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从C&C++过渡到Objective-C 对于已经熟悉C++的人来说,从事iPhone开发一开始就陷入过多的Objective-C的细节可能并非好事。 我们希望可以更加关注于iPhone开发特有的东西,快速上手。 下面这些内容可以帮助C++程序员快速获得Objective-C的基本知识,并开始编写和阅读iPhone程序,如果在读别人的程序时,有些语法搞不懂,可以翻查我前面发的那本电子书《<Cocoa入门---使用Objective-C>英文版》(,把其作为参考手册用。 附件内容整理/翻译自《iPhone Open Application Development》( -From the C
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 276kb Publisher : skyge

This an example application that shows how to use OpenAL to play sounds on an iPhone.-This is an example application that shows how to use OpenAL to play sounds on an iPhone.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 484kb Publisher : pablo

iphone条形码识别程序是基于开源程序QR Code Library写成,可以用于iphone开发上面 -This is a 2D barcode reader based on the Open Source QR Code Library [].
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 252kb Publisher : sun wenlong

iphone 应用开发手册第二版,使用object-c语言和xcode开发平台-iPhone Open Application Development Second Edition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 390kb Publisher : 远方

一个IPHONE开源游戏,希望大家喜欢.程序写的不错~-IPHONE open a game, I hope you like. Procedures written in good ~
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.73mb Publisher : lee

iphone下的开源3D游戏引擎,这个不说你也觉得牛吧?不用多说下载吧.-iphone under the open source 3D game engine, this does not say that you also think that cow, right? Needless to say download it.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49.75mb Publisher : lee

SQLite3是一种嵌入式的小型数据库!广泛应用于嵌入式设备中。目前iPhone采用的数据库就是SQLite。所提供的是SQLite的开源代码,对于学习SQLite的人有很大帮助-SQLite3 is a small embedded database! Widely used in embedded devices. IPhone adopted by the current database is SQLite. Is provided by the open-source SQLite, SQLite for those who study are very helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : limingxuananhui

此图书为特价商品,可能会出现部分因出版社库存过久或保存不当造成的如页面轻微折损、纸张稍显陈旧等细小瑕疵,不会影响您的正常阅读。 -iPhone: The Missing Manual Sneak Preview: David Pogue s Favorite iPhone Tricks The iPhone s finger-driven interface seems natural and obvious. But when you really think about it, making it seem that way was no easy task. There are no menus in the iPhone software, for example, and no checkboxes or radio buttons. Everything on the screen has to be big enough for a fleshy fingertip. On the other hand, the finger makes an outstanding pointing device heck, you ve been pointing with it all your life. It s much faster to scroll diagonally with a fingertip, for example, than with fussy adjustments on two different scroll bars. Here, then, are some of the iPhone s unadvertised taps, double-taps, and other shortcuts, all culled from iPhone: The Missing Manual. Double-Tapping Double-tapping is actually pretty rare on the iPhone. It s not like the Mac or Windows, where double-clicking the mouse means "open." On the iPhone, you open something with one tap. A double tap, therefore,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.66mb Publisher : Alvin Wong

ip通过输入ip及端口拨打电话首先打开监听端让别人可以连接,接着可以拨号-ipphoneip通过输入ip及端口拨打电话首先打开监听端让别人可以连接,接着可以拨号 ip by entering the ip and port call first open-ended so that others can be connected to monitor, then you can dial-up
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 225kb Publisher : 刘楠

本书介绍如何在windows 或linux 环境下用eclipse开发iPhone应用程序。实为没有Apple MacOs 操作系统人员的有用资料。-Write native iPhone applications using Eclipse CDT. How Windows and Linux developers can bypass the iPhone SDK and write iPhone apps using open source tools.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 912kb Publisher : 张伟

RakNet is a a cross platform, open source, networking engine for game programmers. This is Indy license version of RakNet. A free Indy license allows you to use RakNet in a single downloadable application for the PC, Mac, iPhone, gPhone, or Linux only, any operating system. May be extended to other platforms upon request
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27.72mb Publisher : charlie

iphone上利用openal播放音乐和录音的实例-iphone on the use of openal playing music and recording instances of
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : falcon

iPhone Open Application Development Second Edition 电子书-iPhone Open Application Development Second Edition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 390kb Publisher : linglei

《iPhone Open Application Development》这本书是一本非常不错开发者需要的书,虽然在体积上是最小的。这本书介绍了在前iPhone SDK时代,运行在iPhone上的Native软件是如何开发出来的。是全球iPhone黑客的一个精华总结。书中介绍了使用Objective-C和iPhone版Mac OS X的编程基础。如果你正打算学习iPhone程序设计,这本书无疑是你学习官方iPhone SDK的一个不可多得的辅助手册。让你对iPhone的OSX有一个更加深刻的了解。适合高级玩家阅读。-" IPhone Open Application Development" This book is a very good developers need to book, although the volume is minimal. This book introduces the era of the first iPhone SDK, run the iPhone' s Native software is how to develop out. Is the essence of the world' s a summary iPhone hackers. The book describes the use of Objective-C and the iPhone version of Mac OS X programming foundation. If you are want to learn iPhone programming, this book is no doubt that you learn the official iPhone SDK in a rare supporting manuals. OSX on the iPhone, you have a more profound understanding. For senior players to read.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 723kb Publisher : skyge

iphone 平台 cocos2d开源2d引擎最新版本 强力推荐 多款苹果appstore的上架游戏使用此引擎 甚至曾经进入top 10-iphone platform, open source 2d engine cocos2d strongly recommended variety of the latest version of the shelves of Apple appstore games use this engine into the top 10 ... or even once
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.24mb Publisher : afei

openGL ES 官方demo touch fight ,一款用opengles编写的iphone手机游戏,用户通过倾斜手机控制飞机方向,瞄准点击手机屏幕将宇宙空间中的飞机击爆。-openGL ES official demo touch fight, a cell phone with opengles prepared iphone games, cell phone users to control the aircraft by tilting the direction of target hits cell phone screen space in the aircraft hit explosion.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.99mb Publisher : sunjing

一维码、二维码条码识别程序,是google上的一个开源项目。包含java、c、iphone、javame、Android等平台源代码-One-dimensional codes, two-dimensional bar code identification procedures, is an open source project on google. Including java, c, iphone, javame, Android platform source code, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40.51mb Publisher : 盛服

一个基于3g(iphone),用于流媒体播放的开源代码,可在此基础上进行开发-Based on 3g (iphone), for streaming media player open source code can be developed on this basis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30.19mb Publisher : li

DL : 0
Irrlicht (pronounced [ˈ ɪ ɐ ̯ lɪ ç t] in German) is an open source 3D engine written in C++. It is cross-platform, officially running on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows CE and due to its open nature ports to other systems are available, including Xbox, PlayStation Portable,[1] SymbianOS[2] and iPhone.[3]
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : kanur

Iphone Devolopment for mac osx
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 722kb Publisher : girihell
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