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本程序的结构原理如下: 对于每一个用户的请求(Internet 请求,由浏览器发出),本程序将启动两个线程,一个把本地用户的请求数据发送到远程的Internet主机,另一个线程把远程主机的回应数据发送到本地请求用户。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.27kb Publisher : ganchen

vb编写的代理服务器的编程 我们一般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server我们一 般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server 我们一般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server-vb prepared by the proxy server programming we commonly used Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server We commonly use d Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server We commonly used Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.89kb Publisher : 华强

http代理服务器-http proxy server
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 125kb Publisher : 许敬祥

代理服务器(Proxy Server)软件是一种常用的网络软件,常用于网吧、学校、公司等使用局域网的机构中。代理服务器的功能是接受过个客户端的网络请求,分析请求的内容,从远程的服务器上获取信息后返回给客户计算机。本例实现一个比较简单的HTTP代理服务器程序。-proxy server (Proxy Server) software is a common network software commonly used in Internet cafes, schools, companies use LAN institutions. Proxy server function is accepted-client network request, analyze the content of the request from the remote server access to the information and returned to the client computer. The cases to achieve a relatively simple HTTP proxy server.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher :

vb编写的代理服务器的编程 我们一般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server我们一 般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server 我们一般常用的Internet代理服务器是用微软的Proxy Server 2.0 。但我们可以自己动手编写一个简单、小型的Proxy Server-vb prepared by the proxy server programming we commonly used Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server We commonly use d Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server We commonly used Internet proxy server is Microsoft's Proxy Server 2.0. But we can prepare yourself a simple, small Proxy Server
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 华强

HTTP是一个基于文本的协议,用于通过Web浏览器来检索Web页面。大多数情况下,如果你位于一个局域网连接时,你是在一个代理服务器之后;这个代理服务器在某一端口运行一个HTTP代理。在你的Internet Explorer的连接选项中,你可以按需要说明局域网的设置。这个代理服务器运行一个基于文本的协议,你只能从外部网格中得到HTTP相关的数据。但注意,有一个小漏洞,通过它你可以穿过HTTP,连接到外部世界,得到任何基于二进制协议的数据,甚至基于你自己的协议。这就是通过HTTPS。-HTTP is a text-based protocol for a Web browser to access Web pages. In most cases, if you are located in a LAN connection, you are after a proxy server; The proxy server port in a run an HTTP proxy. In your Internet Explorer connectivity options, you may press the need to explain LAN configuration. The proxy server running on a text of the agreement, you can only from the outside grid to be related to the HTTP data. But note that there are a small loophole through which you can pass through HTTP, connect to the outside world, any agreement based on the binary data, or even on your own agreement. It is through HTTPS.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17kb Publisher : 高圆圆

此程序是一个FTP代理服务器 将它安装在第三方INternet服务器上,配置好相关参数,它即可以自动实现动态IP情况下的 FTP上传和下载-this procedure is a FTP proxy servers installed in its third INternet server, configure parameters, it can automatically realize that the dynamics of the IP FTP upload and download
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 张红卫

这是一个HTTP代理源程序,我是在网上找到的,Delphi源代码.rar。-This is a HTTP proxy source, I found on the Internet, Delphi source code. Rar.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 陈陈

基于服务方式的http代理 作者:hhkk 目的:因特殊需要,而在网上找了很长时间,好象没有这样的东西 可后来发现好象snake有,呵呵 也就没去弄啦,反正这个也还凑合用 代理的实现部分和服务部分都是用的别人的,如果这个东西对你用,并且你也因为好奇而改进了代码, 也请发一份代码给偶啊 :) -based means of service http Acting Author : hhkk Objective : special needs, and on the Internet for a very long time, it seems there is no such thing seems to be later found a snake, Oh-- also lost obtain it, since this also was modest with the realization of some agents and services are some of the others, if such a thing to you, and you are curious and improve the code, please send a code to the dual ah :)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 136kb Publisher : Pear

