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1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. So When Open WinZip Self-Extractor ==> Don t Infect it. 2. The Virus \"Basic\" Size is 1010 Bytes. -1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extract or Error Occurs. So When Open WinZip Self-Extra Hector ==
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.3kb Publisher : liuyue

截获你的应用程序,调用的,任何输入函数.rar-Catch your application, and invoke any input function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher :

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1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. So When Open WinZip Self-Extractor ==> Don t Infect it. 2. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1010 Bytes. -1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extract or Error Occurs. So When Open WinZip Self-Extra Hector ==
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : liuyue

感染文件程序,从98移植到XP下 单实例,自动获取API-Document procedures for infection, from 98 transplants to XP under the single-instance, automatic access to API
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 依然

应用程序保护器,对软件进行加壳,一旦遭病毒破坏,自动还原。-protect files from virus infect.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 187kb Publisher : nengbang

一个简单的Worm病毒程序,可自动找寻并感染可执行文件-Worm virus, a simple procedure, can automatically find and infect executable files
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lilin

简单的PE病毒,感染当前目录下的.exe文件-sinple PE virus, infect the .exe file under the same directory
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : lianshibo

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ASM纯净,编写的病毒感染的文件、变形入口代码,自己加密等功能,是一种EPO的没有任何病毒签名,都是为了对抗反病毒软件的特征码抗病毒、行为杀毒及虚拟机抗病毒、现有的代码,未提供任何破坏功能,但可以积极的感染可执行文件和感染的文件很难恢复, 请注意除了这事还提供了Ring0功能,主要用于感染运行中的可执行文件-Pure by ASM virus written, has infected file, entry code deformation, oneself encryption, and other functions, is a EPO without any Signature of virus, are designed to confront the antivirus software of flexlm antivirus, behavior antivirus and virtual machine antivirus, existing code Didn t provide any destruction of functions, but can active infect executable files, and infected file is hard to restore, which please note In addition to this thing also provides Ring0 function, mainly for the infection in operation of the executable file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 才昆

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Source code of computer viruses Worm for Windows --------------------------- Hunatcha by Undermine Author s description * Run at every startup * Infect drives & files * P2P Process * Taskkill av The main reason for this virus is to show you how works, so this is why i added that variable. Sorry for the mess but like i said it s mostly to explain my virus. Peoples interessed in this technic should also rewrite DATA d32, in line w32. It also change register usage, but using a more advanced technic update taskkill.-Source code of computer viruses Worm for Windows --------------------------- Hunatcha by Undermine Author s description * Run at every startup * Infect drives & files * P2P Process * Taskkill av The main reason for this virus is to show you how works, so this is why i added that variable. Sorry for the mess but like i said it s mostly to explain my virus. Peoples interessed in this technic should also rewrite DATA d32, in line w32. It also change register usage, but using a more advanced technic update taskkill.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : xvstinsz

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驱动感染 新鲜代码vc 实践编写 virus-virus driver infect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : hongdalee

这是一个感染型的蠕虫病毒,它能感染系统中exe,com,pif,src,html,asp等文件,它还能中止大量的反病毒软件进程并且会删除扩展名为gho的文件,该文件是一系统备份工具GHOST的备份文件,使用户的系统备份文件丢失。被感染的用户系统中所有.exe可执行文件全部被改成可爱金猪的模样。-This is a type of worm virus infection, it can infect the system exe, com, PIF, SRC, HTML, ASP and other documents, it can also stop a lot of anti virus software process and will delete a file with the GHO extension, the file is a backup tool GHOST backup files, backup file system to use households lost. Like all.Exe executable files are converted into a lovely new users in the infected system.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 91kb Publisher : ysxlle
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