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% Matlab implementation of SPIHT (without Arithmatic coding stage)
% By Jing Tian,

fprintf('-----------   Welcome to SPIHT Matlab Demo!   ----------------\n');

fprintf('-----------   Load Image   ----------------\n');
infilename = 'lena512.bmp';
outfilename = 'lena512_reconstruct.bmp';

Orig_I = double(imread(infilename));

rate = 1;

OrigSize = size(Orig_I, 1);
max_bits = floor(rate * OrigSize^2);
OutSize = OrigSize;
image_spiht = zeros(size(Orig_I));
[nRow, nColumn] = size(Orig_I);

fprintf('-----------   Wavelet Decomposition   ----------------\n');
n = size(Orig_I,1);
n_log = log2(n);
level = n_log;
% wavelet decomposition level can be defined by users manually.
type = 'bior4.4';
[Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R] = wfilters(type);

[I_W, S] = func_DWT(Orig_I, level, Lo_D, Hi_D);


fprintf('-----------   Encoding   ----------------\n');
img_enc = func_SPIHT_Enc(I_W, max_bits, nRow*nColumn, level);  

fprintf('-----------   Decoding   ----------------\n');
img_dec = func_SPIHT_Dec(img_enc);

fprintf('-----------   Wavelet Reconstruction   ----------------\n');
img_spiht = func_InvDWT(img_dec, S, Lo_R, Hi_R, level);

fprintf('-----------   PSNR analysis   ----------------\n');

imwrite(img_spiht, gray(256), outfilename, 'bmp');

Q = 255;
MSE = sum(sum((img_spiht-Orig_I).^2))/nRow / nColumn;
fprintf('The psnr performance is %.2f dB\n', 10*log10(Q*Q/MSE));

Update : 2008-07-07 Size : 227.42kb Publisher : jasonchang

暂时只支持jpeg2000支持的 cdf97 和spline53 可以这样来测试: x=imread( E:\\study\\jpeg2000\\images\\lena.tif ) % see the decomposition coefficients y=wavelift(x, 1, spl53 ) using spline 5/3 wavelet figure subplot(1,2,1) imshow(x) subplot(1,2,2) imshow(mat2gray(y)) % see the reconstruction precision yy=wavelift(x, 5) using cdf 9/7 wavelet ix=wavelift(yy,-5) inverse sum(sum((double(x)-ix).^2)) -only temporary support jpeg2000 support cdf97 and spline53 this can be measured Examination : x = imread (E : \\ study \\ jpeg2000 \\ images \\ lena.tif)% see the d ecomposition coefficients wavelift y = (x, 1, spl53) using spline 5 / 3 wavelet figure subplot (1,2,1) imshow (x) subplot (1,2, 2) imshow (mat2gray (y))% see the reconstructi on precision wavelift yy = (x, 5) using cdf 9 / 7 wavelet ix = wavelift (yy. -5) inverse sum (sum ((double (x) - ix). ^ 2
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.3kb Publisher : 余庆红

附录MATLAB 图像处理命令 1.applylut 功能: 在二进制图像中利用lookup 表进行边沿操作。 语法: A = applylut(BW,lut) 举例 lut = makelut( sum(x(:)) == 4 ,2) BW1 = imread( text.tif ) BW2 = applylut(BW1,lut) imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2) 相关命令: makelut 2.bestblk 功 举例-Appendix MATLAB image processing an order. Applylut functions : the binary image using lookup tables for 2500 operations. Grammar : A = applylut (BW, lut) For lut makelut = (sum (x (:)) == 4. 2) = imread BW1 (text.tif) BW2 = applylut (BW1. lut) imshow (BW1) figure, imshow (BW2) related orders : makelut 2. For bestblk Gong
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 417.36kb Publisher : keke

用基本小波97进行变换wavecdf97(x=imread)-the basic wavelet transform wavecdf97 97 (x = imread)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.51kb Publisher : 王雨今

灰度图象的直方图均衡化;梯度;直方图规定化;灰度图象的直方图数据;灰度直接变换:增强对比度-gray image histogram equalization; Gradient; Histogram provisions; Gray image histogram data; Gray direct transformation : Enhanced Contrast
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.86kb Publisher : yang

Partial volume correction method using reverse diffusion interpolation This function implements a reverse diffusion scheme to interpolate images to correct for partial volume effect. Under the assumption that the pdf is about the size of the pixel (e.g. MRI), edges between two structures can be recovered. There is a script (go1.m) that asks to select multiple dicom files and then runs the main function. Any file formats could be read upon a small modification (imread instead of dicomread).-Partial volume correction method using're This verse diffusion interpolation function i mplements a reverse diffusion scheme to interp olate images to correct for partial volume effe ct. Under the assumption that the pdf is about th e size of the pixel (e.g. MRI), edges between two structures can be recovered. There is a script (go1.m) that asks to select intercommunication handset dicom files and then runs the main functio n. Any file formats could be read upon a small mod ification (imread instead of dicomread).
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : xj

