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[Other resourcejinxiaocunguanlixitong

Description: 本文主要介绍了ERP(enterprise resource planning)的有关方面知识,特别是ERP在国内的发展。初步分析了当前务业公司管理方面存在的问题,并介绍了ERP的几项关键技术。ERP的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而具有天然的易用性针对目前务业公司企业内部沟通不良等等问题现状,联系实际情况设计实现了一个以控制物流为主的管理软件。该系统实现了部分ERP的功能,尽力做到降低实施成本,减少实施风险 ,加快实施进度 ,增加投资回报。-This paper introduces the ERP (enterprise resource plannin g) The parties knowledge, in particular in the domestic ERP development. Preliminary analysis of the current sector management aspects of the problem and presented the ERP several key technologies. ERP is the key to all users to cut its applications. therefore, the natural ease of use view of the current sector firms internal problems such as poor communication between the status quo, Contact actual realization of a design to control the logistics-oriented management software. The system has achieved some of the functions of ERP do its best to reduce the cost of implementation, reduce risks and accelerate the pace of implementation increased investment returns.
Platform: | Size: 590683 | Author: 小鱼 | Hits:

[assembly languagemypaulm2

Description: 8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program - provide single step debug, can read internal register and ram -8051 monitor programm : - use external ram to run user program - use eepro m to save user program - provide single step debu g, can read internal register and ram
Platform: | Size: 31203 | Author: 林乙鳴 | Hits:

[WEB CodeOpenSG-1.6.0-StarterGuide

Description: OpenSG is a scenegraph system for realtime rendering, e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is just a library, not a full application. This documentation contains descriptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.-OpenSG is a system for realtime scenegraph rendering. e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is ju st a library, not a full application. This documentation con tains descriptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.
Platform: | Size: 1455149 | Author: 郭家 | Hits:


Description: penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen , as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education ( BMBF), and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivision surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSGPlus are built. It was designed with the following goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms without the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to-use interface. -penMesh is a generic and efficient data str ucture for representing and manipulating poly gonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Comp uter Graphics Group, Technology, Aachen, as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research an d Education (BMBF). and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivi sion surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSG Plus are built. It was designed with the followi Vi goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms w ithout the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to - use interface.
Platform: | Size: 4933806 | Author: lan1301 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrawsource

Description: RawSource (string filename, int width, int height, string pixel_type, int offset) # for loading raw video data # # filename: the raw file e.g. a YUV-file # width, height: you must specify the image dimensions. width is max 2880 # pixel_type: the type of the raw data. An appropriate mapping to AviSynth s internal data is done # supported types: RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, YUYV, UYUV (interleaved) I420, YV12 (planar)
Platform: | Size: 35186 | Author: mysticboy | Hits:

[Search Engine信息检索报告


Information Retrieval (IR) is the discipline that deals with retrieval of unstructured
data, especially textual documents, in response to a query or topic statement, which
be structured, e.g., a boolean expression. The need for effective methods of auto-
mated IR has grown in importance because of the tremendous explosion in the
amount of unstructured data, both internal, corporate document collections, and the
immense and growing number of document sources on the Internet. This report is a
tutorial and survey of the state of the art, both research and commercial, in this
dynamic field. The topics covered include: formulation of structured and unstruc-
tured queries and topic statements, indexing (including term weighting) of docu-
ment collections, methods for computing the similarity of queries and documents,
classification and routing of documents in an incoming stream to users on the basis
of topic or need statements, clustering of document collections on the basis of lan-
retrieving documents.

Platform: | Size: 759430 | Author: fuji246 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmszhongzhilvbo_vc++

Description: 这个一个中值滤波源代码,内部有文档说明,和可执行文件,以及待测图片。-this a median filtering source code, internal documents show that and enforceable document, as well as describing the picture.
Platform: | Size: 157696 | Author: | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjinxiaocunguanlixitong

Description: 本文主要介绍了ERP(enterprise resource planning)的有关方面知识,特别是ERP在国内的发展。初步分析了当前务业公司管理方面存在的问题,并介绍了ERP的几项关键技术。ERP的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而具有天然的易用性针对目前务业公司企业内部沟通不良等等问题现状,联系实际情况设计实现了一个以控制物流为主的管理软件。该系统实现了部分ERP的功能,尽力做到降低实施成本,减少实施风险 ,加快实施进度 ,增加投资回报。-This paper introduces the ERP (enterprise resource plannin g) The parties knowledge, in particular in the domestic ERP development. Preliminary analysis of the current sector management aspects of the problem and presented the ERP several key technologies. ERP is the key to all users to cut its applications. therefore, the natural ease of use view of the current sector firms internal problems such as poor communication between the status quo, Contact actual realization of a design to control the logistics-oriented management software. The system has achieved some of the functions of ERP do its best to reduce the cost of implementation, reduce risks and accelerate the pace of implementation increased investment returns.
Platform: | Size: 590848 | Author: 小鱼 | Hits:

[assembly languagemypaulm2

Description: 8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program - provide single step debug, can read internal register and ram -8051 monitor programm :- use external ram to run user program- use eepro m to save user program- provide single step debu g, can read internal register and ram
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 林乙鳴 | Hits:


