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网络控件适用于Delphi6-network controls applicable to Delphi6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : 罗克平

本人初学delphi的网络开发,对许多的东西还不是很通,但这个代码也是呕心(不是恶心:-) )之作!因为初学往往把握不准核心,有缺乏通俗的教材,故而曰:万事开头难! 这个程序的目的:希望能对刚开始学习网络开发得朋友一点提示!了解基本的网络开发流程!学习使用delphi的网络组件! 这个小程序实现了:客户端线服务器的连接,服务器接受后根据客户的要求转发信息,从而实现多个客户端的交流! 这个程序的不足:由于时间仓促仅实现了核心功能,对于像qq那样的注册和管理客户信息都没有完善,但是我认为这与信息的发送是同理的,在以后有时间我会再继续学习完善的! 我的期待:希望大家能给我的程序提点意见,无论是从想法上,还是程序的风格上……只要您说,就是对我的帮助,我会感激不尽的! 使用的组件:IdTCPClient,IdTCPServer -I Beginners network development, many of the right things is still valid, but the code is disgusting (not nausea :-)) of for! Because beginners often not allowed to grasp the core, a lack of common materials, the club said : Everything is hard in the beginning! The purpose of this procedure : The hope is to just start learning network development in a friend suggested 1:00! Basic understanding of the network development process! Delphi learning to use the network components! This small program : client server line connectivity, server customers after receiving the request forward, thereby number of client communication! The procedures are inadequate : only limited time to achieve a core functions, such as qq the registration and management of customer information is not perfect, but I thin
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 572kb Publisher :

多线程 网络传输 开发环境:Delphi7.0+WinXP,没用其他控件(除了Delphi自带的Indy) 传输协议:TCP/IP 客户端一次发送65000字节的包,服务端负责组装并处理数据粘连。 使用ReadBuffer(),Send()函数来接收发送Buffer内字节,这样作的目的是使程序具有更好的灵活性。你可以自定义Buffer内那些字节的含义,例如是字符串、图像、声音、命令等等。 文件的多线程读写采用windows内存映像技术。 关键的服务器处理函数IdTCPServer1Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread)是非线程安全的。如果使用临界区,那么多线程将在这里串行执行,严重降低多线程效率。对此,我采用一个简单的办法,具体可以看程序。-multithreaded network transmission development environment : Delphi7.0 WinXP, useless other controls (except for the Delphi Indy own) transmission protocol : TCP/IP client to send a 65,000-byte packets, the server is responsible for assembling and processing data adhesion. Use ReadBuffer (), Send () function to receive this Buffer byte, for the purpose of this is to make procedures better flexibility. You can define Buffer byte within the meaning of those, such as strings, images, sounds, etc. order. The documents used to read and write multi-threaded windows memory mapping technology. Key server function IdTCPServer1Execute (AThread : TIdPeerThread) non-thread safe. If the use of critical areas, so many threads here on serial implementation, a serious decline in the efficiency of multit
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68kb Publisher : 水滴

delphi indy的深入开发,有详细说明,一定满足你们的要求,主要是网络开发-the in-depth development of a detailed description, you must meet the requirements, mainly network development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 645kb Publisher : 陈果

在盒子里得到了这么多朋友无私的帮助,真的表示感谢!看到很多朋友在寻求多线程网络传输代码,为此,从我开发的网络棋牌游戏中整理出这个献给大家:) 开发环境:Delphi7.0+WinXP,没用其他控件(除了Delphi自带的Indy) 使用协议:TCP/IP 客户端一次发送65000字节的包,服务端负责组装并处理数据粘连。 使用ReadBuffer(),Send()函数来接收发送Buffer内字节,这样作的目的是使程序具有更好的灵活性。你可以自定义Buffer内那些字节的含义,例如是字符串、图像、声音、命令等等。 文件的多线程读写采用windows内存映像技术。 关键的服务器处理函数IdTCPServer1Execute(AThread: TIdPeerThread)是非线程安全的。如果使用临界区,那么多线程将在这里串行执行,严重降低多线程效率。对此,我采用一个简单的办法,具体可以看程序。-be in the box so many friends selfless help and really grateful! Many friends in the search for multi-threaded network transmission code, for from my development of the network and dominoes game sorted out the dedicated people :) development environment : Delphi7.0 WinXP, useless other controls (except for the Delphi Indy own) use agreement : TCP/IP client to send a 65,000-byte packets, the server is responsible for assembling and processing data adhesion. Use ReadBuffer (), Send () function to receive this Buffer byte, for the purpose of this is to make procedures better flexibility. You can define Buffer byte within the meaning of those, such as strings, images, sounds, etc. order. The documents used to read and write multi-threaded windows memory mapping technology. Key server functio
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : tom

