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反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 11.91kb Publisher : 晓宁

反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.48kb Publisher : 晓宁

反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.41kb Publisher : 晓宁

DL : 0
g.728的编解码c源码(使用intel的ipp包)堪称效率最高。-g.728 arranges decodes the c source code (to use intel the ipp package) to may be called the efficiency to be highest.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : 刘间

Intel 82559网卡驱动-Intel 82559 Ethernet Driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 428kb Publisher : 布知道

Intel PIII CPU 软件开发手册 描述了Intel IA-32 CPU体系下的程序设计 为Intel公司原著,由三个PDF文件组成,描述了Intel IA-32 CPU体系下的程序设计,分别为: 第一卷:基本体系 第二卷:指令集参考 第三卷:系统编程指南-Intel PIII CPU software development manual describes the Intel IA-32 CPU system of procedures designed to Intel original, by the three PDF files, describing the Intel IA-32 CPU system of programming, as follows : Volume I : Basic System Volume II : Instruction Set reference Volume III : System Programming Guide
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.88mb Publisher :

反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 晓宁

反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 晓宁

反汇编32位intel机器指令的源代码,只写完了80386的指令,没有加入后续指令及浮点指令,不过源代码考虑了可扩展性,可以很容易加入其它指令.由于我还不了解64位的汇编指令,所以没考虑对64位的扩展.反汇编的结果经与W32DASM对比,发现了W32DASM的许多错误,如果发现我的源码译错了请email我(只限80386指令),我的email在源代码文件中-compilation of 32 anti-intel machinery orders source code, only 80,386 finished the instructions not to include follow-up instructions and floating-point instructions, but the source code to consider the scalability, it is very easy to join other directives. Since I do not yet know the compilation of 64 instructions, we had to consider the right 64 expansion. anti-compile the results contrast with the W32DASM found W32DASM many mistakes, I found the source code translation wrong Please email me (only 80,386 directive), I email the source document
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 晓宁

IPP是Intel为PDA等手持设备提供的多媒体库,可以用来处理各种格式的音频视频,同时代码是经过优化的,速度比其他库快好几倍。-Intel IPP for handheld devices such as PDAs for the multimedia library, which can be used to deal with various types of audio and video, while the code is optimized, speed faster than the other for several times.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 299kb Publisher : 郑筱均

intel 的 IJL庫, 主要用於jpeg文件的讀寫-intel IJL the basement, used mainly for document literacy jpeg
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 180kb Publisher : stray109

从结构上来说,实时多任务操作系统包括两部分,一部分为操作系统内核(kernel),即实时执行程序(Real Time Executive:RTX),另一部分是输入输出部分(I/O)(注意开发系统不属于操作系统的范畴);嵌入式系统对I/O的需求通常比较小(无文件系统需求),因此很多实时多任务操作系统本质上就是一个实时执行程序,如AMX(Kadak),VRTX(Microtec),iRMX(Intel)等(这里的X即:eXecutive),如果纯粹从kernel的角度来考察目前流行的各种实时多任务操作系统的性能,它们的效率差别都不大。 在市面上可以得到一些RTX的源代码(有用C实现的,有用汇编实现的,还有用PL/M语言实现的),从internet上也可以荡一些下来(我介绍一个站点,堪称世界电子工程师资源宝库),下面我要介绍的一个RTX版本(我命名为SRTX:short RTX),可以说是RTX中的元老级产品了,来自某研究所,九十年代初他们到美国考察,从美国某公司购得。五年以前,SRTX在国内有售,许多搞工控的研究所利用SRTX开发了一些大型或小型的产品,这里介绍的SRTX我作了一些简化和改动.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : kdo

intel ipp所有信号处理相关的函数与说明,函数很全,本人正在试用,一般的算法都有现成的函数.对于试验阶段的人员来说,能省不少时间.使用起来很方便. Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives for Intel® Architecture-intel ipp all signal processing functions associated with that function is very wide, I is now on probation, the general algorithms are off-the-shelf function. For the pilot phase of personnel, can save a lot of time. very easy to use. Intel ? IntegratedPerformance Primitives for Intel ? Architecture
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.37mb Publisher : 金宋杨

优龙Intel Xscale PXA270 开发平台 LINUX源码, 包括 平台用户手册, PDF原理图, kernel, driver代码. 非常有参考价值.-Intel Xscale PXA270 gifted Liuzhou LINUX-source development platform, including the platform, user manual, PDF schematic diagram, kernel, driver code. A very valuable reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49.21mb Publisher : 刘以续

DL : 0
该代码包为INTEL IXP2400单板的BSP,同时经过修改,可以对MSN和ixf1104做自定义配置-The code package for INTEL IXP2400 veneer of BSP, at the same time modified, you can do on the MSN and ixf1104 custom configuration
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 569kb Publisher : wenlonli

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HEX 转 BIN 程序,弄过单片机的人可能都知道,很多编译器都会编译出一种叫HEX 的文件,这好像是Intel定的一个格式,就是把二进制的机器代码文件以16进制的字符形式(文本)保存,写进cpu或rom前都需要进行转化,此小程序便可完成该任务了。(本人上传代码均为Fwr原创)-HEX to BIN procedures, people get too SCM may all know, a lot of the compiler will compile a document called HEX, which seems to be a format set by Intel, that is, put the binary machine code files with 16 M of characters in the form of [text] preservation, written into the cpu or rom before the need for transformation, this small program will be able to complete the task. [I upload the code are Fwr original]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : fwr

Field: Digital Image Processing i)Reading Hyperspectral Images ii) Reshaping the input images ii) Singular value decomposition using C , Intel OpenCV and Intel MKL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.88mb Publisher : Zmahmood

DL : 0
intel 80386参考手册中文版。我很辛苦才找到的。-intel 80386 Chinese version of Reference Manual. I am very hard to find.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.59mb Publisher : lifeng

Intel Integrated Performance Primitives(ipp)函数范例-Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (ipp) function example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31.54mb Publisher : Louis Fu

本文档是,IA64平台上,Intel关于硬件虚拟化的IO虚拟化的文档——VT-i。-This document is, IA64 platform, Intel IO virtualization on hardware virtualization documents- VT-i.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 378kb Publisher : hezhi08
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