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我是从网上收到的,嘻嘻哈哈 -I received from the Internet, laughing and joking
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 116.07kb Publisher : 杨耀

phpmyadmin 是一个用php编写的,可以通过互联网控制和操作mysql。通过phpmyadmin可以完全对数据库进行操作,例如建立、复制/删除数据-phpmyadmin using php is a preparation, via the Internet control and operation mysql. Phpmyadmin completely through the database operations, such as the creation, copy / delete data, etc.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.2mb Publisher :

介绍了delphi中的COM、CORBA与Internet编程并举了一些例子,对于delphi的进一步学习有很大的帮助-introduced delphi of COM, CORBA and Internet programming citing some examples. For further delphi study will be very helpful
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.32mb Publisher : 张超

本软件可用于html网页加密,加密后的网页能够正常在Internet Explorer或者Netscape Navigator浏览,但是源代码无法正常编辑或查看,能够比较有效的保护您的劳动成果。支持单个html文件加密,具有针对性的保护您的重要html文件。同时支持批量html文件加密解密,支持目录及子目录html文件加密解密,更加快捷方便。强大的html文件备份及还原机制及时有效的保护您的原html文件。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 218.28kb Publisher : qianzhifan

声音播放Java小程序 [程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+ [下载源程序] 立即下载 [源码来源] [功能描述] 这是个简单的录音剪辑播放小程序,可以进行一次播放和反复播放。 用法:把ClipControl.class (和conjunction.au声音文件) 放到你的HTML目录中。 HTML文档内容: <applet code=\"ClipControl.class\" width=260 height=40> <param name=clip value=\"\"> <param name=bgcolor value=\"#ffffff\"> <param name=fgcolor value=\"#000000\"> <param name=oninit value=\"load\"> <param name=onstart value=\"play\"> <param name=noplay value=\"false\"> <param name=noloop value=\"false\"> <param name=nostop value=\"false\"> <param name=noload value=\"false\"> <param name=boxplay value=\"false\"> <param name=boxloop value=\"false\"> <param name=boxstop value=\"false\"> </applet>-voice broadcast Java programs [programming language] IE3, IE4, Internet Explorer 5, NS3, NS4 [Download source] download [Source sources] [Description] This is a simple audio clips players small programs, a broadcast and broadcast repeatedly. Usage : put ClipControl.class ( sound files) into your HTML directory. HTML document : lt; Applet code = "ClipControl.class" width = 260 height = 40gt; Lt; Param clip name = value = "" gt; Lt; Param name = value bgcolor = "# ffffff" gt; lt; param fgcolor name = value = "# 000000" gt; lt; param oninit name = value = "load" gt; lt; param onstart name = value = "play" gt; lt; param noplay name = value = "false "gt
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 71.55kb Publisher : 沙雨

windows,unix 组件编程技术COM,CORBA与Internet编程
Update : 2009-08-04 Size : 20.38mb Publisher : large_blueforest

我是从网上收到的,嘻嘻哈哈 -I received from the Internet, laughing and joking
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 116kb Publisher : 杨耀

声音播放Java小程序 [程序语言] IE3, IE4, IE5, NS3, NS4+ [下载源程序] 立即下载 [源码来源] [功能描述] 这是个简单的录音剪辑播放小程序,可以进行一次播放和反复播放。 用法:把ClipControl.class (和conjunction.au声音文件) 放到你的HTML目录中。 HTML文档内容: <applet code="ClipControl.class" width=260 height=40> <param name=clip value=""> <param name=bgcolor value="#ffffff"> <param name=fgcolor value="#000000"> <param name=oninit value="load"> <param name=onstart value="play"> <param name=noplay value="false"> <param name=noloop value="false"> <param name=nostop value="false"> <param name=noload value="false"> <param name=boxplay value="false"> <param name=boxloop value="false"> <param name=boxstop value="false"> </applet>-voice broadcast Java programs [programming language] IE3, IE4, Internet Explorer 5, NS3, NS4 [Download source] download [Source sources] [Description] This is a simple audio clips players small programs, a broadcast and broadcast repeatedly. Usage : put ClipControl.class ( sound files) into your HTML directory. HTML document : lt; Applet code = "ClipControl.class" width = 260 height = 40gt; Lt; Param clip name = value = "" gt; Lt; Param name = value bgcolor = "# ffffff" gt; lt; param fgcolor name = value = "# 000000" gt; lt; param oninit name = value = "load" gt; lt; param onstart name = value = "play" gt; lt; param noplay name = value = "false "gt
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : 沙雨