P2PChat 点对点聊天工具,QQ穿网关原理,点对点跨网关通信,采用 Indy 的 UDP 组件。 需要改进的地方: 在发送消息的地方如果没有收到消息反馈则重发。 则重发消息,这个只要在Timer的事件里加几行代码就可以了。 在接收端端再做个消息冗余判断。-P2PChat peer-to-peer chat tools, QQ wear gateway theory, point-to-point inter-gateway communications, using Indy components of the UDP. Need to improve the place: send a message in the place If you do not receive feedback information is re-issued. Then re-发消息this as long as the events in Riga Timer few lines of code on it. In the receiving end-to-end message latency to be a judge again.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 449kb Publisher :

Internet Direct(Indy)是一组开放源代码的Internet组件,涵盖了几乎所有流行的Internet协议。Indy用delphi编写,被包含在delphi 6,Kylix 1和C++ Builder 6及以上各个版本的Borland开发环境中。Indy曾经叫做WinShoes(双关于WinSock——Windows的Socket库),是由Chad Z. Hower领导的一群开发者构建的,可以从Indy的站点上找到更多的信息并下载其新版本。到笔者撰写本文时为止,Indy的最新稳定版是9.0.14,Indy 10也进入了Beta测试阶段。-Internet Direct (Indy) is a group of open source Internet components, covering almost all the popular Internet protocol. Indy using delphi to prepare, be included in delphi 6, Kylix 1 and C++ Builder 6 and above the various versions of the Borland development environment. Indy has called WinShoes (double on WinSock- Windows of the Socket Library), by Chad Z. Hower, led a group of developers built from Indy site find more information and download its new version. To the author until the time of writing, Indy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 425kb Publisher : 萧天佑

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 645kb Publisher : alex

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 645kb Publisher : cyber

一个类似indy控件包中的idhttp的控件,支持https协议-A similar package in the indy controls idhttp control, support https protocol
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 72kb Publisher : 付玉水

DL : 0
轻巧的TCP 客户端与服务器端通讯测试套件.可以在两处分别安装客户端与服务器端,就可以测试TCP是否可以通讯了.采用了INDY的TCP套件完成-Lightweight TCP client and server-side communications test suite. Can be installed separately in the two client and server-side, you can test whether TCP can be a communication. INDY uses the TCP package completed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 695kb Publisher : wuyu

DL : 0
Analogue of NuSphere PhpDock commercial application. Tiny portable webserver and embedded IE lets you develop client-side applications in PHP. Compiled application + Delphi source code (requires free Indy component to build).-Analogue of NuSphere PhpDock commercial application. Tiny portable webserver and embedded IE lets you develop client-side applications in PHP. Compiled application+ Delphi source code (requires free Indy component to build).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.75mb Publisher : kzew

Demo Name: Main Author: Ted Rybicki Purpose: Sync up systems and workstations clock through firewalls with socks support. NOTE: You will need to set Name field in IdSocksInfo1 to your socks server for socks support to work correctly. History: Date: 27/10/2002 01:49:13 Checked with Indy version: 9.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Demonstrates a DateTime client getting current date and time from remote DateTimeServer A list of time servers is available at: Demo Name: Main Author: Ted Rybicki Purpose: Sync up systems and workstations clock through firewalls with socks support. NOTE: You will need to set Name field in IdSocksInfo1 to your socks server for socks support to work correctly. History: Date: 27/10/2002 01:49:13 Checked with Indy version: 9.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Demonstrates a DateTime client getting current date and time from remote DateTimeServer A list of time servers is available at:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : rad

此程序是利用DELPHI的INDY通讯控件来进行CLIENT端和SEVER端的通讯-This procedure is the use of DELPHI' s INDY communications CLIENT control to client and client communications SEVER
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 387kb Publisher : alan

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : james

DL : 0
delphi的indy中tcpclient和tcpserver的即时通讯Demo,发现很不错。多学习局域网聊天很有帮助-The indy delphi tcpserver in tcpclient and instant messaging Demo, found very good. LAN chat and more helpful to learn
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 466kb Publisher :

Indy In Depth Indy In Depth
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 631kb Publisher : haha

这是indy控件,方便再delphi中调用这些空间,有兴趣的朋友可以下载(This is the Indy control, convenient to call these spaces in Delphi, interested friends can download)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 937kb Publisher : kingboy

indy10.5.8控件, 1.windows的path路径中增加D7的路径 在启用delphi7时,要能加载dclIndyCore70.bpl这个文件 如果是自动安装,这个文件会拷到C:\windows\system32\dclIndyCore70.bpl,所以不用改path(indy10.5.8 compents In the path path of, the path of D7 is added to enable Delphi7, to be able to load the dclIndyCore70.bpl file if it is automatically installed, and this file will be copied to C:\windows\system32\dclIndyCore70.bpl, so you don't have to change the path)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18.11mb Publisher : bjarvin

DL : 0
example de indy10 in delphi xe7
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.76mb Publisher : rodriguezmar
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