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使用Java实现的Graph的迭代加深的深度优先搜索-Graph using Java to achieve iterative deepening depth-first search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : zhangli

最少运算问题 主要是深度优先搜索迭代加深的运用-At least the problem is that computing depth-first search Iterative deepening the use of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 155kb Publisher : 洪宗辉

本人机对弈程序采用了多种搜索算法.以下是本程序主要的类说明: 1.CEveluation类:估值类,对给定的棋盘进行估值. 2.CMoveGenerator类:走法产生器,对给定的棋盘局面搜索出所有可能的走法. 3.CSearchEngine类:搜索引擎基类. 4.CNegaMaxEngine类:负极大值法搜索引擎. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine类:采用了Alpha-Beta剪枝技术的搜索引擎. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine类:fail-softalpha-beta搜索引擎. 7.CHistoryHeuristic类:历史启发类. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine类:带历史启发的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 9.CAspirationSearch类:渴望搜索引擎. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine类:迭代深化搜索引擎. 11.CMTD_fEngine类:MTD(f)搜索引擎. 12.CTranspositionTable类:置换表. 13.CAlphaBeta_TTEngine类:加置换表的Alpha-Beta搜索引擎. 14.CPVS_Engine类:极小窗口搜索引擎. 15.CNegaScout_TT_HH类:使用了置换表和历史启发的NegaScout搜索引擎. 本程序具有悔棋,还原功能,可以记录走法,还可以进行布局.-I machine game program using a variety of search algorithm. The following are the major types of procedures Description: 1.CEveluation categories: valuation category, given the valuation of the chessboard. 2.CMoveGenerator categories: Generator moves on the chessboard of the given situation in search of all possible moves. 3.CSearchEngine categories: search engine base class. 4.CNegaMaxEngine categories: negative maxima method search engine. 5.CAlphaBetaEngine categories: the use of the Alpha-Beta pruning technology search engine. 6.CFAlphaBetaEngine category: fail-softalpha-beta search engine. 7.CHistoryHeuristic categories: history inspired category. 8.CAlphabeta_HHEngine categories: history inspired with Alpha-Beta search engine. 9.CAspirationSearch categories: desire to search engine. 10.CIDAlphabetaEngine categories: iterative deepening search engine. 11.CMTD_fEngine category: MTD (f) search engine. 12.CTr
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 168kb Publisher : 朱雪松

An application that implement Uninformed search algorithms * Breadth-first search * Uniform-cost search * Depth-first search * Depth-limited search (tree and recursive versions) * Iterative deepening search-An application that implement Uninformed search algorithms * Breadth-first search * Uniform-cost search * Depth-first search * Depth-limited search (tree and recursive versions) * Iterative deepening search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 97kb Publisher : amir

这是一个迭代加深, 哈希, A星. 16宫图.的代码.-Iterative deepening search, hash, A star. sisteen crawling picture.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : linlin

Implementing Search in Prolog. How to represent the problem Uninformed Search depth first breadth first iterative deepening search Informed Search Hill climbing Graph Search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : mehdi dehghani

During his long sea voyages, Captain Cook was often absent in the evenings and eventually the crew began to joke that he must have a mistress in his cabin. When they discovered that the Captain had simply been playing this game with the ship s scientists, the game was christened "The Captain s Mistress". ~~ This program uses bitmaps to represent the Board, iterative Search deepening, Alpha-Beta pruning, and Principal Variation search. No positional evaluation is made at the search tree leaves, it simply relies on search depth to find winning combinations. Search depth is about 10 to 12 with a two seconds time check (Advanced level). The program is hard to beat even in Beginner mode. See Screenshot. ~~ Download is 33kB.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : ahmed

DL : 0
迭代加深搜索,实质上是限定下界的深度优先搜索。即首先允许深度优先搜索K层,若没有发现可行解,再将K+1后 重复以上步骤搜索,直到搜索到可行解。-Iterative Deepening Search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 杨晶城

利用A*与迭代加深算法相结合的方式实现十五数码快速求解问题。(Using A* and iterative deepening algorithm to achieve fifteen digital fast solution problem.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : qhyk
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