一个基于COM对象的服务器和客户机程序运行ComClient.exe前,一定要注ComSever.dll,否则会出错。利用OLE自动化编程的实用程序 运行SendTextToWord.exe前,你的计算机中一定要安装Word97字处理软件,否则会出错。编制一个图像浏览器的ActiveX控件将生成的文、ImageViewProj1.inf和ImageViewProj1.htm拷贝到C:\Inetpub\wwwroot目录下,若要在网上浏览,必须启动个人Web管理器。-a COM object on the server and client operating procedures ComClient.exe ago, it must inject ComSever.dll, otherwise they will be wrong. Using OLE Automation Programming utility operations SendTextToWord.exe ago, your computer must install Word97 word processing software, or else be wrong. Preparation of an image browser's ActiveX controls will create the text, ImageViewProj1.inf ImageViewProj1.htm and copied to C : \ Inetpub \ wwwroot directory, in order to browse the Internet, we must start personal Web manager.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.16mb Publisher : 冉杰

Display a Web Page in a Plain C Win32 Application: There are numerous examples that demonstrate how to embed Internet Explorer in your own window. But these examples typically use Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), .NET, C#, or at least the Windows Template Library (WTL) because those frameworks have pre-fabricated "wrappers" to easily give you an "HTML control" to embed in your window. If you re trying to use plain C, without MFC, WTL, .NET, C#, or even any C++ code at all, then there is a dirth of examples and information how to deal with OLE/COM objects such as IE s IWebBrowser2. Here is an article and working example in C to specifically show you what you need to do in order to embed IE in your own window, and more generally, show you how to interact with OLE/COM objects and create your own objects in plain C.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : 刘国栋

SSCOM 串口调试软件 vb 源码 一个串口调试通讯程序。在网上很好用等工具源码。-SSCOM serial debugging software vb source debugging a serial communication program. The Internet is useful tools such as source.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 229kb Publisher : 王林

大学毕业前的最后一学期,在一家公司实习,当时的工作需要用到一些操作系统提供的组件。那时候只知道COM这个名词,并不知道到底是怎么回事,只知道上网到处找别人的源码解决自己的问题;那段日子到现在回忆起来都是灰色的,每天呆坐在电脑前,一个网站一个网站的查找自己需要的源码。但并不清楚自己到底在做什么;那时候对自己能不能成为一个程序员充满了怀疑。在实习结束返校的火车上,一夜间,我把一本《COM本质论》翻看了120多页。当我和当时的女友吹嘘自己一夜可以看100多页书的时候,她马上问我:看懂多少?当时我哑口无言。她忍受不了我那段日子的失落和抱怨,从那时候起,我们结束了那段简短的感情。到如今我还在一个人漂泊着,而上周她成为了别人的妻子。想不到用什么方式去纪念我迄今为止经历过的唯一一段感情,我和她的感情并不完全是因为COM结束的,但由于对COM的迷惑,使我走向了迷茫,失落;对自己失去了信心,在她面前变成了一个悲观失望的人。写这篇文章权当对这份感情的一份纪念吧。 -University graduate, the last one semester, in a corporate internships, then the need to resort to some of the operating system components. COM then only know the term, we do not know is how matter in the end, only know that the Internet only to find that other people's source code to solve their own problems; now those days are remembers Gray, daily sitting on the front of a computer, a web site a site search for the source of their needs. But it is not clear in what to do in the end; Then he can not become a programmer is full of doubts. Back-to-school internship at the end of the train, one night, I put a "COM Essence" going through the more than 120 pages. When my girlfriend and then brag about the night can watch more than 100 pages of the book, she immediately asked me
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : 阳广元