% 文件名:randlsbget.m % 程序员:余波 % 编写时间:2007.6.25 % 函数功能: 本函数将完成提取隐秘于上的秘密信息 % 输入格式举例:result=( scover.jpg ,56, secret.txt ,2001) % 参数说明: % output是信息隐藏后的图象 % len_total是秘密信息的长度 % goalfile是提取出的秘密信息文件 % key是随机间隔函数的密钥 % result是提取的信息 function result=randlsbget(output,len_total,goalfile,key) ste_cover=imread(output) ste_cover=double(ste_cover) % 判断嵌入信息量是否过大 [m,n]=size(ste_cover) frr=fopen(goalfile, a ) % p作为信息嵌入位计数器将信息序列写回文本文件 p=1 % 调用随机间隔函数选取像素点 [row,col]=randinterval(ste_cover,len_toal,key) for i=:len_toal if bitand(ste_cover(row(i),col(i)),1)==1 fwrite(frr,1, bit1 ) result(p,1) else fwrite(frr,0, bit1 ) result(p,1)=0 end if p==len_total break end p=p+1 end fclose(frr)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.34kb Publisher : yubo

这两天着迷goolge earth抓图,编写了一个拼图的程序,主要是用到了imread imwrite和对话框几个知识点,很简单的。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.17kb Publisher : jerry

自适应动态阈值分割 matlab实现,example: i=imread( xxx ) thresh-tool(i)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.45kb Publisher : eels

DL : 0
实验目的 本次实验与书中第二章及3.2节的部分内容有关,包括以下几个部分: (1)开始使用MATLAB (2)显示图像,理解图像的模型 (3)使用图像的不同格式,理解图像压缩的意义 (4)对图像做简单的操作 本次实验需要熟练使用以下几个MATLAB命令: imread, imwrite, imshow,figure
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.64kb Publisher : Victor

实验目的: 1) 图像水平集合 2) 图像加密算法 3) 边缘提取 4) 噪音图像的产生 (2)显示图像,理解图像的模型 (3)使用图像的不同格式,理解图像压缩的意义 (4)对图像做简单的操作 本次实验需要熟练使用以下几个MATLAB命令: imread, imwrite, imshow,figure
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.26kb Publisher : Victor

This zip file contains source code and windows executables for carrying out face detection on a gray scale image. The code implements Viola-Jones adaboosted algorithm for face detection by providing a mex implementation of OpenCV s face detector. Instructions for use and for compiling can be found in the Readme file. Usage: FaceDetect (<Haar Cascase XML file>, <Gray scale Image>) The function returns Nx4 matrix. In case no faces were detected, N=1 and all four entries are -1. Otherwise, N=number of faces in the image and the vector contains the x, y, width and height information of the face. Example, A = imread ( lena.jpg , JPG ) Img = double (rgb2gray(A)) Face = FaceDetect( haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml ,Img)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : ruan

附录MATLAB 图像处理命令 1.applylut 功能: 在二进制图像中利用lookup 表进行边沿操作。 语法: A = applylut(BW,lut) 举例 lut = makelut( sum(x(:)) == 4 ,2) BW1 = imread( text.tif ) BW2 = applylut(BW1,lut) imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2) 相关命令: makelut 2.bestblk 功 举例-Appendix MATLAB image processing an order. Applylut functions : the binary image using lookup tables for 2500 operations. Grammar : A = applylut (BW, lut) For lut makelut = (sum (x (:)) == 4. 2) = imread BW1 (text.tif) BW2 = applylut (BW1. lut) imshow (BW1) figure, imshow (BW2) related orders : makelut 2. For bestblk Gong
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 417kb Publisher : keke

用基本小波97进行变换wavecdf97(x=imread)-the basic wavelet transform wavecdf97 97 (x = imread)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王雨今

DL : 0
灰度图象的直方图均衡化;梯度;直方图规定化;灰度图象的直方图数据;灰度直接变换:增强对比度-gray image histogram equalization; Gradient; Histogram provisions; Gray image histogram data; Gray direct transformation : Enhanced Contrast
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : yang

实验目的: 1) 图像水平集合 2) 图像加密算法 3) 边缘提取 4) 噪音图像的产生 (2)显示图像,理解图像的模型 (3)使用图像的不同格式,理解图像压缩的意义 (4)对图像做简单的操作 本次实验需要熟练使用以下几个MATLAB命令: imread, imwrite, imshow,figure -Experimental purposes: 1) the level of collection of image 2) image encryption algorithm 3) Edge 4) noise generated images (2) display images, understanding image model (3) the use of images in different formats, understanding the significance of image compression (4) image to do a simple experiment needs to operate the skilled use of the following MATLAB command: imread, imwrite, imshow, figure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : Victor

opencv实现图像处理,显示一个图像矩阵,简单有效-opencv of image processing, display an image matrix, simple and effective
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.64mb Publisher : 李珺

matlab读图像和图像信息,函数imread可以从任何Matlab支持的图像文件格式中,以任意位深度读取一幅图像。-matlab read images and image information, the function imread Matlab support from any image file format to read any bit depth of an image.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher :

DL : 0
open cv 開檔處理 開圖檔 cvLoadImage /* #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED -1 原圖影像 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE 0 灰階 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR 1 彩色 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH 2 任何彩度 #define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR 4 任何彩色 */-open cv open file handle to open drawing cvLoadImage /*# define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_UNCHANGED-1 original gray-scale image# define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE 0# define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR 1 color# define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH 2# define CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR 4 any saturation of any color* /
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 張天彥

DL : 0
imread文件代码,m格式,需要的-imread code,m format,download and check it if need it
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 陈欣
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