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功能简介: 可以在程序运行过程中动态完成数学函数表达式字符串的编译执行, 可以带参数,支持布尔运算,定积分 动态生成机器码执行(并带编译优化),不是解释执行,执行速度超快!!! 可以想象,它他用在分形函数上时,可以允许用户自由输入新的方程式!而且速度还超级的快,心动了吧! 数学函数动态编译器类有两个,一个支持的是浮点类型,一个支持的是复数类型 而且同时提供了三种语言的开发支持(进行了封装):Delphi版(C++Builder也可以使用)、VB版(功能有限制)、VC版 为了方便开发,他们都附带提供了各自语言的一个有大量函数的复数函数库; -profiles : in the course of running dynamic mathematical function expression string compiler implementation, can take parameters, support for Boolean operation, the integral implementation of dynamically generated binary (and with compiler optimization) is not explained, it implemented ultrafast speed! ! ! Can imagine, in which he used on fractal function, allows users the freedom to import new formula! But the speed of super fast, echocardiography! Math dynamic compiler Class 2, a floating-point support is a type of support is a complex type at the same time, available in three languages to support the development of (the package) : Delphi version (C Builder can also use), VB version (limited functionality), VC version to facilitate development, provided they are accompanied by their resp
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 386.34kb Publisher : 王晶

用VB实现数值积分的算法集。包括梯形求积法,反常积分,三重积分,龙贝格方法,辛卜生方法等6种方法。-VB numerical integration algorithm set. Quadrature including the trapezoidal method, abnormal integral triple integral, Romberg, Oracle Health means six ways.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李春波

功能简介: 可以在程序运行过程中动态完成数学函数表达式字符串的编译执行, 可以带参数,支持布尔运算,定积分 动态生成机器码执行(并带编译优化),不是解释执行,执行速度超快!!! 可以想象,它他用在分形函数上时,可以允许用户自由输入新的方程式!而且速度还超级的快,心动了吧! 数学函数动态编译器类有两个,一个支持的是浮点类型,一个支持的是复数类型 而且同时提供了三种语言的开发支持(进行了封装):Delphi版(C++Builder也可以使用)、VB版(功能有限制)、VC版 为了方便开发,他们都附带提供了各自语言的一个有大量函数的复数函数库; -profiles : in the course of running dynamic mathematical function expression string compiler implementation, can take parameters, support for Boolean operation, the integral implementation of dynamically generated binary (and with compiler optimization) is not explained, it implemented ultrafast speed! ! ! Can imagine, in which he used on fractal function, allows users the freedom to import new formula! But the speed of super fast, echocardiography! Math dynamic compiler Class 2, a floating-point support is a type of support is a complex type at the same time, available in three languages to support the development of (the package) : Delphi version (C Builder can also use), VB version (limited functionality), VC version to facilitate development, provided they are accompanied by their resp
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 王晶

数据库管理系统(DBMS)是指数据库系统中管理数据的软件系统。DBMS是数据库系统的核心组成部分。对数据库的一切操作,包括定义、更新及各种控制,都是通过DBMS进行的。DBMS总是基于某种数据模型,可以把DBMS看成是某种数据模型在计算机系统上的具体实现。根据数据模型的不同,DBMS可以分成层次型、网状型、关系型、面向对象型等。MS Access 2000就是一种关系型数据库管理系统。 VB+access开发的企业工资管理系统。-Database management system (DBMS) is the database system to manage data, software systems. DBMS is a database system an integral part of the core. All operations on the database, including the definition, update and all kinds of control are carried out through the DBMS. Always based on a DBMS data model, can be seen as a DBMS data model in the computer system on the concrete realization. According to different data models, DBMS can be divided into level-based, network-based, relational, object-oriented type. MS Access 2000 is a relational database management system. VB+ access of enterprises to develop salary management system.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 159kb Publisher : henry

在vb/vc中调用mathlualib.dll中的自定义API计算一些泛函的值,如计算定积分∫[a->b]f(x)dx,计算数项级数∑[n=1->100]f(n)≈∑[n=1->+∞]f(n),计算函数项级数∑[n=1->100]f(n,x)≈∑[n=1->+∞]f(n,x),计算一阶ODEy =fsxy(x,y),y(x_0)=y_0中的y(x),……泛函的自变量在Lua文件里面输入。注意:请不要改变Lua中的函数名fun(x),fan(n),fsx(x),fanx(n,x),fsxy(x,y),这几个泛函自变量的函数名和原型在mathlualib.dll中的自定义API中要经常用到。-In vb/vc call mathlualib.dll calculate some functional value, such as calculating the definite integral ∫ [a-> b] f (x) dx, calculate a number of series Σ [n = 1-> 100] f (n ) ≈ Σ [n = 1-> + ∞] f (n), calculate the function key series Σ [n = 1-> 100] f (n, x) ≈ Σ [n = 1-> + ∞] f ( n, x), calculate the first order ODEy = fsxy (x, y), y (x_0) = y_0 of y (x), ... ... functional of the independent variables entered in the Lua files inside. Note: Please do not change the function name in Lua fun (x), fan (n), fsx (x), fanx (n, x), fsxy (x, y), these functional prototype of the independent variables in mathlualib . dll in custom API to be frequently used.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 178kb Publisher : hanxiaohua

Bitmap是VB.NET和C#中处理图像的基础类,用于处理由像素数据定义的图像的对象。 存储灰度图像数据,一维数组存储。对于8位图像,一个像素即是一个字节。每行存储的字节数必须是4的整倍数,需要时添加适当字节。-Bitmap is VB.NET and C# base class in the image processing for processing an image defined by pixel data of the object. Grayscale image data storage, one-dimensional array storage. For 8-bit image, a pixel that is a byte. The number of bytes stored in each row must be an integral multiple of 4, when required to add the appropriate bytes.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 737kb Publisher : HG
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