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一个写avi文件的模块,用在IP Camera的录像模块中。读这个源码可以清晰地了解avi文件的结构和生成avi文件的方法-Avi file of a write module, used in the IP Camera video module. Reading the source code can clearly understand the structure and avi files avi to generate documents
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 俞英慧

网络摄像机相关的API源码,对开发ip camera有一定帮助-Network Camera API source code related to the development of a certain ip camera help
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : yq

Camera Vision - video surveillance on C#视频监控的应用程序,适用于IP video cameras -Camera Vision- video surveillance on C# Video surveillance applications, for IP video cameras
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 284kb Publisher : 吕娴娜

Java source code IP Camera project for studying. Java源代碼的IP攝像頭項目的研究。-Java source code IP Camera project for studying. Java source code IP camera project.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 187kb Publisher : HUNG

海思Hi3510 Linux驱动源码,适用于IP camera-Hisilicon Hi3510 Linux driver source code for IP camera
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 104kb Publisher : 孔令鹏

This source code is implementation of grabbing and processing image with OpenCV from IP Camera. The IP camera is accessed using TVideoGrabber library. You can download the trial version free from it official website. Then, you can grab and process the image using OpenCV. It s very useful for mobile and real time image processing
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.31mb Publisher : sunu wibirama

it project source code of video can stream videos through port number n ip can also stream live video using camera n send messages....uses java script
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : suraj

DL : 0
IP camera 嵌入式linux下IP摄像头的开发实例及源码。-IP camera IP camera under embedded linux development of examples and source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 419kb Publisher : hujing

这是近期本人的课题,设置一个远程的摄像头读取功能,上传的是设计好的客户端源码,只要在服务器端安装摄像头,设置端口号和IP就可以远程控制摄像头。-This is a topic I recently set a remote camera to read feature, upload the design of a good client-side source code, as long as the server-side installation of cameras, set the port number and IP cameras can be remotely controlled.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.5mb Publisher : 杜明洲

基于IP的H263视频会议源代码。视频采集部分采用DirectShow实现,可以兼容各种摄像头。-IP-based H.263 video conferencing source code. DirectShow video capture part is achieved, can be compatible with a variety of camera.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : 姜新华

This program is Mpeg4 File player. If you use IP Base Camera, you can play this source code. It s full source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.16mb Publisher : JackOh

TI DM365 IP摄像机全套方案,包括源代码,原理图和PCB图,可用于IP摄像机的直接生产,也可用于重要参考.-TI DM365 IP Camera full program, including source code, schematics and PCB can be used for direct production of IP cameras can also be used for important information.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43.35mb Publisher : 龙腾

网络摄像机开放协议onvif的设备发现源码-ip camera s onvif device discovery source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 414kb Publisher : 霍建立

网络数字摄像机onvif标准的设备发现模块源码,vc6编译过-ip camera device discovery source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 664kb Publisher : 霍建立

DL : 0
C/S结构的VC++视频聊天程序源码,源码可直接在VC6下编译,客户端截图如上示,设置IP和端口,先建立连接,还需要摄像头等设备的配合,关于摄像头方面的实现请参阅其它资料。-C/S structure VC++ video chat program source code, source code can be directly under VC6 compiled client screenshot above shows, set the IP and port, first establish a connection, also need camera first class equipment of the tie, implementation on the camera, please refer to the other data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 150kb Publisher : 梁凌

DL : 0
ipcamera-for-android 手机变成IP Camera,应用程序编程源码,很好的参考资料。-Ipcamera-for-android mobile phone into a IP Camera, application programming source code, a good reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.76mb Publisher : 桂花翅子

通过摄像头就可以在2440上传输视频流,在客户端可以通过iP端口监视视频,这是源码,自己编一下就行了,推荐使用4.4.3的交叉编译-Through the camera can transmit the video stream in the 2440, the client can through the iP port surveillance video, this is the source code, make it on their own line, recommended the use of cross compile 4.4.3
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 977kb Publisher : blue haha

本项目是一个基于安卓的视频直播项目源码,编译安装到手机上后,在电脑上安装vlc播放器,在vlc播放器(媒体-打开串流)里面输入安卓客户端生成的rstp地址点击播放就可以串流你手机摄像头实时看到的东西。前提条件:手机和电脑的ip在同一个网段亲测有效。pydroid-ipcamera这个项目能够将Android设备变成一个漂亮的网络摄像机 ip camera。-This project is a Android based video living broadcast program source code, compile and install to the phone, VLC player installed on the computer, in VLC player (media- Open streaming) inputs inside the Android client generates the RSTP address, click on the broadcast will be able to stream your camera phone in real time to see things. Prerequisite: mobile phone and computer IP pro test in the same network. Pydroid-ipcamera this project will be able to turn the Android device into a beautiful network camera camera ip.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.92mb Publisher : 苗非

本程序在Windows XP、Visual C++6.0版本环境下编译通过。需要rtcdll.dll文件(此文件一般在Windows安装目录下的system32文件夹中)。 另外,MMSYSTEM.H头文件一般在“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98 \Include”目录下(请读者按照自己安装VC++的目录查找)。如果不是完全安装VC++,可能没有这个文件,可在本章源代码光盘中找到该文件。 运行程序需要摄像头和麦克风等设备。(This procedure in Windows XP, Visual version of the C++6.0 compiler environment through. Rtcdll.dll file (this file in the Windows installation directory under the system32 folder). In addition, MMSYSTEM.H generally in the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98 \Include" directory (the reader is installed according to VC++'s own search directory). If it is not fully installed VC++, may not have this file, the file can be found in this chapter source code cd. Program needs to run the camera and microphone and other equipment.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 29.94mb Publisher : vision2sky

200款优秀Android项目源码(三),包括hotel宾馆系统,ImageView 图片循环跑马灯的效果,手机变成IP Camera,防止内存溢出浅析,高仿多米音乐播放器等(200 excellent project source code (three), including the hotel hotel system, ImageView picture marquee loop effect, mobile phone as IP Camera , to prevent memory overflow of high imitation meters music player etc.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 72.12mb Publisher : flashman
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