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[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsknitro-6.0.0-student-LinuxFC3-64.tar

Description: Interior point optimization package (IPOPT)
Platform: | Size: 5917696 | Author: eka | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsIpopt-3.7.0

Description: IPOPT version 3.7, filter Interior Point package
Platform: | Size: 3458048 | Author: eka | Hits:


Description: This package contains an implementation of the Infinite Kernel Learning (IKL) algorithm and the SimpleMKL algorithm. This is realized by building on Coin-Ipopt-3.3.5 and Libsvm.
Platform: | Size: 3456000 | Author: 奕风 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsipopt-3.1.0.tar

Description: 线性、非线性规划的一个算法 ipopt算法,解决非线性优化的一个算法,www.coin.org,非常有效率-ipopt算法,解决非线性优化的一个算法,www.coin.org,非常有效率
Platform: | Size: 1006592 | Author: wxd | Hits:

[Software EngineeringIPOPT_InstallWinMatlab_V0p1

Description: ipopt installation windows
Platform: | Size: 587776 | Author: pspillai | Hits:


Description: Ipopt优化算法包,可以计算非线性最小等最优化问题。-Ipopt optimization package, you can calculate the minimum, such as non-linear optimization problem.
Platform: | Size: 4802560 | Author: phonixJ | Hits:


Description: MATLAB程序。无线传感器节点的定位。-Location of a wireless sensor node
Platform: | Size: 3223552 | Author: 常小凯 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsIpopt-3.12.4

Description: 多约束非线性优化工具箱,内点算法及IPOPT求解NLP问题。-nonlinear optimization,a software library for large scale nonlinear optimization of continuous systems
Platform: | Size: 5038080 | Author: suerlong | Hits:


Description: 该文档为介绍IPOPT软件的指导手册,包含IPOPT的安装、编译、界面描述等内容。IPOPT主要用于求解大规模的非线性问题。-This document is a guide to using Ipopt 3.2.3 (the C++ version of Ipopt). It includes instructionson how to obtain and compile Ipopt, a description of the interface, user options, etc., as well as atutorial on how to solve a nonlinear optimization problem with Ipopt.
Platform: | Size: 482304 | Author: long | Hits:

[Windows DevelopED_using_IPOPT

Description: 基于IPOPT(内点法)求解电力系统经济调度问题,附有算例仿真测试。-The economic dispatch problem is solved by the IPOPT solver and a test system is used for verifying the effectiveness of the method.
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: long | Hits:


Description: 在Python中调用ipopt(内点法最优控制求借钱)的连接器-PyIpopt is a python module that allows you to use IPOPT in Python.
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: neupoineer | Hits:

[File FormatAMPL 教材

Description: AMPL内部培训教材,AMPL(A Mathematical Programming Language)是一种描述并求解大规模复杂数学问题的建模语言。AMPL支持世界上大部分的求解器,如CBC、CPLEX、FortMP、Gurobi、MINOS、IPOPT、SNOPT和KNITRO。AMPL语言的的一个主要的特点是对优化问题的数学表达式的简化,这使得简明地可读地定义优化问题成为可能。(AMPL internal training material, AMPL is a modeling language for describing and solving large-scale complex mathematical problems. AMPL supports most of the solvers in the world, such as CBC, CPLEX, FortMP, Gurobi, MINOS, IPOPT, SNOPT, and KNITRO. A major feature of the AMPL language is the simplification of mathematical expressions for optimization problems, which makes it possible to define optimization problems concisely and in a readable manner.)
Platform: | Size: 3358720 | Author: sake007 | Hits:


Description: 最小二乘法曲线拟合,最小二乘法,曲线拟合(Least squares curve fitting)
Platform: | Size: 2618368 | Author: chendian | Hits:


Description: 斐讯路由器k2可用pandavan,直接在breed中刷入即可(pandavan firmware for phicomm k2)
Platform: | Size: 12668928 | Author: t1393988511 | Hits:

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