BHO is a simple ATL COM object that Internet Explorer will load each time it runs, i.e. for every instance of Internet Explorer. BHOs run in Internet Explorer’s address space and can perform any operations on available objects (windows, modules etc.). BHOs instantiates and gets destructed with browser’s instance as it is tied to a browser’s main window. If your system has got active desktop enabled the BHO gets instantiated along with the windows explorer as well. To disable the BHO for windows explorer, you can add following code snippet to DllMain, -BHO is a simple ATL COM object that Internet Explorer will load each time it runs, ie for every instance of Internet Explorer. BHOs run in Internet Explorer's address space and can perform any operations on available objects (windows, modules etc.). . BHOs instantiates and gets destructed with browser's instance as it is tied to a browser's main window. If your system has got active desktop enabled the BHO gets instantiated along with the windows explorer as well. To disable the BHO for windows explorer, you can add following code snippet to DllMain.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 龙梦潭

本程序利用钩子捕获星际的IPX网络包,通过替换函数入口的方式转换IPX数据为UDP数据包并发到公网服务端,通过公网实现了如同浩方一样的联机游戏功能,其中的钩子dll框架来自网上一强人,本人修改后实现了星际的互连功能。-procedures for the use of the hook capture the interstellar IPX packet networks, import substitution function through the data conversion IPX UDP packet to the public network with the server. public networks to achieve the same side as the Gallant online games, which hooks dll framework from the Internet a strongman, I revised achieve interstellar interconnection function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 623kb Publisher : qianqian

学习ATL和COM前必须要看的C++,搜集于网上-learning and ATL COM must look at the former C, collected on the Internet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 559kb Publisher : 刘建勋

这是一个串口(com口)的全功能通讯实现的实例,华丽的界面 网上收集而来-This is a serial port (com) are the realization of a fully functional communications examples of gorgeous interface collected from the Internet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.16mb Publisher : martin

网上学生考试系统(cs版) 这是我的毕业设计程序,当时做的时候付出了很大的努力, 也学到很多的东西,算是对所学JAVA知识的一个综合应用吧, 做的过程中在网上找到了很多有用的东西,也深刻体会了网上"淘金"的难度, 所以现在拿出来大家共享资源 开发平台 Eclipse 3.12 数据库 MS Acess2003-online examination system (cs) This is my graduation design procedures so when the time put in a lot of effort and learned a lot of things, Science is on the knowledge of a Java integrated application bar, so the process on the Internet to find a lot of useful things, also aware that the online "gold" difficult, So now take to share resources development platform Eclipse 3.12 Database MS Acess20 03
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 371kb Publisher :

介绍了delphi中的COM、CORBA与Internet编程并举了一些例子,对于delphi的进一步学习有很大的帮助-introduced delphi of COM, CORBA and Internet programming citing some examples. For further delphi study will be very helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20.32mb Publisher : 张超

RS232 Com Prot Test from internet
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : Auron Hsu

DL : 0
VC6.0核心编程。主要涉及到windows消息,框架,mfc库以及相关编程,com,activex技术,数据库技术,网络编程技术。为英文版本。 The 6.0 release of Visual C++ shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++. -VC6.0 core programming. The main news related to windows, framework, mfc library and related programming, com, activex technology, database technology, network programming techniques. For the English version. The 6.0 release of Visual C++ Shows Microsoft s continued focus on Internet technologies and COM, which are key components of the new Windows Distributed interNet Application Architecture (DNA). In addition to supporting these platform initiatives, Visual C++ 6.0 also adds an amazing number of productivity-boosting features such as Edit And Continue, IntelliSense, AutoComplete, and code tips. These features take Visual C++ to a new level. We have tried to make sure that this book keeps you up to speed on the latest technologies being introduced into Visual C++.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.46mb Publisher : 沈浪
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