知节点,然后画出节点分布图。 第三步通过最短路径法计算未知节点与每个信标节点的最小跳数。 第四步根据前面记录的其他信标节点的位置信息和相距跳数估算平均每跳的实际距离,用跳数估计距离的方法得出未知节点到信标节点的距离。 第五步用极大似然估计法求未知节点坐标 (Improved DV-Hop localization algorithm first set the initial amount, layout 100100m2 the area of ​ ​ a range of 100 sensor nodes randomly distributed on the 10 beacon node, the node communication radius of 30m. The second step in the square area to generate uniformly distributed random topology, random coordinates of the nodes and ten of the selected beacon node, the remaining 90 is set to unknown node, and then draw the node distribution diagram. The third step is to calculate the minimum number of hops of the unknown node and each beacon node through the shortest path method. The fourth step according to the location information of the other beacon nodes in the previous record and away from hops to estimate the average hop distance and hop count to estimate the distance to come to the distance of the unknown node to beacon nodes. The fifth step maximum likelihood estimation method and the unknown coordinates of the nodes)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : robinkk4

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对比了dv-hop基本算法,和加入pso后得算法。由于结果是随机产生的,不能保证每次得结构都能提高,但大部分时候,比基本算法得定位准确度好。(DV hop algorithm is compared with PSO algorithm. Because the results are generated randomly, it can not be guaranteed that every time the structure can be improved, but most of the time, the positioning accuracy is better than the basic algorithm.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4kb Publisher : Summer825

对比了基础dv-hop算法,和改进的2d-hyperbolic 方法,引进了权重因子,在很大程度上改进了定位精确度。(Compared with the basic DV hop algorithm and the improved 2D hyperbolic algorithm, the weight factor is introduced to improve the positioning accuracy to a large extent.)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : Summer825
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