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Description: 与java中的Log4j很相同的Log4.net最新收集日志的方法-with the very same Log4j Log4.net latest collection of log
Platform: | Size: 3667351 | Author: 蔡宇衡 | Hits:


Description: 阿菜论坛beta-1版java代码-Forum beta-1 version of java code
Platform: | Size: 133983 | Author: 俞佳 | Hits:


Description: yaml是一种对象序列化的格式,jyaml是把java对象序列化成yaml格式的库-yaml object is a sequence of the form jyaml java object is to sequence into the format yaml
Platform: | Size: 41918 | Author: maomao | Hits:


Description: LemonSMS is a component developed in Java that provides a turnkey solution for application developers to incorporate into their Java applications the functionality of sending and processing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS acts as a middleware between a Java application and a GSM Modem or Data enabled phone. Because LemonSMS only provides an interface to the added SMS functionality, your application still handles access to data and business logic tier. With the easy-to-use LemonSMS API, developers can easily utilize SMS functionalities provided by LemonSMS.-LemonSMS is a component developed in Java t hat provides a turnkey solution for applicatio n developers to incorporate into their Java app lications the functionality of sending and pro cessing of incoming SMS messages. LemonSMS act 's as a middleware between a Java application and a GSM Modem or Data enabled phone. Because Lemon SMS only provides an interface to the added SMS f unctionality. your application still handles access to a data nd business logic tier. With the easy-to-use Le monSMS API, developers can easily utilize SMS functionali ties provided by LemonSMS.
Platform: | Size: 137465 | Author: 戴奕 | Hits:


Description: 用java开发的一款软件,支持扫描功能和其他一些网络安全方面的功能.-java development with one of the software, supports scanning function and other network security functions.
Platform: | Size: 71733 | Author: xiaoguang | Hits:

[Develop Toolsopenjms-0.7.7-beta-1-src1

Description: OpenJMS是一个开源的Java Message Service API 1.0.2 规范的实现,它包含有以下特性: *. 它既支持点到点(point-to-point)(PTP)模型和发布/订阅(Pub/Sub)模型。 *. 支持同步与异步消息发送 *. JDBC持久性管理使用数据库表来存储消息 *. 可视化管理界面。 *. Applet支持。 *. 能够与Jakarta Tomcat这样的Servlet容器结合。 *. 支持RMI, TCP, HTTP 与SSL协议。 *. 客户端验证 *. 提供可靠消息传输、事务和消息过滤
Platform: | Size: 1596306 | Author: 辉哥 | Hits:


Description: 有限状态机程序自动生成器可以自动生成C、C++和Java程序。自动生成的程序很容易与程序员自己开发的程序结合。
Platform: | Size: 1268775 | Author: chen168zhen | Hits:


Description: APACHE 公司出的java bean 工具包
Platform: | Size: 635141 | Author: salfdkjaslkdj | Hits:

[Game Programgame_Robocode-setup-1.6.1-Beta-2.jar

Description: java版的坦克大战,可选择已有各种预编程坦克参加战斗。含有专用类库。
Platform: | Size: 4159403 | Author: robin | Hits:

[WEB CodeGVclub v1.0 beta 源代码

Description: 一个论坛的源代码,很有帮助,>> 今晚在线社区 GVclub 由 今晚在线(天津)工作室 出品JSP+JavaBean+msSQL>> GVclub特色说明1.沿袭今晚在线论坛独有的双风格分桢形式2.社区最多可进行3级分类,大部分论坛应该够用了。3.多种发帖类型: 普通帖、积分浏览帖、金钱购买帖、散分(求助)帖、 回复可见帖 4.更贴心得发帖辅助功能,可自动识别URL和图片。5.采用类似今晚在线文章系统的后台管理等级无限级自定义分类,真正适合多用户管理。6.其它基本具备了GVbbs v5.0的全部功能这里不再敖述。>> GVclub v1.0 测试版 开发环境win2003 tomcat-5.5.4 java文件基本都属于手工编写,编译工具netbeans。数据库 ms sql 连接方式 odbc-a forum for the source code and very helpful> tonight online communities online GVclub from tonight (Tianjin) studio produced JSP JavaBean msSQL>> Note 1 GVclub characteristics. This followed a unique online forum-style form of two sub-Lo. Communities up for three classification Most of the Forum should be enough. 3. Posting a variety of types : general security, Integral View proposal, money to buy invitations and scattered (for assistance) invitations and reply can be seen TIE 4. More experience affixed posting ancillary functions that can automatically identify URL and photos. 5. Similar articles online tonight systems management background levels since the unlimited class classification definition, is really suitable for multi-user management. 6. Other basic GVbbs v5.0 wit
Platform: | Size: 136117 | Author: 一一 | Hits:

[Mobile games俄罗斯方块java源代码


Manifest-Version: 1.0 Main-Class: ErsBlocksGame Created-By: 1.4.0-beta (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Platform: | Size: 35687 | Author: zlq000 | Hits:


Description: 阿菜论坛beta-1版java代码-Forum beta-1 version of java code
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: 俞佳 | Hits:

[WEB CodeGVclub v1.0 beta 源代码

Description: 一个论坛的源代码,很有帮助,>> 今晚在线社区 GVclub 由 今晚在线(天津)工作室 出品JSP+JavaBean+msSQL>> GVclub特色说明1.沿袭今晚在线论坛独有的双风格分桢形式2.社区最多可进行3级分类,大部分论坛应该够用了。3.多种发帖类型: 普通帖、积分浏览帖、金钱购买帖、散分(求助)帖、 回复可见帖 4.更贴心得发帖辅助功能,可自动识别URL和图片。5.采用类似今晚在线文章系统的后台管理等级无限级自定义分类,真正适合多用户管理。6.其它基本具备了GVbbs v5.0的全部功能这里不再敖述。>> GVclub v1.0 测试版 开发环境win2003 tomcat-5.5.4 java文件基本都属于手工编写,编译工具netbeans。数据库 ms sql 连接方式 odbc-a forum for the source code and very helpful> tonight online communities online GVclub from tonight (Tianjin) studio produced JSP JavaBean msSQL>> Note 1 GVclub characteristics. This followed a unique online forum-style form of two sub-Lo. Communities up for three classification Most of the Forum should be enough. 3. Posting a variety of types : general security, Integral View proposal, money to buy invitations and scattered (for assistance) invitations and reply can be seen TIE 4. More experience affixed posting ancillary functions that can automatically identify URL and photos. 5. Similar articles online tonight systems management background levels since the unlimited class classification definition, is really suitable for multi-user management. 6. Other basic GVbbs v5.0 wit
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: 一一 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCWC大型商城 v1.5 Beta修正版

Description: 基于jsp+javabean+mysql三层结构的动态购物网站。网站用户接口(即界面)由jsp完成,数据和逻辑处理由beans完成,数据储存由mysql完成。因为beans独立负责处理整个网站的全部数据逻辑运算,所以整个网站的负载量和速度都将大大提高,所以基于这种语言和结构开发的购物系统的优势是其它语言没法比尔的。更重要的是,jsp+bean能够在Apache环境下顺畅地运行,这也是其最大优点之一。这就更进一步保证了网站的稳定性和安全性,而这些,对于一个购物网站来说是非常重要的! 这个版本让大家期待已久了,主要做了以下一些修正: 1.新增产品站内搜索引擎。 2.新增人气商品排行。 3.新增热评商品排行。 4.新增重点推荐产品。 5.删除不太需要的新闻频道。 6.修正后台管理的一些Nullpointexception错误。 7.新增顾客资料修改。 8.新增顾客订单查询。 9.新增后台超级用户和订单管理员管理,方便物流人员独立处理订单。 10.完善了一些购物流程。 快感都市,拥抱激情! 城市WebClub http://www.503room.com 补丁按顺序安装-jsp javabean mysql-based three-tier structure of the dynamic shopping site. Terms of the user interface (interface) from jsp completed and the data processed by the logic and beans completed, data storage by mysql completed. Because beans are independently responsible for the handling of the entire site all the data logic operation, the entire site load and speed will be greatly enhanced, based on the language and structure of the shopping development system with the advantage of other languages can not birr. More importantly, jsp bean to the Apache environment to run smoothly, this is one of its greatest strengths. This site is a further guarantee of stability and security, which, for a shopping site, it is very important! This version so that we have been expecting for a long time, mainl
Platform: | Size: 1087488 | Author: 马光 | Hits:


Description: APACHE 公司出的java bean 工具包-APACHE companies out java bean Toolkit
Platform: | Size: 634880 | Author: salfdkjaslkdj | Hits:

[Game Programgame_Robocode-setup-1.6.1-Beta-2.jar

Description: java版的坦克大战,可选择已有各种预编程坦克参加战斗。含有专用类库。-java version of Tankedaizhan the option to have a variety of pre-programmed to take part in combat tanks. Contains a dedicated class library.
Platform: | Size: 4159488 | Author: robin | Hits:

[WEB Codejeecms-2.0.0-beta-src

Description: JEECSM是JavaEE版网站管理系统(Java Enterprise Edition Content Manage System)的简称。 基于java技术开发,继承其强大、稳定、安全、高效、跨平台等多方面的优点 采用hibernate3+struts2+spring2+freemarker主流技术架构 懂html就能建站,提供最便利、合理的使用方式 强大、灵活的标签,用户自定义显示内容和显示方式 在设计上自身预先做了搜索引擎优化,增强对搜索引擎的友好性 采用伪静态页面技术,可自定义路径结构,无需urlrewrite 轻松建设大规模网站,可通过次级域名建立子站群,各子站后台管理权限分离,全站实现单点登录 -JavaEE version is JEECSM site management system (Java Enterprise Edition Content Manage System) the short title. Java-based technology development, the succession of its strong, stable, safe, efficient, cross-platform, and many other advantages of using hibernate3+ Struts2+ Spring2+ Freemarker mainstream technical architecture建站understand html will be able to provide the most convenient and reasonable use of powerful, flexible labels, user-defined display content and display in the design of its own pre-done search engine optimization, to enhance their search engine friendly pages using pseudo-static technology, can be customized path structure, without urlrewrite easy to build large-scale site, sub-domain name through the establishment of sub-station group, the sub-station management authority background separation, the entire station to achieve single sign-
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: ddc | Hits:


Description: 爪哇流量收分析器.它利用Java的收集流量升高V5环境中V7V8的UDP协议包v9(版本9)来自思科/路由器或nprobe桧.原始数据都可以储存或分析分贝学到JDBC的内容.它可用于大型企业或互联网服务.。-Traffic Analyzer Java collection. It uses the collection of Java increased flow V5 environment V7V8 agreement of UDP packets v9 (Version 9) from the Cisco/juniper routers or nprobe. Raw data analysis can be stored or learned JDBC dB content. It can be used for large enterprise or Internet service..
Platform: | Size: 609280 | Author: 龚小琴 | Hits:


Description: java语言实现的图结构可视化软件。基于Swing实现,实现了多种图形布局算法,提供了可视化图形的api接口-graph visualization tool implemented in java
Platform: | Size: 4327424 | Author: xiaobaixiaobai | Hits:


Description: 纯Java语言操作注册表工具包试用版beta,直接可以作为源码使用-Pure Java Language Operating trial version of Registry Toolkit beta, you can directly use as a source! !
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: zlg | Hits:
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