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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsmopsoGECCO.tar

Description: The last step in training phase is refinement of the clusters found above. Although DynamicClustering counters all the basic k-means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarity r may require experimentation. Also, a cluster may have a lot in common with another, i.e., sequences assigned to it are as close to it as they are to another cluster. There may also be denser sub-clusters within the larger ones. -The last step in training phase is refinement of the clustersfound above. Although DynamicClustering counters all thebasic k-means disadvantages, setting the intra-cluster similarityr may require experimentation. Also, a cluster mayhave a lot in common with another, ie, sequences assignedto it are as close to it as they are to another cluster. Theremay also be denser sub-clusters within the larger ones.
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