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TI MSP430针对cap sense 按键的源码, 可实现单击或滑动键, 如IPOD上的人机接口.-cap against TI MSP430 sense button source, achievable click or sliding key, IPOD as the man-machine interface.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 142.37kb Publisher : 黃大智

TI MSP430针对cap sense 按键的源码, 可实现单击或滑动键, 如IPOD上的人机接口.-cap against TI MSP430 sense button source, achievable click or sliding key, IPOD as the man-machine interface.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 355kb Publisher : 黃大智

ipod MP3 30管脚 接口通信Demp源程序-ipod MP3 30-pin interface communication Demp source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : carlry

DL : 0
ipod 车载控制源码和协议,AVR,atmega32单片几源码和简单接口电路图-ipod car control source and agreements, AVR, atmega32 several single-chip source and a simple interface circuit
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 186kb Publisher : 陈永亮

此文档为IPOD通讯协议硬件接口说明,和我先前上传的IPOD软件说明配合使用,我已经上传,需要的就下吧-This document is for IPOD protocol hardware interface description, and I have to upload that with the use of IPOD software, I have uploaded it on the next needed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.47mb Publisher : 张培卿

IPOD的串行通讯口的控制协议,通过实测其他机器的方式得到。-IPOD serial communication port control protocol, through the measured manner other machines.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 117kb Publisher : 唐先进

IPOD接口的定义, 包括IPOD的通信协议。-IPOD interface definition, including the communication protocol IPOD.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 154kb Publisher : liu

ipodourdev_176702.rar IPOD接口资料IPODSOCKET 需要-ipodourdev_176702.rar IPOD interface information needs IPODSOCKET
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.18mb Publisher : 龙奇文

IPOD接口文档, 与IPOD通信编程必备 -IPOD interface documentation, and programming the necessary communications IPOD
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 937kb Publisher : 董建党

ipod所有版本访问控制协议 ipod 30pin版图 Professional.iPhone.and.iPod.Touch.Programming Professional.iPhone.and.iPod.Touch.Programming-ipod access control protocol for all versions of ipod 30pin layout Professional.iPhone.and.iPod.Touch.Programming Professional.iPhone.and.iPod.Touch.Programming
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13.91mb Publisher : majieo

Using Apple s Cocoa Touch framework, you ll learn how to build applications that respond in unique ways when users tap, slide, swipe, tilt, shake, or pinch the screen. Programming the iPhone User Experience is a perfect companion to Apple s Human Interface Guidelines, and provides the practical information you need to develop innovative applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch, whether you re a CTO, developer, or UI/UX designer. 1. Understand the basics of the Cocoa Touch framework for building iPhone and iPod Touch applications 2. Learn theory and best practices for using Cocoa Touch to develop applications with engaging and effective user interfaces 3. Apply your knowledge of Objective-C to the iPhone/iPod Touch framework 4. Customize standard UIKit views according to Apple s Human Interface Guidelines and usability principles 5. Learn patterns for handling user experience concerns outside of the interface, such as network- and location-awarene-Using Apple s Cocoa Touch framework, you ll learn how to build applications that respond in unique ways when users tap, slide, swipe, tilt, shake, or pinch the screen. Programming the iPhone User Experience is a perfect companion to Apple s Human Interface Guidelines, and provides the practical information you need to develop innovative applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch, whether you re a CTO, developer, or UI/UX designer. 1. Understand the basics of the Cocoa Touch framework for building iPhone and iPod Touch applications 2. Learn theory and best practices for using Cocoa Touch to develop applications with engaging and effective user interfaces 3. Apply your knowledge of Objective-C to the iPhone/iPod Touch framework 4. Customize standard UIKit views according to Apple s Human Interface Guidelines and usability principles 5. Learn patterns for handling user experience concerns outside of the interface, such as network- and location-awareness
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2mb Publisher : THY

IPhone开发指南 开发环境:xCode-IPhone Development Guide To develop iPhone applications, you use Xcode, Apple’s first-class integrated development environment (IDE). Xcode provides all the tools you need to design your application’s user interface and write the code that brings it to life. As you develop your application, you run it on your computer, an iPhone, or an iPod touch.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : Randy

ipod interface for control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.85mb Publisher : auido

IPOD附件接口定义 为开发IPOD附件产品人士提供参考-ipod accessory interface specificaton
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 937kb Publisher : kimyog

ipod accessory protocol interface specification_R38-ipod accessory protocol interface specification
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 498kb Publisher : first_job

iphone accesory interface spec
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.06mb Publisher : cbj

与IPOD接口定义与DIY连接线,这个对相玩IPOD编程的有一定作用-With the IPOD interface definition and DIY cable, the programming of phase play a certain role IPOD
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 389kb Publisher : 小小

ipod协议,ipodAPI,对ipod基本接口命令格式的介绍R25-ipod the agreement, ipodAPI, on the introduction of the basic ipod interface command format R25
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.79mb Publisher : eagle0728

ipod协议,ipodAPI,对ipod基本接口命令格式的介绍R18-ipod the agreement, ipodAPI, on the introduction of the basic ipod interface command format R18
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.68mb Publisher : eagle0728

ipod协议,ipodAPI,对ipod基本接口命令格式的介绍R30-ipod the agreement, ipodAPI, on the introduction of the basic ipod interface command format R30
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.07mb Publisher : eagle0728
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