灰鸽子是一个远程控制类软件,版本[牵手 2003],与同类软件不同的是采用了“反弹端口原理”的连接方式,因此在互联网上可以访问到局域网里通过 NAT 代理(透明代理)上网的电脑,并且可以穿过某些防火墙! -gray pigeons is a Remote Control Software, Version [hand 2003], and similar software different is the use of a "rebound port principle" for the connection, the Internet access to the LAN through NAT Agents (Transparent Proxy), computers with Internet access, and can wear certain firewall!
Update : 2013-04-20 Size : 15.07mb Publisher : 万万

利用IE上网时,为了避免更换代理代理的麻烦,特开发此软件。该软件在IE工具条上插入具有下拉菜单的按钮,用户可以选择该下拉菜单的选项改变IE代理。-use Internet Explorer, in order to avoid the replacement of Acting Deputy troubles, the development of special software. The software is inserted IE toolbar button in the drop-down menu, users can choose the drop-down menu of options to change IE agents.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 276kb Publisher : 黄向修

一个穿越代理服务器的Visual Basic源码,包括HTTP代理和Socket代理。源码来自互联网。-through a proxy server in Visual Basic source code, including HTTP proxy and Socket agent. Source from the Internet.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : pantheon

设置代理,如果找到一个IP地址,可以通过此程序将IE和FLASHGET设置成HTTP代理,这样可以正常的上网-set up the proxy, and if we find an IP address, This procedure can be IE and FLASHGET configured HTTP proxy, so normal Internet
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 马骏

Delphi版的邮箱搜索程序源代码,功能如下: 可以在因特网上自动搜索邮箱 支持vbscript和javascript脚本语法 允许微调线路设置 允许代理设置/搜索层数设置/工作线程数设-Delphi version of the mail source code search procedures, functions as follows : on the Internet can automatically search and mail support vbscript script syntax allows javascript fine-tuning lines set up to allow Proxy Settings/Search floors set up/set up a few threads
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 248kb Publisher : 李伟

如果在家里有电脑能上网,但是现在没有路由器,此时两台电脑之间可以通过网线直连来上网,但是需要设置代理服务器,此时可以使用CCProxy软件。-If you are at home with a computer access to the Internet, but there is no router, At this time between two computers through a network directly connected to the Internet, but they need to set up the proxy server, CCProxy time can use the software.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 218kb Publisher : guohong

This code is a sample of proxy server purely written in .NET(C#).It s Multi-Threaded and smart enough to accept internet connections from any client in the LAN and the speed is good. So please vote. -This code is a sample of proxy server purely written in.NET (C#). It's Multi-Threaded and sm art enough to accept connections from internet any client in the LAN and the speed is good. So ple ase vote.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 微环境

本程序的结构原理如下: 对于每一个用户的请求(Internet 请求,由浏览器发出),本程序将启动两个线程,一个把本地用户的请求数据发送到远程的Internet主机,另一个线程把远程主机的回应数据发送到本地请求用户。 -Structural principle of this procedure are as follows: For each user s request (Internet request, issued by the browser), this procedure will start two threads, a local user s request data is sent to a remote Internet host, another thread the remote host to respond to data requests sent to local users.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : ganchen

tinyproxy is a small, efficient HTTP proxy daemon. tinyproxy is very useful in a small network setting, where a larger proxy like Squid would either be too resource intensive, or a security risk. One of the key features of tinyproxy is the buffering connection concept. In effect, tinyproxy will buffer a high speed response from a server, and then relay it to a client at the highest speed the client will accept. This feature greatly reduces the problems with sluggishness on the Internet. If you are sharing an Internet connection with a small network, and you only want to allow HTTP requests to be allowed, then tinyproxy is a great tool for the network administrator. -tinyproxy is a small, efficient HTTP proxy daemon. tinyproxy is very useful in a small network setting, where a larger proxy like Squid would either be too resource intensive, or a security risk. One of the key features of tinyproxy is the buffering connection concept . In effect, tinyproxy will buffer a high speed response from a server, and then relay it to a client at the highest speed the client will accept. This feature greatly reduces the problems with sluggishness on the Internet. If you are sharing an Internet connection with a small network, and you only want to allow HTTP requests to be allowed, then tinyproxy is a great tool for the network administrator.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 180kb Publisher : wzq

DL : 0
a litle software to use a internet proxy... very usefuly to get in bloked websites.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 382kb Publisher : Tiago

add proxy free to for you
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 207kb Publisher : ilhamzero
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