Description: OpenSG is a scenegraph system for realtime rendering, e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is just a library, not a full application. This documentation contains descriptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.-OpenSG is a system for realtime scenegraph rendering. e.g. for Virtual Reality applications. It is ju st a library, not a full application. This documentation con tains descriptions of the internal classes and concepts, as well as a tutorial that explains how to use the system.
Platform: | Size: 1455104 | Author: | Hits:


Description: penMesh is a generic and efficient data structure for representing and manipulating polygonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen , as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research and Education ( BMBF), and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivision surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSGPlus are built. It was designed with the following goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms without the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to-use interface. -penMesh is a generic and efficient data str ucture for representing and manipulating poly gonal meshes. OpenMesh is developed at the Comp uter Graphics Group, Technology, Aachen, as part of the OpenSGPlus project, is funded by the German Ministry for Research an d Education (BMBF). and will serve as geometry kernel upon which the so-called high level primitives (e.g. subdivi sion surfaces or progressive meshes) of OpenSG Plus are built. It was designed with the followi Vi goals in mind : Flexibility : provide a basis for many different algorithms w ithout the need for adaptation. Efficiency : maximize time efficiency while keeping memory usage as low as possible. Ease of use : wrap complex internal structure in an easy-to- use interface.
Platform: | Size: 4933632 | Author: lan1301 | Hits:

[Special Effectsrawsource

Description: RawSource (string filename, int width, int height, string pixel_type, int offset) # for loading raw video data # # filename: the raw file e.g. a YUV-file # width, height: you must specify the image dimensions. width is max 2880 # pixel_type: the type of the raw data. An appropriate mapping to AviSynth s internal data is done # supported types: RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, YUYV, UYUV (interleaved) I420, YV12 (planar)
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: mysticboy | Hits:

[Voice CompressG.729

Description: G.729高效的语音压缩编码解码方法,内部包含使用demo程序-Efficient G.729 voice compression codec method, the internal procedures included the use of demo
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: LYF | Hits:

[GPS developgps15book

Description: 芯动G系列OEM中文说明书 GPS 接收机OEM 板中可以将卫星轨道参数、上次定位位置、时间和日期等数据保存在 静态存储器,接收机内部有备用电池来为存储器供电。-Actin core G Series OEM Manual Chinese OEM board GPS receiver can be the satellite orbital parameters, last position location, time and date data stored in static memory, the receiver has an internal memory backup battery for power supply.
Platform: | Size: 529408 | Author: | Hits:


Description: LED数码管也称半导体数码管,是目前数字电路中最常用的显示器件。它是以发光二极管作笔段并按共阴极方式或共阳极方式连接后封装而成的。图5-41所示是两种LED数码管的外形与内部结构,+、-分别表示共阳极和共阴极,a~g是7个笔段电极,DP为小数点。LED数码管型号较多,规格尺寸也各异,显示颜色有红、绿、橙等-LED digital tube, also known as semiconductor digital tube, is currently the most commonly used in digital circuit of the display. It is based on light-emitting diodes for a total sum in accordance with paragraph cathode or anode connected after a total package together. Shown in Figure 5-41 are two LED digital tube shape and internal structure, ,-, respectively, express the total anode and common cathode, a ~ g is the electrode paragraph 7 pen, DP for the decimal point. LED digital tube more models, specifications of different size, indicating the color has red, green, orange, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhp | Hits:


Description: 这是一个很好的学习GSM理论的初级资料,非常实用,是一家国内知名通信公司内部培训资料-This is a very good learning the theory of primary GSM data, very useful, is a well-known communications company internal training materials
Platform: | Size: 412672 | Author: | Hits:

[Technology Management3g

Description: 3G技术普及手册华为内部版 内部文档,对学3g方向的朋友有帮助-Huawei' s 3G technology universal handbook of internal version of the internal documents, to learn 3g direction has Helped Friend
Platform: | Size: 1463296 | Author: | Hits:

[GPS developGPSdemo

Description: gps demo takes internal gps word and writes it to screen
Platform: | Size: 5952512 | Author: griim | Hits:

[assembly languagesdjgkdfh-g

Description: 实验内容:利用C8051F310单片机设计一个LED灯控制器 主要功能和技术指标要求: 1. LED灯外接于P0.0端。 2. LED灯分别按2Hz,1Hz和0.5Hz三种不同频率闪动,各持续10s。 3. 在LED灯开始和停止闪烁时蜂鸣器分别鸣响1次。 4. 利用单片机内部定时器定时,要求采用中断方式 -Experiment: C8051F310 microcontroller design a LED light controller functions and technical requirements: 1. The LED lights external P0.0 end. 2. LED lights press 2Hz flashing 1Hz and 0.5Hz three different frequencies, each continuing 10s. Start and stop flashing LED lights buzzer ringing once. 4 MCU internal timer timing requirements using interrupt
Platform: | Size: 152576 | Author: 刘王幸 | Hits:


Description: msp430内部A/d转换程序 单通道, 多通道(MSP430 internal A/d conversion program single channel, multi channel)
Platform: | Size: 4492288 | Author: 违反 | Hits:
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